
Ancient watch: the wisdom of the ancestors, to solve the problem of watching the time at night

author:Poetic sesame sauce XRN

The mottled sound of bangzi in the middle of the night is a unique scene in the ancient capital. Whenever night falls, the melodious and powerful percussion sound that penetrates between the street discussions can always soothe people's hearts and bring a sense of stability and order. However, please pay attention to the fact that this seemingly ordinary act of beating the watch actually contains the wisdom and thoughtfulness of the ancients. Today, let's look back at history and reveal the meaning of the watch and the role it played in ancient society.

The origin and meaning of the watch

In ancient times, beating the watch was not simply timekeeping, but also a pluralistic means of social control. In the age of today's precision watches, how do people know exactly what is happening? It is precisely because of the existence of the watchman that this question can be satisfactorily answered. They not only undertake the task of reporting the time, but more importantly, they are also responsible for night security work, reminding the people to pay attention to safety and prevent various emergencies such as fires. Therefore, it not only has practical utility, but also carries profound social value.

Originating from the ancient night patrol system, after a long period of development, a relatively standardized and comprehensive watch system was finally formed. The duty of the watchman is not limited to simply telling the time, but more importantly, they take practical actions to maintain the order of the city at night, reduce the crime rate and the occurrence of various accidents. This system played a crucial role in society at the time.

Ancient watch: the wisdom of the ancestors, to solve the problem of watching the time at night
The specific process of playing more

What is the process? At certain times of the night, they follow the established route and use Bang as a medium to shout the time. Its sound and sound are intertwined, showing the passage of time, and at the same time playing a role of vigilance. The striking and telling of the time of these norms has become a unique scenery in the ancient capital at night.

In ancient societies, watchmen were divided into small groups, each with their own duty guarding a specific area. This system of division of labor and cooperation enables all households in the city to hear the sound of the time at night, thus improving the efficiency of urban management and ensuring the strict control of night security. Despite the hard work of the watchmen, their dedication made the night of the ancient city peaceful and orderly.

Fight more and social security
Ancient watch: the wisdom of the ancestors, to solve the problem of watching the time at night

In ancient times, the husband was also responsible for maintaining social stability. Its use is not only timekeeping, but also has the effect of preventing night crimes. Imagine, when there is no lighting and monitoring equipment today, the sound and call of the husband are like a border trench, so that people can sleep peacefully.

The patrol spirit of the vigilante effectively deters potential criminals and protects the safety of people's lives and property. At the same time, it provides clear and accurate time reporting to help citizens arrange their daily rhythm reasonably and avoid troubles caused by time chaos.

Playing and cultural inheritance
Ancient watch: the wisdom of the ancestors, to solve the problem of watching the time at night

It is a common image in ancient literature, and its unique way of working is not only of practical value, but also contains rich cultural connotations. Through these works, we are able to explore the real life conditions of the ancient watchmen and their historical background.

Ancient literati and writers often used the watch as an image to symbolize the passage of time and the tranquility of the night. Many poets depict the watchman in their poems, expressing the passage of time and life insights through their time. This tradition made it not only a daily activity, but also an important part of ancient culture.

Hit more modern influences

Despite the fact that modern technology has given people a precise concept of time and convenient communication facilities, the ancient profession of grooming still exists in some traditional villages and cultural festivals. They continue this time-honored profession and culture through traditional forms.

Although the form and function of modern watchmaking have evolved, the traditional culture and community values contained in it are still cherished. Some areas have transformed it into a unique tourist attraction that is very popular with tourists. This quaint profession has taken advantage of this process of modernization to show a new vitality.

Hit the living conditions of the people

What is the life of a watchman? In the traditional social system, they perform their duties day and night, and the pace of life is significantly different from ordinary people. Despite the long hours and responsibilities, he never lost a high sense of pride in his profession.

Despite the hardships of life, there is also a sense of pleasure and social life. During the night work, they often communicate with their peers and share their work experience and life anecdotes. This unique social model makes the life of the watchman full of warmth.

Ancient watch: the wisdom of the ancestors, to solve the problem of watching the time at night
Playing more future prospects

With the progress of science and technology and society in the process of modernization, the industry has gradually disappeared from the public eye. However, as a professional form with profound cultural connotations, the value and significance of the existence of the watch are worthy of in-depth discussion.

Although emerging technologies have sparked the transformation of traditional industries, the society of the future will still require cultural heritage projects such as watchmaking and community service projects. These items could be preserved in certain specific regions or in activities related to traditional culture. With the help of current scientific and technological means to transform and innovate, this ancient industry can also find a new field of survival and development path in the new era.

As we explore the meaning and value of watching, we need to ponder: in today's society, can we draw useful inspiration from this ancient profession? In-depth exploration of the values embodied in the fight may help to achieve a harmonious integration between the contemporary and the traditional, and promote the harmonious and stable development of society.