
Why is there always a driver overtaking in the gap when driving at high speed? Netizen: This kind of worst is the worst

author:Yoyo chatter

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Why is there always a driver overtaking in the gap when driving at high speed? Netizen: This kind of worst is the worst

When you drive on the highway, you often encounter those drivers who seem to have "magic skills", always shuttling flexibly in narrow gaps and overtaking? What kind of social phenomenon is hidden behind this?

After reading the sharing of netizens, it is simply too real

Why is there always a driver overtaking in the gap when driving at high speed? Netizen: This kind of worst is the worst

Two-lane high-speed, two Wang Ba cars side by side, this is the most terrible

Why is there always a driver overtaking in the gap when driving at high speed? Netizen: This kind of worst is the worst

He didn't dare to drive fast, and he squeezed his horse to the far left. and he rode side by side with the right. Fast, high-speed status quo [laughs]

Why is there always a driver overtaking in the gap when driving at high speed? Netizen: This kind of worst is the worst

Not only in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai [the masses who eat melons]

Why is there always a driver overtaking in the gap when driving at high speed? Netizen: This kind of worst is the worst

But in fact, he just struggled to get out of the turtle group and came to the next turtle group [laughs]

Why is there always a driver overtaking in the gap when driving at high speed? Netizen: This kind of worst is the worst

And you, my friend, are the real heroes

Why is there always a driver overtaking in the gap when driving at high speed? Netizen: This kind of worst is the worst

If two vehicles are side by side, and the speed of the left lane is equal to or slower than the vehicle on the right, in the open situation ahead, 3 points should be deducted and a fine of 200 should be imposed.

Why is there always a driver overtaking in the gap when driving at high speed? Netizen: This kind of worst is the worst

Fighting turtles is the responsibility of the husband, and don't turtles is the embodiment of both technology and morality

Why is there always a driver overtaking in the gap when driving at high speed? Netizen: This kind of worst is the worst

One year, I drove home for the Chinese New Year, ran the middle lane, and kept a safe distance from the car in front...... As a result, it was inserted into the middle by one car after another...... To be on the safe side, I had to keep slowing down and making a safe distance. Therefore, many cars do not have the concept of safety distance at all. When I saw a little space, I wanted to insert it! Properly have a serious illness!

Why is there always a driver overtaking in the gap when driving at high speed? Netizen: This kind of worst is the worst

Me too, keep a safe distance, stick to the rear-end if you don't chase the rear-end, I don't understand that you have to stick to the car to be happy. I always cruise at a fixed speed and drive above the 10%-15% speed limit.

Why is there always a driver overtaking in the gap when driving at high speed? Netizen: This kind of worst is the worst

Short-distance can do 120 speed to drive 100+ kilometers, long-distance can not do, 120 two hours is theoretically 240 kilometers, you drive 1 hour and 40 minutes, unload in the service area for 10 minutes, drink water and wash your face in case you smoke a cigarette again, 10 minutes, in fact, you only drove 120 + 80 kilometers less, an average speed of less than 100 kilometers per hour.

Why is there always a driver overtaking in the gap when driving at high speed? Netizen: This kind of worst is the worst

Many people call themselves old drivers, hehe, they are all forbearance of others

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Why is there always a driver overtaking in the gap when driving at high speed? Netizen: This kind of worst is the worst