
The greatest vision of being a man is not to save money to buy a house, but to live in "three ways" after the age of 60

author:Nanzhi chatted heart-to-heart

Text by Kusushiba

The greatest vision of being a man is not to save money to buy a house, but to live in "three ways" after the age of 60

When you say the word vision, what comes to mind?

Maybe you will say that the biggest vision of being a man is to save money to buy a house, if you have money, you will have confidence, if you have a house, you will have a home, you don't have to drift in this life, and you don't have to look at anyone's face in this life.

If I say that this is not the greatest vision of being a human being, maybe you will not believe it, is there something more important in this world than money and houses?

Of course, saving money to buy a house can make people feel confident and secure, but they are not the greatest vision of being a person.

Especially when you reach the age of 60, you will truly understand that having money is not necessarily happy, and having a house is not necessarily warm.

It is true that the greatest vision of being a man is not to save money to buy a house, but to live in "three ways" after the age of 60.

The greatest vision of being a man is not to save money to buy a house, but to live in "three ways" after the age of 60

01. After the age of 60, the husband and wife are still in love.

Some people say that having money is happiness, otherwise why would you be tired and tired every day?

Sometimes money is even more important than the relationship between husband and wife, money can not be without, the wife can not have it, and the husband can also do without.

I think this is the greatest vision of being a human being.

Because if you are poor once, you will find that money is more important than anything, and you are nothing without money.

However, when you reach the age of 60, you really find that no matter how rich you are, no matter how good the house is, if you don't have a wife who knows cold and hot, you have no spiritual sustenance and no emotional harbor, and you are often in great pain.

Maybe you will say that it is because you don't have a backache when you stand and talk.

However, when we see the grandparents after the age of 60 holding hands and shopping on the street, you will truly understand that you have lived in vain.

It is good for people to have foresight in this life, but blindly basing foresight on material basis will often lose the most true and precious.

You may say that poor couples mourn everything, and what they say is true, but a person can't be too greedy for money and material enjoyment.

Even if you don't have money, after the age of 60, you will have the warm company of your wife, and your life will be happy in your old age.

Therefore, after the age of 60, husband and wife are still in love, and managing their marriage and relationship well is the greatest vision of life.

The greatest vision of being a man is not to save money to buy a house, but to live in "three ways" after the age of 60

02. After the age of 60, the family is harmonious.

Maybe you will say, if you don't have money, you try, if you don't have a house, you try?

The pursuit of life is to save money for a house, no matter how unharmonious the family is, but still do not care about it, always blindly think that saving money and a house can bring all the happiness.

Saving money is important, as is the house, but family harmony is even more important.

If everyone in a family is deceitful and has their own plans, no matter how rich you are, no matter how luxurious the house you live in, in the end, the family is scattered, and many things will be in vain.

Especially after the age of 60, in fact, more often than not, the pursuit of spiritual wealth.

If the family is harmonious, harmonious and beautiful, and united, then everything will be prosperous in the family.

Therefore, it is better to spend a lot of time running a family, but not to blindly invest in saving money and a house.

In fact, running a good family is like laying a foundation, and after the foundation is laid, you can save money in it and decorate it, then you can build a house that you are satisfied with.

There is love in it, laughter in it, and more confidence in it.

So don't underestimate the harmony of a family, after the age of 60, you will become more sober and more aware of the importance of a family harmony.

The family is harmonious, and the old age is worry-free.

In short, instead of desperately making money, desperately saving money, and desperately wanting to buy a house, it is better to spend time and energy to run a good family, which is the greatest vision.

The greatest vision of being a man is not to save money to buy a house, but to live in "three ways" after the age of 60

03. After the age of 60, he will be at peace with what he encounters.

When lying on the hospital bed, I am glad that I have savings, when I have a house to shelter from the wind and rain, I am glad that I have a house.

But what if the money for illness is spent? What about the house being sold? How should you face such a situation?

If you always complain about your illness, you always feel sorry for your money and your house, and in the end, you don't care about your illness, but you get into everything.

It was only after the age of 60 that I truly understood how important it was to have a mindset of going with the flow.

You can make more money when the money is gone, you can buy the house again when the house is gone, but if the life is gone, then there is nothing.

Therefore, a person's mentality is very important, whether in good times or in bad times, we must have a heart that is at ease with what happens, only in this way, when the storm comes, we can get through it safely.

The way to live after the age of 60 is not how much money to save, nor what good house to live in, but to have a calm and calm heart, which can allow you to go through the rest of your life safely.

Lo and behold, this is the greatest vision of being a human being.

There is a good saying, striking iron still needs its own hardness, if the green mountains are still there, where are you afraid of no firewood?

It is true that the greatest vision of being a man is not to save money to buy a house, but to live the above "three looks" after the age of 60 and be happy all his life.

The greatest vision of being a man is not to save money to buy a house, but to live in "three ways" after the age of 60


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