
In 2017, a man rescued his wife and was disabled in a car accident, and his wife took away the compensation, wife: I don't want to support you

author:Grape micro-reading
In 2017, a man rescued his wife and was disabled in a car accident, and his wife took away the compensation, wife: I don't want to support you
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In 2017, a man rescued his wife and was disabled in a car accident, and his wife took away the compensation, wife: I don't want to support you

In the winter of 2019, in an ordinary family in Lengshuitan, Yongzhou City, Hunan Province, 29-year-old You Jinsong sat in a wheelchair, his eyes full of confusion and sadness.

Three years ago, he was seriously injured in a car accident trying to save his wife, Gao Lan, and ended up with a lifelong disability. thought that this self-sacrificing love could be rewarded, but unexpectedly, after receiving 1.26 million yuan in compensation, married life took a sharp turn for the worse.

His wife, Gao Lan's behavior, suddenly became incomprehensible: squandering indemnities, frequenting high-end venues, and even deliberately alienating her family. Ten years of husband and wife relationship, four young children, and the once sweet life is now only bitter.

The helpless You Jinsong dialed the phone of the mediation column team, hoping to save this precarious marriage. What he doesn't know, however, is that this decision will uncover the inside story of a much more complicated marriage.

In 2017, a man rescued his wife and was disabled in a car accident, and his wife took away the compensation, wife: I don't want to support you

You Jinsong and Gao Lan's love story began ten years ago, when they were both only 19 years old, just in their youth. The two fell in love at first sight and quickly fell in love. Although Gao Lan's parents strongly opposed this marriage, believing that You Jinsong was not highly educated and had an uncertain future, the stubborn Gao Lan still chose to trust his own judgment.

She firmly believes that You Jinsong has the potential to become an excellent man in the end.

Life after marriage is not fairytale-like, but the young couple works together to get through it. You Jinsong failed to go to college, but he broke through the world in the anti-theft network business with his ingenuity.

As their careers prosper, so does their quality of life. After a successful career, You Jinsong purchased a luxury residence with an area of 188 square meters, so that the whole family can live a comfortable life.

In 2017, a man rescued his wife and was disabled in a car accident, and his wife took away the compensation, wife: I don't want to support you

However, the price Gao Lan paid in this marriage was not small. She gave birth to four children in a row, including three daughters and a son, in just a few years.

The age of 20 to 26 should have been the most brilliant golden period of his life, but Gao Lan dedicated it all to his family and children. Pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, and caring for young children take up almost all of her time and energy.

In married life, Gao Lan has also accumulated a lot of grievances. Her mother-in-law often said to outsiders that she "sat at home and did nothing", as if taking care of four children and running the household was not a labor.

Such remarks made Gao Lan feel deeply ununderstood and disrespected. Despite her inner dissatisfaction, she chose to endure in silence and poured all her love into her husband and children.

In 2017, a man rescued his wife and was disabled in a car accident, and his wife took away the compensation, wife: I don't want to support you

Ten years of married life are intertwined with ups and downs. They have experienced the hardships of entrepreneurship together, and also shared the joy of success; There have been disputes over firewood, rice, oil and salt, and I am also happy for the growth of children.

However, no one thought that a sudden accident would completely change this seemingly happy family.

On an ordinary day in 2017, on the streets of Lengshuitan in Yongzhou City, You Jinsong and Gao Lan were strolling home. The couple had just finished running an errand and were talking happily.

However, just as they reached the crossroads not far from home, the gears of fate suddenly turned.

In 2017, a man rescued his wife and was disabled in a car accident, and his wife took away the compensation, wife: I don't want to support you

A runaway car galloped towards them like a wild horse. At the last moment, You Jinsong instinctively pushed his wife away, but he didn't have time to dodge and was caught under the wheel.

The screeching sound of brakes pierced the quiet streets, and the exclamations of passers-by came one after another.

When Gao Lan got up from the ground, she saw her husband lying in a pool of blood. Her world seemed to collapse in an instant, and tears blurred her eyes. The sirens of the ambulance sounded from far and near, and Gao Lan trembled and held her husband's hand, her heart like a knife.

Although she was also slightly injured, she could no longer care about her pain at the moment, and only prayed for her husband's safety.

In 2017, a man rescued his wife and was disabled in a car accident, and his wife took away the compensation, wife: I don't want to support you

However, fate seems to be exceptionally cruel. After You Jinsong was admitted to the hospital, he underwent five thrilling craniotomy surgeries and was hovering on the brink of life and death. Gao Lan waited outside the operating room day and night, her hands shaking every time she signed the surgical consent form.

In those days, she seemed to be ten years older, and there was only deep worry and anxiety in her eyes.

Finally, with the unremitting efforts of medical staff, You Jinsong survived the most dangerous period. However, when he woke up, he found that he had lost sensation in the left half of his body and was diagnosed with a second-degree disability.

This once active and capable man can now only lie in a hospital bed, relying on others to take care of him.

In 2017, a man rescued his wife and was disabled in a car accident, and his wife took away the compensation, wife: I don't want to support you

In the first few months, Gao Lan seemed to be superhuman, taking care of her bedridden husband and juggling four young children. She only slept four hours a day, but she never cried out that she was tired.

You Jinsong looked at his wife's haggard face, and felt both moved and guilty in his heart. He secretly vowed that he must recover as soon as possible and not let his wife work so hard again.

However, as time went on, Gao Lan's attitude began to change quietly. Especially after the compensation of 1.26 million yuan arrived, the change was more obvious. The compensation was divided into three parts: follow-up medical and spiritual solace, maintenance for You Jinsong's mother, and support for four children.

Since Gao Lan has always been in charge of family affairs, and You Jinsong's mother is old, the management of the compensation has been handed over to Gao Lan.

In 2017, a man rescued his wife and was disabled in a car accident, and his wife took away the compensation, wife: I don't want to support you

Who knows, this compensation has become the fuse that triggered subsequent disputes. Gao Lan's behavior began to become incomprehensible: frequent visits to luxury hotels, large purchases of luxury goods, and often even nights.

The originally harmonious family atmosphere began to become tense.

You Jinsong lay on the bed, looking at his wife's back, his heart was full of doubts and uneasiness. He didn't understand why his sacrifice had not been exchanged for deeper affection, but had made them more and more distant from each other.

The car accident not only changed his physical condition, but also acted like a sharp knife that ruthlessly severed the emotional bond between the couple.

In 2017, a man rescued his wife and was disabled in a car accident, and his wife took away the compensation, wife: I don't want to support you

With the change of Gao Lan's behavior, the conflict in You Jinsong's family has become increasingly intensified. The family began to question Gao Lan's use of the compensation money, demanding that she elaborate on where the money went.

However, in the face of doubts, Gao Lan behaved unusually calm, and even a little indifferent.

"I have never abused this money," Gao Lan said calmly, a trace of imperceptible stubbornness flashed in his eyes, "It was all used to protect the children's future."

As an insurance salesman, she explains, she knows the importance of planning ahead. Therefore, she bought an insurance policy for each of her four children and herself, with an annual premium of hundreds of thousands of yuan.

In 2017, a man rescued his wife and was disabled in a car accident, and his wife took away the compensation, wife: I don't want to support you

However, when the family learned that You Jinsong was not on the list of beneficiaries of these insurances, the frustration exploded. What's even more infuriating is that Gao Lan has spent 610,000 yuan of 1.26 million yuan in compensation, leaving less than 650,000 yuan.

Faced with the doubts of his family, Gao Lan finally couldn't help but expose the long-term accumulated dissatisfaction in his marriage. She told about her mother-in-law's prejudice against her, her husband's incomprehension, and her grievances that she had paid silently for the family for many years but was not recognized.

Her eyes glistened with tears, and her voice was full of helplessness and bitterness.

"Do you know how I've been here all these years?" Gao Lan's voice trembled a little, "I have been giving birth and raising children since I was 20 years old, and I have given birth to four in a row.

In 2017, a man rescued his wife and was disabled in a car accident, and his wife took away the compensation, wife: I don't want to support you

You Jinsong lay on the bed, listening to his wife's confession, with mixed feelings in his heart. He realized that perhaps it was his own neglect and incomprehension that led to his wife's abnormal behavior.

However, when he tries to explain and make amends, Gao Lan has already built an invisible wall to isolate their feelings.

At this moment, Gao Lan threw out a decision that shocked everyone: "I want to go out to work, I can't continue like this." This decision was like a bombshell, completely shattering the family's only remaining illusion of harmony.

You Jinsong's mother immediately objected: "Are you going to abandon my son and children? Gao Lan replied firmly: "I'm not abandoning, I'm for the future of this family."

In 2017, a man rescued his wife and was disabled in a car accident, and his wife took away the compensation, wife: I don't want to support you

Now that my family has no financial resources, I have to go out to work.

As the quarrel escalated, the already shaky family relationship completely collapsed. Trust is like a fine glass castle shattered by doubts and disputes.

The once loving husband and wife are now facing each other like strangers, and no one is willing to take a step back.

Faced with a marriage that was about to break down, You Jinsong's family turned to the local judicial office for help. On a gloomy afternoon, the two sides met again in the mediation room, and tension and hostility were in the air.

In 2017, a man rescued his wife and was disabled in a car accident, and his wife took away the compensation, wife: I don't want to support you

Gao Lan sat in the corner of the room, expressionless, and his eyes were resolute. She said straight to the point: "I don't want to continue this marriage, and I don't want to take on such heavy family responsibilities anymore."

This sentence was like a hammer, shattering the last hope of the You family.

You Jinsong's mother retorted excitedly: "How can you do this? Jin Song ended up like this in order to save you, but now you want to abandon him? You Jinsong was silent, his eyes full of pain and helplessness.

The mediator of the judicial office patiently explained to the parties the relevant legal issues, in particular the provisions on the distribution of compensation. "During the marriage, compensation for personal injury is not the joint property of the husband and wife," the mediator said.

In 2017, a man rescued his wife and was disabled in a car accident, and his wife took away the compensation, wife: I don't want to support you

After six hours of painstaking negotiations, the two sides finally reached a preliminary agreement. Gao Lan agreed to refund part of the compensation and to consider selling or transferring the jointly purchased property when the youngest child came of age.

The You family pledged to keep in touch with the other four children.

However, just when everyone thought that the problem was about to be solved, Gao Lan put forward new requirements. "I asked the You family to pay 15,000 yuan to my mother as compensation," she said, "and my mother has also paid a lot over the years."

This request completely angered the You family. You Jinsong's mother scolded angrily: "What else do you have to ask for? "The mediation is at an impasse and the two sides are at loggerheads.

In 2017, a man rescued his wife and was disabled in a car accident, and his wife took away the compensation, wife: I don't want to support you

Eventually, the You family decided to take legal action to protect their rights. The mediator reluctantly declares the mediation unsuccessful, and the once loving couple will have to settle their marital problems in court.

When they walked out of the mediation room, Gao Lan and You Jinsong's eyes met in the air, but they quickly staggered. Ten years of relationship came to an end.

On a cold winter day, at the trial scene of the Yongzhou Intermediate People's Court, You Jinsong and Gao Lan, a couple who once loved each other, are now standing on opposite sides.

The atmosphere in the courtroom was solemn, and only the sound of the judge flipping through the documents broke the silence.

In 2017, a man rescued his wife and was disabled in a car accident, and his wife took away the compensation, wife: I don't want to support you

When the judge announced the opening of the trial, the couple, who had been close to each other, began the final confrontation. They argued about the distribution of compensation, the ownership of the property, and the custody of the children.

The once sweet vows have now turned into cold legal provisions.

Eventually, the judge struck the gavel of the verdict. Ten years of marriage came to an end under the witness of the law. When he walked out of the courtroom, Gao Lan glanced back at You Jinsong, who was in a wheelchair, and a trace of imperceptible sadness flashed in his eyes.

And You Jinsong just lowered his head silently, as if bidding farewell to the past ten years.

In 2017, a man rescued his wife and was disabled in a car accident, and his wife took away the compensation, wife: I don't want to support you

This embarrassing story may become a topic of conversation after dinner, but for You Jinsong and Gao Lan, it is an unforgettable life experience. Their marriage, after all, failed to withstand the test of fate.

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