
Tears run! Shi Dakai suffered a thousand knives without making a sound! What kind of perseverance made him withstand Ling Chi?

author:For the historical indicator full high

Stupid negotiating book

On June 5, 1863, Shi Dakai, who had nothing to do, listened to the advice of his subordinates and began to plan negotiations with Wang Yingyuan.

Of course, it is impossible to negotiate face-to-face, but there is always a way, Shi Dakai decided to use the original mailing method commonly used by his predecessors, he wrote a letter and sent someone to shoot it with an arrow.

In the letter, Shi Dakai said that as long as Wang Yingyuan made way for a road, he was willing to pay for the road again, and the offer was quite tempting - two good horses and a thousand taels of platinum. and also promised that if the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom laid down the country in the future, it was indispensable to give him an official and a knighthood.

Tears run! Shi Dakai suffered a thousand knives without making a sound! What kind of perseverance made him withstand Ling Chi?

Don't you just want to get rich, can't you break the disaster and eliminate the disaster? If you don't want to be promoted, you can also make an advance!

Wang Yingyuan replied: NO!

Shi Dakai thought that the price he offered was very high, but he didn't expect that his opponent Luo Bingzhang would open a higher price, not to mention that the official silver was still used by the people.

Wang Yingyuan is not a fool, his abacus is very fine, and he calculates this account very clearly: if he takes Shi Dakai's money to buy the road, Luo Bingzhang's money will be lost; If Shi Dakai is killed, not only will Luo Bingzhang's money be available, but Shi Dakai's money will not be able to run.

As for the official, Wang Yingyuan didn't have much political ideals in the first place, he just wanted to do his own toast, and he would be satisfied when he was a soil overlord. Whether the Taiping Army could survive is still a question, and this blank check is too unreliable. Besides, we will have to rely on the court to take care of it in the future, as for you, Shi Dakai, these outsiders will be killed if they are killed, and there is no need to worry about revenge afterwards.

People are under the eaves and have to bow their heads. If it had been before, where would there be such nonsense with such a little toast! In the face of unprecedented difficulties, Shi Dakai, a generation of heroes, had to bow his noble head and decided to communicate with Wang Yingyuan again - to shoot a book again.

If the last time it was a negotiation, this time it was almost a pleading.

Tears run! Shi Dakai suffered a thousand knives without making a sound! What kind of perseverance made him withstand Ling Chi?

Shi Dakai said in the letter that he would do business with Wang Yingyuan, and let the Taiping army do business with the common people of Xifan, so that he could not attack the Songlin River, and ensure that it was absolutely a fair deal, and Tong Su would not be bullied. He also enlightened Wang Yingyuan and said, in this way, not only will the people earn some extra money, but you can also buy some weapons in my hands to improve your equipment.

When I first saw this letter, I was speechless. I don't understand it, and when I look at it again, I'm still speechless, and I still don't understand.

Shi Dakai, are you dizzy (I was going to write the word "brain dead", I can't bear it)! If you don't give away BMW platinum for nothing, will you exchange it at the same price? Besides, are you leaking military information and saying that you are in a famine? Can that profit-hungry toast still be merciful to you in the snow! If you say that you are strong and strong, and you have enough food and ammunition, maybe Wang Yingyuan will have to weigh the pros and cons, and you will have to weigh how much, now you can't even eat enough, what kind of business are you talking about? Anyway, if I destroy you, those things are still my trophies?

With Shi Dakai's shrewdness and intelligence, he really shouldn't do such a stupid thing, and he must have responded to the old saying - caring is chaos, and profit makes wisdom faint.

Shi Dakai felt sorry for his brothers, and his IQ decreased, which can be regarded as excusable. But no matter how confused you are, you can't sell your weapons for food and let people "improve" their equipment to fight you? You don't want to think about who needs to improve the equipment now? If your equipment is better than others, how can even a small pine forest river become an impassable moat?

After the negotiation with Tusi Wang Yingyuan went bankrupt, Shi Dakai did not give up, and even locked the negotiation target on another Tusi - Ling Chengen.

Tears run! Shi Dakai suffered a thousand knives without making a sound! What kind of perseverance made him withstand Ling Chi?

Shi Dakai once again used the original mail to hand a letter to Ling Chengen, to the effect that as long as you don't attack so fiercely, your subordinates should be merciful and leisurely, you make a price, it's easy to discuss! Speechless.

I almost doubt Shi Dakai's IQ, and I don't know who came up with these bad ideas, but they came up with them! Didn't you say you couldn't hold on! Ling Chengen is even more "reactionary" than Wang Yingyuan, he is determined to destroy you and reap the benefits, don't you just encourage him to intensify his offensive?

Wing King of Wise I, how could you be so confused about this! ("Clever one, confused for a while" seems to be really reliable) Don't you know that it was this hateful guy who blocked your way on the Yue Yu Road in the first place! He dared to do it when you were strong, and now he will allow you a chance to breathe?

It's completely brain-dead! (Can't help it!) Wing King Quanxia has knowledge and hope to forgive me! )

Sure enough, after Ling Chengen received the letter, he didn't even bother to spend the thought of replying to the letter, and directly led his troops to storm Shi Dakai, which can be regarded as showing his attitude.

The two toasts were so stubborn and vicious, Shi Dakai was finally enraged, thinking about how majestic it was to win Hukou and sweep Jiangxi, if it weren't for the tiger falling to Pingchuan, how could I grovel to your two objects and bother to speak!

Since the negotiations can't be negotiated, let's continue to fight!

Shi Dakai ordered all the troops that could fight to enter the battle state, and the troops were divided into two routes, all the way to attack Wang Yingyuan to cross the Songlin River, and all the way to cross the Dadu River on a raft, but they all failed due to the fierce firepower on the opposite bank, and thousands of people fell in front of him.

Tears run! Shi Dakai suffered a thousand knives without making a sound! What kind of perseverance made him withstand Ling Chi?

Zidadi has been trapped for more than ten days, and the Taiping army has long had no rice to cook, so they have to kill horses to satisfy hunger, and the horses are finished eating, and then they can only dig grass roots, peel tree bark, and what can be eaten and what cannot be eaten have become the Taiping army's meal, as long as the poison does not kill people.

Shi Dakai looked at the remaining more than 10,000 hungry and tired brothers around him, and endless guilt rose in his heart again, and he vowed to let these brothers get out alive!

On June 9, 1863, the twenty-sixth day after entering Zidadi, Shi Dakai organized 2,000 elites to take more than 20 rafts, each with 70 or 80 people, and launched a final charge to the Dadu River.

Failure, failure without suspense.

The house leak happened to be rainy, Wang Tusi and the general soldier Xie Guotai of the West Road took the opportunity to cross the Songlin River and took the initiative to attack Zidadi.

These two toasts are really good at picking the time, Shi Dakai has just suffered a defeat, the defenses on both sides have been relaxed, the elite has just suffered losses, and for a while they can't resist the left and right flanking attacks, and the troops have suffered heavy casualties.

Zidadi must not be able to hold it, and it must break through quickly!

But where else can you break through? There is no way out.

To the north is the Dadu River, to the west is the Songlin River, to the south is the pass blocked by thousand-year-old trees, and there are the Western Fan soldiers of Wang Tusi, and to the east is the Chaluo River, and of course, there are the native soldiers of Enchengling.

In addition, there are two Qing troops who have rushed to the south of Zidadi, they are sent by Luo Bingzhang to clean up the mess and grab the battle with Tusi: one is the general Yang Yinggang, who came to assist Enchengling; The other is the guerrilla Wang Songlin, stationed at the South Road Pass to guard it to the death. Please pay attention to these two Qing army generals, they are the last gravediggers of Shi Dakai.

There is really no way out, Shi Dakai has become a turtle in the urn, and he can only do trapped beast fighting here, but as long as you don't give up and don't despair, maybe there will be a glimmer of hope, for the sake of these brothers who were born and died, he must also think so.

Tears run! Shi Dakai suffered a thousand knives without making a sound! What kind of perseverance made him withstand Ling Chi?

Shi Dakai decided to give up Zidadi. It was not advisable to stay here for a long time, the space was too cramped, and the enemy's guns could be put down with a few brothers, so he decisively led the remaining 6,000 brothers to break through to the west.

It was in this life-and-death breakthrough with an uncertain future that Shi Dakai made a major decision that was both admirable and regrettable.

Feed the tiger with your body, and feed the whole three armies

On the night of June 10, 1863, Shi Dakai finally arrived at the Old Crow Vortex Lizi Fort. With the Dadu River to the north, the fierce Lao Ya Whirlpool River to the west, and the fierce pursuers behind him, he had to order his troops to camp temporarily.

Fort Lizi was just a small flat at the confluence of the Dadu River and the Lao Ya Swirl River, and it was difficult for 6,000 people to turn around when they were crowded together, and what was even worse was that the food had already been eaten up, and the troops were already hungry.

Tears run! Shi Dakai suffered a thousand knives without making a sound! What kind of perseverance made him withstand Ling Chi?

Desperate, really desperate!

Fortunately, none of these brothers scolded their mother, and no one regretted it, they have been silently gathered around Shi Dakai, most of them are older than Shi Dakai, but they admire and respect this young man in their hearts, he has a magical personal charm in him, which makes them irresistible, and they are willing to live and die with him.

This kind of charm is not something that can be possessed in a day or two, this is Shi Dakai's commanding talent shown in the cruel war for many years, he is calm and steady in the face of any difficulties, especially his chivalrous pride in treating the soldiers as brothers, and has won the love and respect of these brothers.

There are brothers in life like winged kings, and they deserve to die without regrets!

Tears run! Shi Dakai suffered a thousand knives without making a sound! What kind of perseverance made him withstand Ling Chi?

Shi Dakai was grateful to them in his heart, because of this, he also deeply blamed himself for failing to protect his brother, at this time he held the determination to die, and vowed to break the net with the Qing army, anyway, it was a death, killing one is enough, killing two is profitable!

What made him feel even more guilty was his wife and concubines and children. They followed Shi Dakai from place to place, and several children came to this world on the way to the world, they could have had a carefree childhood like other children, but since they were involved with Shi Dakai, they were unfortunately involved in this war, and their days were destined to be full of unpredictable crises.

Shi Dakai's three wives and concubines were all weeping at this time, they had already felt the breath of death approaching them, but there was no trace of panic on their faces, some were just calm and reluctant, and it was not in vain to be able to have a husband and wife with a strange man like Shi Dakai who was known as the "iron husband"! In order not to drag down their husbands, and to avoid falling into the hands of the Qing army and being humiliated, they held their children and resolutely walked towards the Dadu River, and their beautiful faces disappeared in the dark waves in an instant.

The only thing left is Shi Dakai's eldest son Shi Dingzhong, which is the only blood left by his wives and concubines, and they still hope that he can open a bloody road and leave a little incense for the Shi family while ending their own lives. O these kind women! If you have a wife like this, what more can a husband ask for!

Tears run! Shi Dakai suffered a thousand knives without making a sound! What kind of perseverance made him withstand Ling Chi?

Who says women are inferior to men? These resolute and brave women infected many of the old brothers in Guangxi present, and they also began to walk to the Dadu River in groups. These old brothers who followed Shi Dakai from Guangxi would rather let this refreshing river baptize themselves than fall into the hands of the Qing army and suffer from flesh and soul suffering.

The water of the waves is clear, you can wet me! The water of the waves is turbid, and it can wet my feet!

The generosity of going forward and dying hit the weakest part of Shi Da's happiness: chivalrous feelings. Everyone will be endowed with a unique temperament and talent, some are smart, some are straightforward, some are cunning, and some are fierce. Shi Dakai has an innate chivalrous feeling, and the reason why 4,000 villagers in Guixian County were able to follow this 19-year-old boy to Jintian to make a revolution is inseparable from his righteousness and chivalrous fame.

There are still many legendary stories about Shi Dakai in Guixian. It is said that he liked to make friends with heroes and heroes at that time, and whenever the road was uneven, he would draw a sword to help. The local peasants were often oppressed by the landlords, and during the drought, they could not get water to irrigate the crops.

Local legend also says that there is a strange stone mountain near Shi Dakai's hometown, the mountain gathered a group of bandits composed of poor people, specializing in robbing merchants, Shi Dakai took the initiative to act as a "bodyguard" escort after learning about it, the bandits were furious, came to his house to find fault, Shi Dakai moved out of the family gold and silver: Isn't it just to get some money, take it! If you dare to harm the people again in the future, don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless!

Tears run! Shi Dakai suffered a thousand knives without making a sound! What kind of perseverance made him withstand Ling Chi?

In a desperate situation in Zidadi, Shi Dakai had no good way to save the lives of the soldiers, and a chilling chivalrous feeling rose in his heart, which made him make a bold decision: to feed the tiger with his body and use the whole three armies.

Shi Dakai, who was at the end of the road, after some deep thought, thought that he could save everyone's capital now, and there was only one life-saving straw left.

This life-saving straw is Shi Dakai's own head, which is the only remaining capital in his hand.

Shi Dakai knew that Luo Bingzhang was determined to take his expeditionary force in one pot this time, and this credit was enough to make him crazy, but if he couldn't "capture" himself and "sacrifice prisoners" to the imperial court, he couldn't be regarded as "meritorious".

Since ancient times, the successive dynasties have fought against peasant uprisings, and it is the greatest credit to be able to kill the leader of the rebel army, and if you can capture the other party alive, it is even more worthy of showing off, but these are not as tempting as surrendering, because this is enough to show your strong conquest and deterrence.

After thinking that (this is very important) to get the pulse of Luo Bingzhang, Shi Dakai stood up and said loudly to the soldiers, now that we are in a desperate situation, Luo Demon wants to capture this king alive and quickly, I will fulfill his wish to save the lives of the soldiers of the three armies!

The generals shed tears when they heard this, and tried hard to persuade Shi Dakai not to be whimsical, even if you send it to the door, Luo Demon Head will never spare our lives, it's a big deal that the fish dies and the net is broken, you don't have to bow to the Qing Demon, let's live and die together!

Shi Da was happy, and the generals had no choice but to light the candles, choose a flat big stone, set up the pen and paper, and let the Wing King write a letter to Luo Bingzhang.

The winged king raised the pen and pondered, recalling yesterday's everything, and then thinking about today's tribulations, his heart was full of pride, and the pen walked the dragon and snake, and it didn't take long for the letter to be completed in one go.

Tears run! Shi Dakai suffered a thousand knives without making a sound! What kind of perseverance made him withstand Ling Chi?

The letter was not only written with great momentum, but also with great brilliance, and there was no hint that it was written by a man who had reached the end of his rope. In the letter, Shi Dakai mainly explained a meaning to Luo Bingzhang, saying that he was willing to do a business with him and voluntarily went to Qingying to be bound, on the condition that he let go of the thousands of soldiers under him.

Shi Dakai's righteous thin cloud and heavenly power penetrated the back of the paper, so that Luo Bingzhang couldn't help but secretly be surprised: "Secretly thinking about seeking glory and doing things for the two masters, loyal ministers do not do it, sacrifice their lives to appease the people, and the righteous will do it!" The eldest husband can't open up the territory to serve the country in his life, and he will be ridiculed for a lifetime, and the deceased can be the whole army, so why die! Randa Kaishe's fruit can protect our army, donate his body a little to look up to my lord, although the axe and the axe are combined, death is not humiliating, let the head of the split, righteousness is not hurt. ”

If I don't go to hell, who will?! "Hell is not empty, vow not to become a Buddha" King Bodhisattva, Mahasattva, who feeds tigers with his body, their "compassion" is nothing more than that!

Shi Dakai's letter, which was based on the core meaning of "feeding the tiger with his body and taking the whole three armies", was soon widely spread among the generals of the Qing army, and many people were eager to move and eager to try, thinking that he could capture the 5,000-year-old Wing King of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, a big fish second only to Hong Xiuquan.

Under the temptation of huge interests, a particularly ruthless and vicious web of conspiracy is quietly opening up to Shi Da.

Tears run! Shi Dakai suffered a thousand knives without making a sound! What kind of perseverance made him withstand Ling Chi?

The conspiracy of the villain

There are two key figures in weaving this web of conspiracy, and they are the two middle-level generals of the Qing army who came to reinforce as mentioned above: Yang Yinggang, a staff general (Zheng Sanpin), and Wang Songlin, a guerrilla (from Sanpin).

These two little-known people are the promoters of the third domino in Purple Brown.

After Luo Bingzhang received Shi Dakai's letter, he was really excited for a while, and he thought that if he could catch Shi Dakai, he would not only be able to gain the reputation of capturing the second big man in the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, but also reduce the cost of suppressing the expeditionary force, so that the battle of Sichuan could be "completely won", but after thinking about it carefully, he began to feel a little distressed again.

One of the troubles: Will Shi Dakai be a fraud?

Cases of winning breakout time through bluffs are not uncommon in history. For example, Tang Yizong Xiantong 11 years of Nanzhao invaded Chengdu, but the result was defeated and retreated to Shuangliu County, was blocked by a big river called the new water, in a hurry, the leader of Nanzhao wrote a letter to ask for peace, Tang Jun believed that it was true, so he stopped the attack, and found that the Nanzhao army had disappeared three days later, and then understood that the other party was playing a delaying strategy, and they had used the three days of negotiation to repair the bridge and escape. Luo Bingzhang was worried that this history would be repeated in the Dadu River, and that the front-line generals would let down their vigilance and let Shi Da slip away.

Distress 2: Even if it is a real descent, how does the surrender procedure work?

Shi Dakai is a "giant among thieves", how can he make him believe in his promises? Negotiation is a key link, where is the location of this negotiation determined?

The barracks on both sides were clearly not an ideal place. Luo Bingzhang would never go to Shi Dakai's military camp to take risks, so would Shi Dakai be willing to come to his military camp alone to negotiate? This is what Luo Bingzhang is worried about, if the negotiations cannot be held, Zhao'an will definitely be in vain.

In order to properly accomplish this important task, Luo Bingzhang decided to send a powerful man to Zidadi to handle this matter on his behalf.

Luo Bingzhang took a fancy to Liu Rong, the political envoy of Sichuan, the second-in-command of the Sichuan Suppression General Headquarters.

Tears run! Shi Dakai suffered a thousand knives without making a sound! What kind of perseverance made him withstand Ling Chi?

On June 14, 1863, the day after Liu Rong received the business trip notice, he hurriedly set off from Chengdu to Zidadi, and arrived in Qiongzhou on the third day, where he again received an official letter from Luo Bingzhang from Chengdu, telling him that Shi Dakai had been captured by the front-line generals and asked him to continue to Zidadi to deal with the aftermath.

Only then did Liu Rong know that as early as the day before he received the official letter on a business trip, that is, on June 11, Shi Dakai had been captured by the Qing army.

The reason why this great news, which surprised both Luo Bingzhang and Liu Rong, came so quickly was due to the two little people.

Shi Dakai, the winged king of the Wise I, can be regarded as capsizing in the gutter, and to find out the origin of this matter, we have to start with a conspiracy that has been sealed in the dust for many years.

On June 10, 1863, Shi Dakai broke through to the Lao Ya Vortex River, a place with an unlucky place name, and also reached the end of the strong crossbow, and he ushered in a low point in his life.

Not long after Shi Dakai's wives and concubines committed suicide by throwing themselves into the river, a team of unknown people came to the periphery of the Taiping Army camp in the old crow injection vortex river. The people who came shouted "Surrender to Cheng and avoid death", it seems that it is the Qing army that has been chasing and intercepting them. After the customary shouting, another officer who looked like a leader called out loudly, asking if the Wing King was there, saying that there was something important to discuss.

Tears run! Shi Dakai suffered a thousand knives without making a sound! What kind of perseverance made him withstand Ling Chi?

The damn Qing Demon also deceived people too much, and even ran to the door of the house to shake the hearts of the army! Get out there and kill this son of a bitch! Shi Dakai's generals were so angry that they scolded him, and they wanted to take people out to kill this madman. Shi Dafa stopped the impulsiveness of the generals and instructed them to come in.

Surrounded by the soldiers of the Taiping Army, two Qing army generals dressed in officer uniforms walked into Shi Dakai's temporary headquarters. Walking in front is the general Yang Yinggang, and walking behind is Wang Songlin, the capital division. The enemies were very angry when they saw each other, and the atmosphere of the negotiation meeting was very unfriendly. Yang Yinggang and Wang Songlin appeared to be a little weak among Shi Dakai and the senior generals surrounding him, and the reason why they dared to risk their lives was that in addition to believing in the Chinese nation's fine tradition of "not cutting down the envoys," another important reason was that they firmly believed that Shi Dakai would not let go of this opportunity for negotiations according to the letter written by Shi Dakai to Luo Bingzhang.

Yang Yinggang put forward his own conditions, saying that as long as you lay down your arms and stop resisting, you can not blame the past and the whole army will not die, provided that Shi Dakai is relieved and returns to the field. As soon as the words fell, Shi Dakai's subordinates immediately shouted, and they advised Shi Dakai not to believe the nonsense of the demon villain, and not to be deceived by them. After saying that, he showed the guys one by one and wanted to kill them alive. Seeing this, Yang Yinggang hurriedly pulled Wang Songlin to kneel down in front of the negotiation table, and swore a poisonous oath to the sky, saying that if they had half a lie, they would be struck by thunder from the sky. Shi Dakai didn't want to miss the precious opportunity to rescue his subordinates, so he motioned his subordinates to put away their swords, but when he saw that there were two small radish heads who didn't enter the stream, he said that this matter was very important, and if he was sincere, he would send someone who would be useful.

Tears run! Shi Dakai suffered a thousand knives without making a sound! What kind of perseverance made him withstand Ling Chi?

Seeing this, Yang Yinggang hurriedly agreed, saying that Governor Luo Bingzhang was waiting for his reply. Shi Dakai said that he would personally go to discuss the details with Luo Bingzhang the next day, and after speaking, he personally sent them out of the barracks to prevent the generals from killing the two Qing generals behind his back. The generals once again tried hard to persuade Shi Dakai not to take risks personally, they said that they couldn't bow to the Qing army at all, anyway, it was nothing more than death, and death had to be a happy death. Shi Dakai said that he had made up his mind, and he only waited for the successful negotiation tomorrow so that his brother could come out of his life.

On June 11, 1863, as soon as the sky was bright, Yang Yinggang and Wang Songlin came to the Taiping Army camp of Lao Ya Xuanhe as promised, and they came to welcome Shi Dakai to negotiate with the barracks.

Shi Dakai's spirit was slightly tired, probably because the quality of sleep last night was not high, but his posture was still so upright, this is a strong man.

Shi Dakai didn't dare to count on Yang Yinggang's promise, he didn't dare to expect every word the enemy said to be fulfilled, this may be a deception, a trap, if you don't get it, you will finally respond to the old saying "lose your wife and break your soldiers", even if you lose your life if you are deceived, if you make your subordinates still have to die unjustly in the future, then you will really become a sinner for the ages. After thinking about it, Shi Dakai still decided to go on this trip in person, after all, now he is the seller, and others are buyers, so it is also appropriate to come to the door to talk by himself, who let himself have a request from others? If he didn't go, there was only a dead end waiting for him and his brothers, and it was unknown whether this trip might open a door for his brothers.

If you don't enter the tiger's den, you can get the tiger! In ancient times, Yun Chang went to the meeting alone, and today I am for the sake of my brothers, why can't I go deep into the tiger's den and wolf's den alone!

Tears run! Shi Dakai suffered a thousand knives without making a sound! What kind of perseverance made him withstand Ling Chi?

Yang Yinggang and Wang Songlin saw Shi Dakai walking out of the barracks, and strongly suppressed the strong excitement in their hearts, as well as a trace of nervousness buried in their hearts. It wasn't until Shi Dakai followed them across the cool bridge of the Lao Ya Whirlpool River and came to the camp of the Qing army that they had been tense that their tense nerves slowly relaxed. There were also four people who came to wash Magu with Shi Dakai: Zai Fu Zeng Shihe, Zhongcheng Huang Zaizhong, Encheng Prime Minister Wei Pucheng, and one was his five-year-old son Shi Dingzhong.

Shi Dakai walked into the Qing army camp and found that there were no so-called "big people" waiting for him to negotiate. Facing Shi Dakai's questioning, Yang Yinggang perfunctorily said that the "big man" was on his way and would arrive soon.

Shi Dakai was detained by Yang Yinggang, of course, there was no negotiation, and he was imprisoned in Wang Tong's house on the top of Ximagu Mountain that night. The last 6,000 people of the expeditionary force, some of them were absorbed by Wang Songlin, some were sent home, and the remaining 2,000 taels of old brothers from Guangzhou received a notice to go to Dashubao to wait for processing, and the Qing army lied that this was Shi Dakai's arrangement.

On the top of Ximagu's mountain, Shi Dakai looked very calm, for him, there was nothing shameful about being a "prisoner" of the Qing army, anyway, he had already made up his mind to die, otherwise how could he throw himself into the net and send it to the door? What he was really worried about was whether the thousands of brothers under his command would be able to escape safely and save their lives, and whether the Qing Demon would keep his promise to leave them alive.

In order to ensure the safety of the "extraordinarily serious offenders" and the smooth development of the aftermath work, Yang Yinggang immediately escorted Shi Dakai across the Dadu River and placed him in Tang Yougeng's Anqingba military camp stationed on the opposite bank.

On June 18, 1863, Shi Dakai was escorted to Chengdu again, ready to be handed over to Luo Bingzhang. Two days later, in Rongjing, Shi Dakai finally met the so-called "big man" - Liu Rong.

Tears run! Shi Dakai suffered a thousand knives without making a sound! What kind of perseverance made him withstand Ling Chi?

Liu Rong set off from Chengdu on June 15, and arrived at Rongjing at this time, and happened to meet the legendary Wing King Shi Dakai. According to Luo Bingzhang's explanation, coupled with curiosity, Liu Rong immediately "interrogated" Shi Dakai, he wanted to see what the legendary long-haired leader looked like.

It is not so much an "interrogation" as an "exchange", at least for Shi Dakai, he is here to negotiate, not to beg for his life. After this face-to-face contact, Liu Rong also expressed "great appreciation" for this heavyweight opponent, praising Shi Dakai for his "heroic spirit, which can be seen in the color of words".

Heroic spirit is an innate temperament, even if he is already a prisoner, even if he is at the end of his rope, this temperament will not be weakened at all, because this is a kind of spirit precipitated in the bones. Just like the meaning expressed in the sketch "The Protagonist and Supporting Role" once played by Chen Peisi and Zhu Shimao, the traitor still looks like a traitor when he wears a military uniform, and the Eighth Road still looks like a martial arts team when he wears civilian clothes.

On June 25, 1863, Shi Dakai arrived in Chengdu, and Luo Bingzhang and Chengdu General Chongshi immediately held a joint trial, and in this "grand" interrogation ceremony, Shi Dakai's performance once again convinced them.

Shi Dakai made a gesture to Luo Bingzhang, and he deserved to be a gift of meeting. Luo Bingzhang saw that Shi Dakai was majestic and heroic, so he asked: Are you here to surrender? Do you want to come down?

Shi Dakai resolutely replied: "I came to ask for death, and I also asked for my life as a soldier." Next, Shi Dakai talked eloquently without humility or arrogance, joined the God Worship Society, participated in the revolutionary process since the Jintian Uprising, and vividly popularized a revolutionary history to Luo Bingzhang and others.

Tears run! Shi Dakai suffered a thousand knives without making a sound! What kind of perseverance made him withstand Ling Chi?

Just when Luo Bingzhang and the others listened to it and were impressed, Shi Dakai ended his speech with a brief summary statement: "Since Jintian, I have been the king of the south for more than ten years, and I have slaughtered tens of millions of officials and people. If I die today, I won't be sorry to die! (Written by Du Zhu and Collation of Materials)

Luo Bingzhang admitted afterwards that Shi Dakai "has the spirit of a scumbag, which can be seen in the eyebrows, and it is by no means an ordinary thief" ("Luo Bingzhang's Manuscript"). Liu Rong also made no secret of her admiration for Shi Dakai: "Xiao Jie's strong spirit is overflowing on his face, and his words are neither arrogant nor humble, and he does not wag his tail and beg for mercy." ”

Whether it is a hero or a hero, all in all, in the eyes of Luo Bingzhang, these "enemies", Shi Dakai is also worthy of being a hero of his true colors, a dignified man who stands up to the sky!

After Shi Da finished speaking, he didn't say a word of begging for sympathy and pity, just made a long gesture, and then resolutely walked to the execution ground.

Luo Bingzhang received an order from the imperial court, and in order to prevent prison robbery accidents like those often seen in "Water Margin" on the road, he executed Shi Dakai Lingchi in Chengdu.

Tears run! Shi Dakai suffered a thousand knives without making a sound! What kind of perseverance made him withstand Ling Chi?

was executed by Ling Chi at the same time as Shi Dakai, as well as Zai Fu Zeng Shihe, Zhongcheng Huang Zaizhong, and Encheng Prime Minister Wei Pucheng, who went to the Qing camp to negotiate with him. His son Shi Dingzhong, a five-year-old boy, was an innocent, lively and carefree child, who was also brutally murdered by Luo Bingzhang.

On the Chengdu Kejialing Execution Ground, the executioners lined up, Shi Dakai was calm, calmly watching the executioner's meat cleaver roaming over his body, and never groaned.

This is not like the Guan Gong bone scraping and poison treatment described in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", there is both the anesthesia of wine and the distraction of playing chess, there is only a sharp meat cleaver shining with cold light!

The subordinate who was tortured by Ling Chi with Shi Dakai was named Han Guanhua, and he was really in pain, and he couldn't help but shout loudly for a while, Shi Dakai immediately reprimanded angrily: It's just a meal, I can't bear it! If you can't take it anymore, you'll think we've caught them and we're cutting their flesh with a knife! (Why can't you bear this?) When we think of our generation, it is so deearable! "Modern Chinese History Materials Series: Taiping Heavenly Kingdom")

This kind of "empathy" type of spiritual victory method, of course, cannot be Shi Dakai's trick to overcome the pain of flesh and skin, this is just an emergency strategy he taught his subordinates in a hurry, as for his own self-anesthetized "trick" Even if he says it, his subordinates probably won't be able to comprehend it.

Tears run! Shi Dakai suffered a thousand knives without making a sound! What kind of perseverance made him withstand Ling Chi?

No one wants to live in pain, and no one wants to endure what is the most painful punishment in the world. Some people can overcome the fear of death, but not the fear of pain, when this pain is beyond the limits of human tolerance, and Ling Chi is precisely such a torture that makes people "worse than death" (at least at the time of execution, and of course they will die eventually). In later generations, in order to persuade the other party to surrender, it is said that as long as the procedure and pain of Ling Chi are depicted, the opponent will immediately give in, which is much more effective than other tortures.

It is natural that people who can overcome the fear of this kind of pain, so Guan Gong's romance can be passed down for thousands of years. In the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, Shi Dakai, Lin Fengxiang, and Li Kaifang all overcame this fear, they did not groan, but only calmed and calm that shocked the executioners. In the long history, although such people are rare, they can always be seen in history.

I believe that it must not be that their nerve endings are underdeveloped and they do not feel pain at all, but that there is a mysterious force that supports them, so that they can be proud of this kind of pain that ordinary people cannot bear at all.

This mysterious power is the power of the spirit, or the power of faith. The real pain of a person is not actually physical torture, but spiritual cowardice and "surrender". A person's strength does not lie in his strong physique, but in the fact that he has an incomparably strong will flowing in his blood.

Tears run! Shi Dakai suffered a thousand knives without making a sound! What kind of perseverance made him withstand Ling Chi?

In Shi Dakai's body, there is no doubt that he has a more tenacious will than ordinary people. Since joining the God Worship Cult and the Jintian Uprising, Shi Dakai, who was less than 20 years old, served as the chief general of the Left Army and became the king of the wings, leading his brothers to fight bloody battles against the Qing army for more than ten years. For him, it was all his ideals to overthrow this dark government and establish a Taiping Heavenly Kingdom where the poor were turned over, and he never gave up this ideal until he left Tianjing and began his expedition. Although the idea of seclusion in Guixian was born, it was only a temporary depression when there were repeated setbacks.

Yes, Shi Dakai, like thousands of people, longs for a peaceful and beautiful life. But he will not give up his beliefs and beliefs, he has fought for this ideal all his life, has success, has been brilliant, this is enough, after all, he has fought for the ideal wholeheartedly, this is enough! Come on! You can destroy my body, but if you want to destroy my will and faith, then I advise you to wash it early and dream!

Now the only concern is my more than 6,000 brothers who were born and died with me, are you okay now? And the innocent son who has nothing to do, forgive his father's desperation!

Shi Dakai walked calmly, and his son, who was only five years old, also accompanied him on the road. The 6,000 brothers he had been thinking about were not as he had prayed, and they still could not continue to live peacefully in this world.

The conspiracy on the banks of the Dadu River has not yet ended, and another even bigger conspiracy is brewing at this time, and Shi Dakai's wishful thinking illusion of "feeding the tiger with his body and using the whole three armies" will also be completely shattered in this conspiracy.

Tears run! Shi Dakai suffered a thousand knives without making a sound! What kind of perseverance made him withstand Ling Chi?

The massacre on the banks of the Dadu River

I believe everyone should have seen that Shi Dakai's death was actually due to a clumsy deception.

Yang Yinggang and Wang Songlin ran to Shi Dakai's camp without receiving instructions from their superiors, saying that they were persuaded to surrender according to the leader's intentions, promising that as long as the Taiping army laid down their arms, Shi Dakai could disarm and return to the field, and his soldiers could also avoid death, but these things require you to communicate and negotiate with our leaders in detail, so please go to our military camp for a trip. As a result, Shi Dakai ran to the Qing army barracks, and then was arrested by Yang Yinggang, as for whether the things promised before can be fulfilled, he said that it doesn't count, he has only one purpose, that is, to catch the commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force, the heavyweight "wanted criminal" of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, Shi Dakai, so that he can soar, as for other things such as conscience and the like, he doesn't care.

Even if these two small characters still have a little conscience, it doesn't work, after all, they can't be the master, and they can't make the board. The next thing depends on Luo Bingzhang, in fact, what Luo Bingzhang said doesn't count, the key depends on what the court says, the court's opinion is to open Shi Da on the spot.

Tears run! Shi Dakai suffered a thousand knives without making a sound! What kind of perseverance made him withstand Ling Chi?

Shi Dakai didn't have any hope of living, but he hoped to exchange his death for the lives of his brothers, which was why he was deceived by Yang Yinggang. Otherwise, with his IQ and wisdom, how could he be so easy to fall into the path of these two little minions?

If the two thousand old brothers who were placed in Dashu Fort could survive, if they could get out of the Dadu River alive, Shi Dakai's blood would not be in vain, and it would be worth some gain if he was fooled, otherwise this would be a complete scam.

However, it turned out that Shi Dakai's blood was really in vain, and the two thousand taels of the old brothers of Dashu Fort received instructions from the Qing army that they could not lay down their weapons, but stay in Dashu Fort and wait for their fate.

These two thousand old brothers will not surrender if they are killed, they are grateful to Shi Dakai for his hard work, but to let them lay down their weapons, they can probably only dream, they would rather die standing than kneel and live, not to mention that they don't believe that the Qing court can really let them go, they know that the basic principle that the Qing court has always adhered to is that the "two Guang long hair" must be wiped out, and no one will be left.

June 19, 1863, late at night.

The remaining 2,000 old brothers of the Taiping Expeditionary Force, including the elderly, the wounded, and children, had slept peacefully, and their bodies were on the verge of collapse due to hunger and fatigue, and only those in charge of guarding were still on duty. They had been here for eight whole days, and they had been waiting for the Qing army to "fall" since they came here, although they did not know what was waiting for them in front of them.

Tears run! Shi Dakai suffered a thousand knives without making a sound! What kind of perseverance made him withstand Ling Chi?

The answer they waited for was just four words: keep waiting.

What to wait for?

What awaits them will be a conspiracy, a plot that has long been brewing.

The planning and execution of a conspiracy also takes time, and a lot of preparatory work is required, and until this work is ready, the object of the conspiracy can only be told to wait.

Once the conspiracy is planned and ready, there is no need to wait. Late at night is the best time to carry out a conspiracy, because in addition to letting down one's guard, it can also hide many sins that cannot be seen in the dark.

On the night that Shi Dakai was escorted to Anqing Dam, north of the Dadu River, Tang Yougeng's troops were also assembling at Dashubao.

The silent night sky was pierced by the whistling sound of a rocket rising into the sky.

This is not a festive salute, but a flare to carry out a conspiracy. The Qing army of Tang You's Gengbu and Ling Chengen's Xifan native soldiers who were ambushed around Dashu Fort jumped out of cover together, rushed up to Dashu Fort, and cut down people when they saw them.

Pity the two thousand old brothers of the Taiping Army, all men, women, and children, including the sick number, most of them fell in a pool of blood before they could come to their senses in their sleep.

The principle pursued by the murderer is to cut down the grass and eradicate the roots, leaving no one behind. A few people with a little dexterity on their legs and feet escaped from the big tree fort in the dark, but they were also captured and killed by the search team that cleared the scene later, and 2,000 people did not survive.

The insurmountable moat of the Dashu River was still roaring and roaring at this time, and the rushing river water and the blood of the Taiping army seemed to be telling its anger.

The conspiracy with the theme of sneak attack on the captives has finally come to an end. The mastermind of the conspiracy is Luo Bingzhang, the remote controller is the Qing court, and the implementer is Tang Yougeng.

Tears run! Shi Dakai suffered a thousand knives without making a sound! What kind of perseverance made him withstand Ling Chi?

The so-called conspiracy is a "strategy" planned secretly, and the fatal thing about this strategy is that it can only be done but not said, because most of the formulators and implementers of the conspiracy will be concerned about one problem, that is, the evaluation of history and future generations, like Cao Cao in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", who taught the truth to say "I would rather bear the people of the world than make the people of the world bear me", or like Wu Zetian showed on his tree that "I don't care what you say, go your own way, let you say it" can only be regarded as a case. Ordinary people are not as free and easy as Cao Cao and Wu Zetian, and they still have a sense of fear of the historian's straightforward writing.

Of course, Luo Bingzhang also cares, but he concealed the conspiracy, especially the starting point of the first conspiracy, I am afraid that the main thing is not that he cares about the backbone of the descendants, but has a deeper reason.

This deeper reason hidden behind history can actually be summed up very simply: just two words - interests.

In Luo Bingzhang's view, to fight, of course, we must not get tired of cheating, this is not what our ancestor Sun Wu has always taught us! What is to blame for me to capture the enemy alive with my tricks? As for the Dashubao massacre, everyone in Liangguang and Guangxi "old long hair" was punished, this is also the established national policy of the imperial court, what does it have to do with me?

Because the mastermind of the first conspiracy was not Luo Bingzhang, but two bold little radish heads, in order to ask for merit and reward, he had to say that Shi Dakai "automatically asked for death, with the lives of the whole three armies" as Shi Dakai "greedy for life and afraid of death, and took the initiative to surrender", this small tampering is not too much compared to Saizanne Alai, it is completely something that Luo Bingzhang can do, and it is also the secret of officialdom. But the truth of history often can't be concealed, and it can't be tampered with, the truth is the truth, concealment and processing will always leave its clues, and the iceberg will one day surface, allowing people to see its true face.

Tears run! Shi Dakai suffered a thousand knives without making a sound! What kind of perseverance made him withstand Ling Chi?

In the eyes of many people, Shi Dakai's death was not worth it, because his death did not save the lives of all the soldiers, and the soldiers were even brutally killed by the Qing army before him.

In fact, the law of history is not as particular as doing business is about paying money with one hand and delivering goods with the other. Shi Dakai's move of sacrificing himself to save the three armies obviously cannot be evaluated by the concept of efficiency of investment, and can only be measured by another value standard here. This kind of thing has no weight on the scale, but it is as heavy as a thousand pounds in the heart.

It is conscience and justice.

Shi Dakai threw himself into the Qing camp to die, although he failed to save the lives of the three armies, but he had done his best to the end, including his life, for himself he should die without regrets! If you want to be worthy of your heart, how can you ask everyone to sing it? What I can do for my brothers, that's all, right or wrong, let future generations judge!

Shi Dakai will not be forgotten, his brothers will not, and neither will future generations. Only 40 years after Shi Dakai's righteousness in Chengdu, a handsome man from Sichuan who was only 18 years old wrote a book under the pseudonym of "Pawn of the Revolutionary Army" - "Revolutionary Army", which includes Shi Dakai's famous sentence: "Endure the order to go to the country and be clothed, and be reduced to Yidi; The heroes of the Central Plains are at the same rate, and I am also returning the mountains and rivers".

Tears run! Shi Dakai suffered a thousand knives without making a sound! What kind of perseverance made him withstand Ling Chi?

Shi Dakai's famous sentence also spread quickly throughout the land of China with this best-selling book that was sold out several times (it is said that some people did not hesitate to sell their houses to buy this book at that time, and this book was sold for fifteen taels of silver at its most expensive), inspiring countless people with lofty ideals to join the revolutionary torrent of freedom and democracy, and the Qing government also collapsed eight years later under the purge.

Shi Dakai, who is walking towards the end of his life in conscience and justice, can be described as frank and unconcerned. If you have to say that Shi Dakai still has any worries when he was tortured by Ling Chi, it can probably only be Hong Xiuquan, who is far away in the Tianjing base camp.

My long-lost second brother (the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom is not called brother, the second brother is the special title of Jesus, and you need to avoid it, otherwise you will be "snow in the clouds", that is, beheaded), the seventh brother is on an expedition these days, are you okay in Tianjing?