
Do you still remember the very popular child star Alpha back then? I didn't expect to become like this when I grew up

author:Entertainment knows no boundaries

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Do you still remember the very popular child star Alpha back then? I didn't expect to become like this when I grew up

Entertainment has no boundaries

Entertainment has no boundaries

Do you still remember the very popular child star Alpha back then? I didn't expect to become like this when I grew up

When it comes to the post-90s star Alpha, most people will now say: "Hey, isn't that a little sweetheart who used to be a household name?" I really didn't expect him to go so tortuous later!"

Do you still remember the very popular child star Alpha back then? I didn't expect to become like this when I grew up

That's right, Alpha, a child star who has shown his face on the screen since he was a child, did experience a low period in his life. But it was this tortuous experience that also allowed him to find his way forward again, and finally bloomed more dazzlingly. Today, let's walk into the growth process of Alpha and witness the inspirational story of this bumpy fate!

Do you still remember the very popular child star Alpha back then? I didn't expect to become like this when I grew up

Chapter 1 The popularity of star children blooms

In 1998, Alpha was born in an ordinary family in Urumqi, Xinjiang. He has been a lively and lovely boy since he was a child, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a bit of the mysterious temperament of ethnic minorities in his bones.

Do you still remember the very popular child star Alpha back then? I didn't expect to become like this when I grew up

What's even more commendable is that Alpha has shown extraordinary musical talent since he was a child. According to his mother, Rexidan, when Alpha was only 2 years old, as soon as the music sounded, he could spontaneously twist his body to the rhythm, and his intriguing appearance amused the people around him.

Do you still remember the very popular child star Alpha back then? I didn't expect to become like this when I grew up

The discerning parents discovered Alpha's excellence early on and decided to systematically train him in singing and dancing skills. Sure enough, under the careful care of his parents, Alpha increasingly showed his extraordinary artistic talent.

Do you still remember the very popular child star Alpha back then? I didn't expect to become like this when I grew up

When Alpha was 6 years old, he participated in the selection of the popular variety show "Very 6+1", and won the "Very Star Award" in one fell swoop with his lively and cute and superb dancing skills. Since then, his cute and boyish image has frequently appeared on the screen, and Sucess has become the new favorite of the audience.

Do you still remember the very popular child star Alpha back then? I didn't expect to become like this when I grew up

Alpha's popularity is no accident, it is all due to his innate artistic talent. With his frequent appearances on major variety show stages, people found that this little guy not only looks cute, but also is commendable because of his superb singing and dancing skills.

Do you still remember the very popular child star Alpha back then? I didn't expect to become like this when I grew up

In 2005, 7-year-old Alpha participated in the popular talent show "Avenue of Fame". Although he was eliminated because he was too young, he finally won the second place in the finals and the popularity champion with his outstanding strength and positive and optimistic personality.

Do you still remember the very popular child star Alpha back then? I didn't expect to become like this when I grew up

This good result made Alpha completely jump to a household name. The audience was all impressed by the sunny appearance and innocent singing voice of this "sweet" sunshine. What's even more commendable is that Alpha's unique personal charm on the stage gives people a unique feeling of freshness, brightness and elegance.

Do you still remember the very popular child star Alpha back then? I didn't expect to become like this when I grew up

Naturally, job opportunities followed. When he was 8 years old, Alpha starred in the movie "Wudang Boy" adapted from the martial arts novel, in which he created a martial arts boy with a vivid personality and a strong image. As soon as the film was released, Alpha's performance was well received, once again confirming the old saying "sing and act".

Do you still remember the very popular child star Alpha back then? I didn't expect to become like this when I grew up

In this way, Alpha, a little boy from Xinjiang, successfully entered the entertainment industry and became a well-deserved popular little king under the careful cultivation of his parents and his own extraordinary talent.

Do you still remember the very popular child star Alpha back then? I didn't expect to become like this when I grew up

Chapter 2 The halo fades after the glory

Anyone loses their youth, and Alpha is no exception. At the age of 13, he jumped tall and began to show a sunny and handsome adult image. But who would have thought that this change would bring a severe test to Alpha's career.

Do you still remember the very popular child star Alpha back then? I didn't expect to become like this when I grew up

Due to the arrival of the voice-changing period, the familiar voice that Alpha sang no longer exists. The number of his appearances on stage has plummeted, and his popularity has slowly declined. What's even more serious is that there are always people on the Internet who take the opportunity to verbally attack Alpha's voice change and body shape change, and scare this once popular little king into a dog

Do you still remember the very popular child star Alpha back then? I didn't expect to become like this when I grew up

In the face of all kinds of criticism from the outside world, Alpha seemed a little helpless and confused. It stands to reason that at this age, you should concentrate on your studies and not take on too much work and pressure. But how can you support your family if you don't work? Alpha's parents, despite having stable jobs, had limited income.

Do you still remember the very popular child star Alpha back then? I didn't expect to become like this when I grew up

In the end, at the suggestion of his family, Alpha chose to take a break and finish high school with peace of mind. He let go of the dream in his heart and immersed himself in studying, with the goal of being admitted to his favorite art school after the college entrance examination and completely embarking on his own artistic path.

Do you still remember the very popular child star Alpha back then? I didn't expect to become like this when I grew up

However, the god of fate does not seem to favor Alpha in this way. Although he scored a satisfactory high score in the college entrance examination, he finally missed his favorite university and dream major due to his professional courses.

Do you still remember the very popular child star Alpha back then? I didn't expect to become like this when I grew up

This is undoubtedly the biggest blow in Alpha's life. Seeing that his partners have realized their dreams one after another, only he is standing still. The frustration, confusion, and helplessness in his heart made it difficult for Alpha to pull himself together for a while.

Do you still remember the very popular child star Alpha back then? I didn't expect to become like this when I grew up

Just when he was at his lowest, the appearance of his girlfriend He Lu brought him a ray of hope. He Lu often uses her optimistic and positive attitude towards life to inspire Alpha, and never gives up. With her support and encouragement, Alpha rekindled his hopes for the future.

Do you still remember the very popular child star Alpha back then? I didn't expect to become like this when I grew up

Chapter 3 A New Turning Point

That's when the turning point came. Due to the accumulation of some fame in the entertainment industry in his early years, Alpha was invited to return to the screen, but when he reappeared in everyone's field of vision, his image had changed greatly.

Do you still remember the very popular child star Alpha back then? I didn't expect to become like this when I grew up

The original "Little Tianxin" alpha no longer exists, replaced by a handsome young man with a fashionable hairstyle and a long body. The most eye-catching thing is his thick hair, which is similar to the inch head of a few years ago.

Do you still remember the very popular child star Alpha back then? I didn't expect to become like this when I grew up

In fact, before his re-debut, Alpha suffered a sympathetic experience. When he was in his early 20s, he had already suffered from the problem of "head holes", and was jokingly called "the first batch of hair loss people born in the 90s" by netizens.

Do you still remember the very popular child star Alpha back then? I didn't expect to become like this when I grew up

Alpha also cried and laughed at this: "The scalp really suffered from the sin of baldness at that time, and it fell out so badly that every time I washed my hair, I would lose a lot of money." As a young man, this sudden "crisis" undoubtedly made matters worse, and he fell into a low ebb of autism several times.

Do you still remember the very popular child star Alpha back then? I didn't expect to become like this when I grew up

Fortunately, with the spiritual support and explanation of his girlfriend He Lu, Alpha regained his self-confidence and made up his mind to reshape the "beautiful crown of his head" through hair transplantation. Unexpectedly, this trick not only succeeded in making him regain the dress of "green silk", but also made him far behind his peers in terms of "hair volume" and became a new generation of "hair volume responsibility".

Do you still remember the very popular child star Alpha back then? I didn't expect to become like this when I grew up

In this way, relying on the blessing of the new hairstyle and the rendering of unique personal charm, Alpha successfully regained its strength in front of everyone and gradually re-entered the public's field of vision. When he appeared in the popular variety show "Everyday Upward", the host Zhang Jie couldn't help but jokingly praise him for "having a really large amount of hair and a hairline that is too good-looking".

Do you still remember the very popular child star Alpha back then? I didn't expect to become like this when I grew up

Alpha, who was once questioned and fell into the trap, finally turned the tide and stood in the spotlight with a new image and new identity. He sincerely confided in the audience: "I know that people have criticized me a lot before, but I haven't given up on my dream. I've been working hard and I hope you can give me a chance to prove myself again. "

Do you still remember the very popular child star Alpha back then? I didn't expect to become like this when I grew up

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