
The 3 zodiac signs that are fierce and vicious and decisive are terrifying, why are they so ruthless

author:Inkblot mood
The 3 zodiac signs that are fierce and vicious and decisive are terrifying, why are they so ruthless

Text|Ink mood

Ink mood


People have the impression that certain zodiac signs seem to be born with a fearsome temperament. They are fierce-hearted, vicious, and decisive, so that people dare not approach easily.

The 3 zodiac signs that are fierce and vicious and decisive are terrifying, why are they so ruthless

This impression often derives from the descriptions of them in ancient astrology and zodiac.

So, which zodiac signs possess this trait? Why are they so ruthless?

Let's analyze these three feared zodiac signs from the perspective of the heavenly and terrestrial branches, the five elements, and the movement of the stars.

Snake: Ruthless and wise as a snake

The 3 zodiac signs that are fierce and vicious and decisive are terrifying, why are they so ruthless

The ancients said: "The snake flies without feet, like a wind." "Snake people are often seen as a combination of wisdom and ruthlessness in traditional Chinese numerology. They are extremely intelligent, strategic, and decisive. But behind this wisdom, there is often ruthlessness and ruthlessness.

The snake belongs to fire in the five elements, fire symbolizes light and passion, but also has the power to destroy. Firesnakes are characterized by their extreme insight and judgment, allowing them to make quick decisions in a rapidly changing situation. Their fierceness is more manifested in the merciless blows to the enemy and the persistent pursuit of their goals. As the so-called "femme fatale", when dealing with conflicts of interest, they often do whatever it takes to show their ruthless side.

Moreover, people born in the Year of the Snake tend to be influenced by Mars, which makes them more impatient and aggressive in their personalities. The energy of Mars gives them a strong sense of action and execution, making them appear decisive in the pursuit of their goals. However, this assertiveness can sometimes be misunderstood as callousness, as they often ignore the human world in the process of achieving their goals.

Tiger: The tiger descends the mountain, and the four directions are shocked

The 3 zodiac signs that are fierce and vicious and decisive are terrifying, why are they so ruthless

"The tiger is coming down the mountain, unstoppable." Tiger people are regarded as a symbol of strength and majesty in traditional Chinese culture. They are brave, resolute, and resolute, often giving people a sense of not being angry and self-assured.

Tiger people belong to wood in the five elements, wood symbolizes growth and vitality, but it also has stormy destructive power. The characteristics of wooden tigers are that they have a strong sense of justice and leadership skills, and often stand up at critical moments and show strong decisiveness. However, this decisiveness also makes them seem fierce and ruthless. When faced with challenges and enemies, they tend to take a tough stance and don't give their opponents any respite.

Moreover, people born in the Year of the Tiger tend to be influenced by Jupiter, which makes them more confident and strong in character. Jupiter's energies give them fearless courage and firm convictions, making them appear resolute in their pursuit of their goals. However, this assertiveness and strength are often misunderstood as ruthlessness, as they often ignore the warmth of interpersonal relationships in the process of achieving their goals.

Dragon: The spirit of a king, decisive and ruthless

The 3 zodiac signs that are fierce and vicious and decisive are terrifying, why are they so ruthless

"Nine days of dragon soaring, unstoppable." Dragons are seen as a symbol of power and majesty in traditional Chinese culture. They are born with the spirit of kings, they are decisive in their work, and their methods are vicious, which is often intimidating.

People who belong to the dragon belong to the earth in the five elements, and the earth symbolizes stability and strength, but it also has a heavy oppressive force. Tulong is characterized by their strong leadership and decision-making skills, and their ability to quickly find the best solution in a complex situation. However, behind this decision-making power, there is often decisiveness and ruthlessness. When dealing with major issues, they often take a tough approach, do not give their opponents any chance, and show a ruthless side.

In addition, people born in the Year of the Dragon tend to be influenced by Saturn, which makes them more steady and decisive in character. Saturn's energy endows them with a strong will and strong execution, making them appear decisive in their pursuit of their goals. However, this assertiveness and determination are often misunderstood as ruthlessness, as they tend to ignore the warmth of human affection in the process of achieving their goals.

The 3 zodiac signs that are fierce and vicious and decisive are terrifying, why are they so ruthless

From the analysis of the three zodiac signs of snake, tiger and dragon, we can see that their fierceness and viciousness are not inherently ruthless, but from their persistent pursuit of goals and decisive response to challenges. In achieving their goals, they demonstrate a strong sense of execution and decisiveness, traits that make them seem ruthless in some cases.

However, as the ancients said, "Things are done by man." "The ruthlessness of these zodiac signs is not unchangeable, and through self-reflection and adjustment, they can also find a balance between decisiveness and warmth, and make their style of doing things more harmonious and harmonious. As the saying goes, "iron men also have tenderness", behind the tenacity and decisiveness, they can also show a warm and caring side. With this balance, they not only succeed in their careers, but also gain more understanding and support in their relationships.

Let's be open-minded and understand the complexities behind these zodiac signs and see their hard work and struggle on the path of life. Underneath their cold and decisive exteriors, they also have a heart that craves warmth and understanding. Through this understanding and empathy, we can find more consensus and support in our interactions with these zodiac signs and move towards a better life.

The 3 zodiac signs that are fierce and vicious and decisive are terrifying, why are they so ruthless