
All the models of making a lot of money are the same as setting up a stall

author:Xiaomei said popular science


Stalls are a word that everyone is very familiar with, whether in the city or in the countryside, you can see people setting up stalls on the streets, selling fruits, snacks, or household goods.

Some women who are bored with nothing to do at home, their husbands work hard to earn money day by day, and their children are growing day by day, but the generation of my uncle's family has never been able to make a lot of money, why is this?

Now, in fact, whether it is a large company or a self-employed person, in fact, they all make money by selling things or services, in fact, whether they make a lot of money or make a small profit, in fact, the method is the same, that is, selling things and selling services, but because of social changes, the upgrading of life, and the development of science and technology, the way of selling things and selling services has become more and more diversified.

All the models of making a lot of money are the same as setting up a stall

So why do everyone use the word stall to describe themselves, in fact, the reason is very simple, because the money-making model of selling things in this stall is actually exactly the same as the so-called "model of making a lot of money", don't think that some people are because they are more powerful, some people are because they have a deeper background, or some people are talented, they can easily make a lot of money, in fact, the truth is like a piece of sugar, it will not be a sweet, the key is that some people have a clearer understanding of making money, That's why they're just able to make a lot of money.

All the models of making a lot of money are the same as setting up a stall

The essence of business is product, traffic, and conversion.

In fact, when it comes to making money, you will find that it is not how much money you have, how much money you can make, nor how much time you have, how much money you can make, whether you can make money or not, the key is actually whether you can use the right method to find the right industry for yourself, and then, if you find this industry, you have to understand this industry, and then find this industry, you will find that the key is in the product.

That is to say, as long as you find the right industry for yourself, it is not a problem to make a lot of money, because no matter what the industry, the essence of business is the same, the essence of business is products, traffic and conversion, as long as you have your own products, you have the capital to convert, if you have a lot of traffic, you can also choose to let other people's products into your profits.

What is the way the average person makes a lot of money?

So the problem is, people are always thinking, how to make a lot of money, not everyone can be a boss like a boss, but there is no shortage of opportunities to become a boss in society.

Therefore, ordinary people will think that if they want to earn millions a year, they have to be rich and open a store, but the problem is that the business of the store is difficult to do, especially in this era, the store is difficult to survive, not to mention the opening of a store, opening a store is a trivial matter, the key is to open it for a long time, but although it is difficult to open a store, it is not impossible, the key is whether you want to earn a little pocket money, or want to earn 10 million a year.

All the models of making a lot of money are the same as setting up a stall

What about stalls?

This way of making money is actually very eye-catching, there is no threat from the boss, there is no power of the boss, there is no threat from the boss, and the most important thing is to be able to get a lot of profits, but the problem is precisely because too many people know this way, resulting in this way has long been overcrowded, selling food, drinking and selling, no matter what it is, on this street, you can always see, but now this way to make money from stalls is no longer popular, so what is the way to make money from stalls?

That's the ubiquitous and everybody-aware internet around us.

Making a lot of money is nothing more than two words, attracting fans, making money, no one will earn millions from 0 yuan to a year, so when we want to make a lot of money, we have to find more professional people to guide us, and see what methods there are on the Internet to attract fans, common ones are opening live broadcasts, opening Taobao stores, etc., but many people have missed a method called output, an important direction of content creation, and we are also on the Internet, I think everyone has seen it, that is, all kinds of seemingly useless articles, I thought no one was watching the video.

All the models of making a lot of money are the same as setting up a stall

Seemingly useless remarks, in fact, as long as you want to make money, anything is useful, no matter what profession you are, then in your profession, find your outlet, for example, if you are an engineer, you can share how to learn engineering well on the Internet, if you are a doctor, you can share how to care at home on the Internet, if you are a scientist, you can share how to make a frog rhythm on the Internet.

As long as you insist on outputting different content, different opinions, and different points of view every day, you will find that more and more people will come to your column, or your Weibo, or your WeChat, etc., every day, these people will be interested in your content, so they will always follow you, no matter what you say, they will agree with you, and at this time they belong to "your fans".

So when you have more and more fans, you can start to charge, you can charge fans for student fees, or fees for participating in activities, etc., so that you don't need to worry about not making money, because your Weibo account, WeChat public account or column have money to earn, and you don't have to worry about this business for a short time, as long as the content of your column is okay, your Weibo fans will be more and more, and your WeChat fans will be more and more, and your income will be more and more. So as long as the content output of your column is more and more nutritious and useful, then you will have more and more traffic and make more and more money, so this is how ordinary people make a lot of money.

And this way, in fact, is seed marketing, that is, using "free seeds" in exchange for "valuable traffic", no one will help others do business in vain, so you have to give others some returns, and these returns are actually your content, because your content has value, so others are willing to spend money to buy your products, so ordinary people want to make a lot of money, they have to make their content more valuable.

What to write makes a lot of money.

Ladies and gentlemen, when we talk about the content now, some people will begin to wonder, what should I write about the content that will make a lot of money?

Of course, you know that the more expensive you sell, the more you earn, but don't forget, you have to be cheap to sell, so in the matter of writing content, don't really care whether it's expensive or not, what is more important is that you have to write things well, no one wants to look at your ugly things, no one wants to see your unhappy things, no one wants to see your boring things.

So you have to write the content more engaging, more emotional, more story, of course, you can say, I don't have the talent, I can't write, it's okay, is it someone else's fault that you set up a stall, sell something, and don't sell it?

So you have to keep learning, only learning can make progress, for example, you can go to see other people's columns, look at other people's good articles, look at other people's pain points, this is a good reference for you, of course, as long as you work hard enough, I believe, you will definitely work harder than others, so you must learn what you have learned, into your own characteristics, of course, you have to have new ideas, otherwise people have long been tired of using them, so what about your content, how can you have new ideas?

All the models of making a lot of money are the same as setting up a stall

In fact, it is very simple, as long as you stand on the shoulders of others, you will see further, as long as you stand in the position of the industry vane, you can know the direction of the wind at any time, only keep up with the pace of the times, in order to maintain the industry pioneer status of you, of course, just like the stall, you have to improve the quality, the more innovative this thing, the more valuable your things are, then your fans will be more and more, your conversion rate will be higher and higher, so if you want to make a lot of money, you have to be fragrant enough, only your things are delicious, There will be more delicious people, and the key at that time is that you have to be delicious in the eyes of others.

So what else can you sell besides these things?

In fact, you must know that in addition to selling goods, you can also sell knowledge, you can also sell skills, you can also sell emotions, these things are our commonly used keywords, for example, you can be on the Internet, open classes, teach your unique skills and knowledge, for example, you can give the Internet white players, like to play games, provide some game skills, or some game experience, these things, who will not love, of course, you can also say that I don't play games, it's okay, You can also teach classes on the Internet to teach your unique skills and knowledge.

For example, you may be able to skill others, understand advanced instruments, etc., or you can also sell common necessities on the Internet, then your professional knowledge, you can help a lot of people, of course, at the same time, you can also sell emotions, for example, you can write some novels on the Internet, etc., of course, in addition to these, you can also sell buttocks on the Internet, etc., in short, at least some things that people have to do, in fact, they can be sold, as long as you don't think about it, and as long as you can earn.

All the models of making a lot of money are the same as setting up a stall


So friends, in this era of advanced science and technology, there are more and more ways to make a lot of money, in fact, it is not difficult, the key is that you have to dare to think, dare to do, not afraid of others saying you, not afraid of others looking down on you, the key is to struggle, so for us, making a lot of money is never out of reach, don't always complain that the times are not good, complain that others do not cooperate, as long as we are willing to act, we will definitely make a lot of money.