
Fall off the altar! Angelababy appeared in the live broadcast room of the small Internet celebrity, smiling and flattering all the way

author:Taoshen anime

The "Altar Fall" of the Goddess of Yesteryear

On the Avenue of Stars in the entertainment industry, Angelababy was like a bright pearl, radiant and eye-catching. However, time flies, and this pearl seems to have gradually lost its former glory. From being ruthlessly coded in the "Running Man" program, to the endorsement brand from high-end to civilian, and now appearing in the live broadcast room of an unknown Internet celebrity, every change makes people sigh.

Fall off the altar! Angelababy appeared in the live broadcast room of the small Internet celebrity, smiling and flattering all the way

This former goddess was once the dream lover in the hearts of countless people, her smile is sweet and her temperament is outstanding, whether it is in film and television dramas or variety shows, she has shown extraordinary charm. However, now she has to face the cruel reality of the entertainment industry, and the former glory seems to have become a thing of the past.

Angelababy's "Altar Fall" has aroused widespread attention and heated discussions among netizens. Some people lamented what happened to her, thinking that the competition in the entertainment industry is too fierce, and stars must always be vigilant, otherwise they will be easily eliminated. There are also people who question her choice, arguing that she should not sacrifice her image and dignity in order to maintain exposure.

Fall off the altar! Angelababy appeared in the live broadcast room of the small Internet celebrity, smiling and flattering all the way

However, no matter what the outside world says, Angelababy's transformation has become a fact. So, why did she make such a choice? What is the story and reason behind it?

The "crazy flattery" in the live broadcast room and the strategic considerations behind it

When Angelababy, the former goddess of the screen, appeared in the live broadcast room of Internet celebrity Simba, the eyes of countless viewers almost burst out of their sockets. This actress, who used to be high and elegant in temperament, seems to have changed at the moment, smiling and flattering throughout the whole process, standing for the goods in the live broadcast room, and her iconic sweet smile has almost become her fixed expression. This sudden change has made many netizens question: "Is this still the Angelababy we are familiar with?" ”

Fall off the altar! Angelababy appeared in the live broadcast room of the small Internet celebrity, smiling and flattering all the way

In the live broadcast screen, she interacted warmly with the audience, not only took the initiative to promote goods, but also cheered for the Internet celebrity Simba from time to time, and even "licked" him with nice words. This kind of "crazy flattery" appearance is very different from the image she has shown on the screen in the past, as if they are two completely different people. Such a change naturally sparked heated discussions and speculations among netizens.

Fall off the altar! Angelababy appeared in the live broadcast room of the small Internet celebrity, smiling and flattering all the way

However, behind this, there may be hidden Angelababy's foresight. In the highly competitive circle of the entertainment industry, popularity is the lifeblood of celebrities. Once it loses attention, no matter how high its status is, it will quickly fall. For Angelababy, she used to have countless auras and glories, but these auras seem to be fading over time. In order to maintain her exposure and popularity, she had to adopt some new strategies.

Live streaming, an emerging marketing method, has sprung up in the entertainment industry in recent years. More and more celebrities are beginning to try this new marketing method, hoping to show their personal charm and commercial value in this way. Angelababy is no exception. She chose to appear in the live broadcast room of Internet celebrity Simba, perhaps because she took a fancy to the huge traffic and influence of this platform. By working with influencers, she can quickly attract a lot of attention and increase her exposure.

Fall off the altar! Angelababy appeared in the live broadcast room of the small Internet celebrity, smiling and flattering all the way

Of course, this strategy does not come without a price. Angelababy needs to put down her body, communicate with Internet celebrities on an equal footing, and even cheer and flatter them from time to time. This is undoubtedly a huge challenge for an actress who was once high. However, in the cruel battlefield of the entertainment industry, only by constantly adapting to changes and adjusting strategies can you maintain your status and influence.

Angelababy's performance in the live broadcast room, although it surprised and disappointed many netizens, also reflected her efforts to maintain exposure and popularity. Is the effort worth it? Will this strategy be successful? These questions are worthy of our in-depth consideration and discussion.

Fall off the altar! Angelababy appeared in the live broadcast room of the small Internet celebrity, smiling and flattering all the way

Angelababy's transformation road: from celebrity to live streaming

In the ever-changing entertainment industry, every star faces his own challenges and choices. When film and television works gradually decreased and the influence of variety shows declined, many stars began to look for a new way out. Live streaming, this emerging marketing method, is like a clear stream, which quickly set off a boom in the entertainment industry. And in this craze, Angelababy's transformation path is also particularly eye-catching.

As the former goddess of the screen, Angelababy has won the love of countless audiences with her sweet smile and excellent acting skills. However, as time goes by, the competition in the entertainment industry becomes more and more fierce, and Angelababy also faces more and more challenges. The decrease in the number of film and television works has gradually reduced her exposure on the screen; The decline in the influence of variety shows has also gradually shaken her status in the hearts of the audience. In order to find a new way out, Angelababy began to try the emerging marketing method of live streaming.

Fall off the altar! Angelababy appeared in the live broadcast room of the small Internet celebrity, smiling and flattering all the way

In the live broadcast room of Internet celebrity Simba, we saw Angelababy's transformation road. She is no longer the star who is on the top, but incarnated as a delivery anchor and interacts intimately with the audience. She smiled and flattered the whole time, standing for the goods in the live broadcast room, and her trademark sweet smile almost ran through the whole process. Although this transformation surprised and disappointed many netizens, it also reflected Angelababy's efforts and attempts to transform.

Fall off the altar! Angelababy appeared in the live broadcast room of the small Internet celebrity, smiling and flattering all the way

In the field of live streaming, Angelababy may have found a new positioning and value. With her popularity and influence, she has brought more exposure and attention to the products in the live broadcast room. At the same time, she also showed her personal charm and commercial value through live streaming. This transformation not only allowed her to find a new way out in the entertainment industry, but also laid a solid foundation for her future development.

However, the road to transformation has not been easy. Angelababy also faced many challenges and difficulties in live streaming. She needs to put down her body, communicate with Internet celebrities on an equal footing, and even cheer and flatter them from time to time. This transformation is undoubtedly a huge challenge for her. However, she did not give up and chose to face these challenges and difficulties bravely. With her own efforts and persistence, she has won the recognition and support of the audience.

Fall off the altar! Angelababy appeared in the live broadcast room of the small Internet celebrity, smiling and flattering all the way

Although Angelababy's transformation path was full of challenges and difficulties, she did not give up. On the contrary, she used her own efforts and persistence to find a new positioning and value in the field of live streaming. This transformation not only gave her a new glow in the entertainment industry, but also showed us a vivid case of how a star bravely transforms and finds a new way out when facing difficulties.

Netizens are hotly discussed: the sincerity and controversy behind the laughter

When Angelababy's smiling and flattering picture in Simba's live broadcast room spread quickly on the Internet, the attitudes of netizens can be described as varied. For a while, comments and discussions on social platforms came and went, as if it had become a debate on star image and transformation.

Fall off the altar! Angelababy appeared in the live broadcast room of the small Internet celebrity, smiling and flattering all the way
Fall off the altar! Angelababy appeared in the live broadcast room of the small Internet celebrity, smiling and flattering all the way

Die-hard fans have come forward to support their idols, and they believe that Angelababy can show her charm no matter what stage she is on. Although the image of this live broadcast is different from the past, her sincerity and hard work are beyond doubt. In their eyes, every attempt of an idol is a respect and feedback to fans, which is worthy of recognition and encouragement.

Fall off the altar! Angelababy appeared in the live broadcast room of the small Internet celebrity, smiling and flattering all the way
Fall off the altar! Angelababy appeared in the live broadcast room of the small Internet celebrity, smiling and flattering all the way

However, there are also some netizens who have reservations. They are worried that such a "loss of laughter" may consume the high-end image that Angelababy has accumulated over the years. After all, in the highly competitive circle of the entertainment industry, image is one of the most valuable assets of celebrities. Once the image is damaged, it is difficult to recover it.

Fall off the altar! Angelababy appeared in the live broadcast room of the small Internet celebrity, smiling and flattering all the way

However, regardless of the attitude of netizens, this live broadcast incident has undoubtedly brought more attention and discussion to Angelababy. Her attempt has undoubtedly set off waves in the entertainment industry. People are starting to think, how should a star choose when faced with transformation? Do you stick to your image and style, or are you brave enough to try something new?

Fall off the altar! Angelababy appeared in the live broadcast room of the small Internet celebrity, smiling and flattering all the way


This incident has given us a different Angelababy, she may no longer be the goddess on top, but her sincerity and efforts are still worthy of our admiration. At the same time, this incident also made us think more deeply about the cruelty and uncertainty of the entertainment industry. So, how will Angelababy face these challenges and controversies next? Where is her transformation headed? All of this deserves our continued attention.