
Heart rate of 60 or 80 beats, which is considered normal? Is there a difference? High blood pressure, coronary heart disease

author:Mr. Yajun said in traditional Chinese medicine
Heart rate of 60 or 80 beats, which is considered normal? Is there a difference? High blood pressure, coronary heart disease

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"Heart rate of 60 or 80 beats, which is considered normal? Is there a difference? Look at high blood pressure and coronary heart disease! As she spoke, Aunt Wang hurriedly flipped out an article from her mobile phone and handed it to Mr. Li, who was busy in the kitchen.

"What's wrong? What health articles have you been reading again? Mr. Li asked nonchalantly as he stir-fried the dishes in the pot.

The article said that a heart rate of 60 beats is normal, and 80 beats is high, and that people with a high heart rate are more likely to get high blood pressure and coronary heart disease!

Heart rate of 60 or 80 beats, which is considered normal? Is there a difference? High blood pressure, coronary heart disease

You see, there are a lot of medical studies listed above that say that heart rate and health are closely related. Aunt Wang pointed to the phone screen, her tone full of worry.

Mr. Li put down the spatula and looked at the phone screen carefully, his brows furrowed slightly. "This article seems to make some sense, but I remember that the doctor said before that my heart rate has always been quite normal, it should be around 70 beats."

"Yes, but this article says that a heart rate of 60 beats is normal, and you usually get higher than that, what should I do?" The more Aunt Wang spoke, the more anxious she became, and her face began to flush.

Heart rate of 60 or 80 beats, which is considered normal? Is there a difference? High blood pressure, coronary heart disease

"Don't worry, let's not scare ourselves first, let's go to the hospital and ask the doctor first." Mr. Li comforted Aunt Wang, but a trace of unease began to appear in his heart.

The next day, Mr. Li took Aunt Wang to the hospital and found Dr. Zhang from the cardiovascular department. "Hello Dr. Zhang, we would like to ask about heart rate." Mr. Li said straight to the point.

"What's your problem?" Dr. Zhang asked kindly.

Heart rate of 60 or 80 beats, which is considered normal? Is there a difference? High blood pressure, coronary heart disease

"We saw an article that said that a heart rate of 60 beats is normal, and 80 beats is high, and that people with a high heart rate are more likely to get high blood pressure and coronary heart disease, do you think this statement is correct?" Aunt Wang asked anxiously.

Dr. Zhang patiently explained, "The article you mentioned does mention the relationship between heart rate and health, but it only cites some medical research and does not fully reflect the complexity of heart rate.

Heart rate is a very important physiological indicator, and it will be affected by many factors, such as age, gender, physical activity, mood, and so on. ”

Heart rate of 60 or 80 beats, which is considered normal? Is there a difference? High blood pressure, coronary heart disease

"So what do you say, what range should a normal person's heart rate be?" Mr. Li asked.

"In general, the normal heart rate range for an adult is between 60 and 100 beats per minute, but this range can also vary from person to person.

For example, an athlete's heart rate is usually lower than the average person's because their heart is more powerful and can pump more blood per beat. Older people may have a higher heart rate than younger people because their heart function gradually weakens with age. Dr. Zhang explained.

Heart rate of 60 or 80 beats, which is considered normal? Is there a difference? High blood pressure, coronary heart disease

"Then you say, my heart rate is around 70 beats, is it normal?" Mr. Li asked.

"Your heart rate is around 70 beats, which is in the normal range, don't worry." "However, I recommend that you have regular check-ups to monitor your cardiovascular health, so that you can detect problems in time and take appropriate measures." ”

After listening to Dr. Zhang's explanation, Mr. Li and Aunt Wang finally put their minds at ease. Only then did they realize that the information on the Internet was mixed and they could not easily believe it, let alone scare themselves.

Heart rate of 60 or 80 beats, which is considered normal? Is there a difference? High blood pressure, coronary heart disease

After returning home, Mr. Li and Aunt Wang began to learn about heart rate in earnest. They learned that heart rate is only an indicator of heart function and is not a complete representation of the body's health. If you want to stay healthy, you also need to pay attention to the comprehensive conditioning of diet, exercise, sleep, etc.

They also learned that the level of heart rate is related to many factors, such as age, gender, amount of exercise, mood, and so on.

For example, during strenuous exercise, the heart rate increases significantly, which is a normal physiological response; And when a person is in an emotional state such as nervousness and anxiety, the heart rate will also increase.

Heart rate of 60 or 80 beats, which is considered normal? Is there a difference? High blood pressure, coronary heart disease

Mr. Li and Aunt Wang also learned some simple ways to measure heart rate, such as touching the pulse with their hands and using a smart watch. They began to measure their heart rate every day and record it to better understand their physical condition.

They also began to actively adjust their lifestyle, such as controlling their diet, exercising, getting enough sleep, and so on. They believe that by maintaining healthy lifestyle habits, they can effectively reduce the risk of hypertension and coronary heart disease.

Through this experience, Mr. Li and Aunt Wang deeply realized that health is a precious treasure and needs to be cared for with our hearts. They are also aware that the information on the Internet is mixed, and they cannot easily believe it, let alone scare themselves. Only by scientifically understanding your physical condition can you better protect your health.

Disclaimer: This article is for reference only, and the medical knowledge described is true and well-founded, but it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have any health problems, please consult a doctor or other


1. **Chinese Society of Cardiovascular Diseases. Chinese Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Cardiovascular Diseases (2016)**

2. American Heart Association. Heart Disease Prevention Guide**

3. World Health Organization. Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Control**