
My adopted daughter finished college and refused to support me, so I sent her in with my own hands

author:Rong Rong

This article is a short story and the content is purely fictional

Please watch rationally and do not sit in the opposite seat

My adopted daughter finished college and refused to support me, so I sent her in with my own hands


My name is Hu Chunxiang, I am 60 years old this year, and I live in a small county town with my wife Zhang Fusheng. We have two children, the eldest daughter is the adopted daughter Zhou Lili, and the younger son is the biological Zhang Xiaoqiang.

That day, I was preparing dinner in the kitchen when I suddenly heard the doorbell ring. When I opened the door, it was Zhou Lili, who I hadn't seen for a long time.

She looks glamorous in a fashionable suit and a designer bag in her hand. I shouted in surprise, "Lily, you're back!" "

But Lily said coldly, "Aunt Hu, I came to talk to you." "

Hearing her call me "Aunt Hu", my heart suddenly cooled. I resisted my grief and let her in.

After Lily sat down, she said straight to the point: "Aunt Hu, I want to cut ties with you. I have found my biological parents and will not bother you again in the future. "

My adopted daughter finished college and refused to support me, so I sent her in with my own hands

I was struck by lightning and trembled: "Lily, what nonsense are you talking about?" I raised you from a young age, how can you say such a thing? "

Lily sneered, "What about raising up? You're just trying for me to support you in the future. I now have biological parents and don't need you as an adoptive mother. "

I was so angry that I trembled and tears flowed down my eyes: "Lily, have you forgotten all my love for you?" When you were sick when you were a child, I stayed at your bedside day and night;

When you go to school, I save money to buy you the best stationery school bag; You were admitted to college, and your father and I borrowed money to make up for the tuition ......"

Lily interrupted me impatiently, "That's all in the past. I have a better life now and I don't want to have anything to do with you anymore. I will compensate you with money for your dedication to me over the years. "

My adopted daughter finished college and refused to support me, so I sent her in with my own hands

As she spoke, she took out a stack of money from her bag and put it on the table: "This is 100,000 yuan, which is considered as child support over the years." From now on, we are both clear. "

I looked at the glaring stack of bills, and my heart was like a knife. I trembled and said, "Lily, mom doesn't want your money, as long as you still recognize me as a mom ......"

Lily said coldly, "No need. I'm gone, don't look for me again. With that, she walked out without looking back.

I sat down on the ground, tears pouring down. More than 20 years of nurturing grace was ruthlessly discarded.

I never imagined that my daughter, who had been carefully raised, would become such a cold-blooded and ruthless person.

My adopted daughter finished college and refused to support me, so I sent her in with my own hands


After Lily left, I washed my face with tears all day long, and I didn't think about tea and dinner. My wife and youngest son Xiaoqiang were very distressed when they saw me like this.

Xiaoqiang persuaded me: "Mom, don't be sad. Lily is not worth your sadness about treating you like this. "

I shook my head: "Lily has been sensible since she was a child, she must have been bewitched by someone." I'll have to go to her and ask for clarification. "

In this way, I began the long road of searching for a woman. I first went to Lily's old school and unit to inquire, but they all said that she had already left her job. I went to her friend's house again to ask, but the friend said that he hadn't seen her for a long time.

Just when I was about to despair, I suddenly remembered that Lily had a girlfriend named Xiaofang. I clinged to the last shred of hope to go to Xiaofang.

Xiaofang was surprised to see me: "Auntie, why are you here?" "

My adopted daughter finished college and refused to support me, so I sent her in with my own hands

I asked eagerly, "Xiaofang, do you know where Lily is?" I've been looking for her for a long time. "

Xiao Fang hesitated for a moment and said, "Auntie, in fact, Lily told me not to tell you about her. But seeing that you are in such a hurry, I will say it anyway. Lily is now in the provincial capital, with a wealthy businessman. "

When I heard this, I was immediately surprised and delighted: "Really? Do you know the specific address? "

Xiao Fang shook her head: "I don't know the specific address, I only know that the rich businessman's surname is Wang and he opened a large company." "

I thanked him again and again and immediately rushed to the provincial capital. After arriving in the provincial capital, I asked around about the big boss surnamed Wang. The hard work paid off, and I finally found out the address of Boss Wang's company.

I came to the door of the company nervously, and was about to enter, when I suddenly saw Lily holding a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes coming out of it. I excitedly shouted, "Lily! "

Lily's face turned pale when she heard my voice. She frantically pulled the man to leave.

I hurriedly chased after them and stopped them: "Lily, don't go, Mom has something to tell you......"

My adopted daughter finished college and refused to support me, so I sent her in with my own hands

The man said impatiently, "This aunt, you recognize the wrong person, right?" "

I hurriedly said: "I am not mistaken, she is my daughter!" "

The man frowned and looked at Lily, "What's going on?" Is she really your mother? "

Lily bit her lip, a hint of struggle flashed in her eyes, and finally said coldly, "I don't know her, she must have recognized the wrong person." "

I was struck by lightning and couldn't believe my ears. I trembled and said, "Lily, you... How can you ...... like that"

Just then, a young girl suddenly rushed over, pointed at Lily and shouted, "That's her!" She was the one who cheated my brother out of his money! "

My adopted daughter finished college and refused to support me, so I sent her in with my own hands


I was stunned and didn't know what was going on. The young girl pointed at Lily excitedly and said, "This woman is a liar!" She deceived my brother of more than a million and made my brother owe a lot of debt! "

Lily's face turned pale and she defended in a panic: "What nonsense are you talking about? I don't know your brother! "

The young girl sneered: "You still dare to quibble? My brother is about to jump off the building for you, I've been looking for you for a long time, but I didn't expect to meet you here! "

I looked at Lily in shock, unable to believe my ears. How could Lily do such a thing?

The man in the suit also frowned and looked at Lily coldly: "Who are you?" "

Lily explained in a panic: "Mr. Wang, don't listen to her nonsense, I really don't know her......"

My adopted daughter finished college and refused to support me, so I sent her in with my own hands

Just then, several more people hurried to identify Lily as a liar. Some people say she cheated on investment, some say she cheated on feelings. Seeing that things were getting bigger and bigger, Lily suddenly turned around and ran.

I subconsciously chased after me and shouted, "Lily, don't run!" "

Lily was running fast, and I was getting older and lost it quickly. I stood on the side of the road panting, my mind mixed. My adopted daughter, how did she become like this?

Just when I was at a loss, a policeman came over: "Auntie, are you okay?" "

I shook my head, suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly asked, "Comrade policeman, was that girl a criminal just now?" "

The policeman nodded: "Yes, her name is Zhou Lili, she is suspected of fraud, and we are chasing her." "

I went limp and almost fell. The policeman held me up and asked with concern, "Auntie, do you know her?" "

I smiled wryly and said, "She's my adopted daughter......"

My adopted daughter finished college and refused to support me, so I sent her in with my own hands

The policeman looked at me in surprise and sighed: "Auntie, don't be sad. I see that you are also a victim, so why don't you go to the police station with us to make a record. "

I nodded blankly and followed the police to the police station. There, I heard more about Lily.

It turned out that she had been scamming outside all these years, using various means to defraud money. Not only did she cheat a lot of people, but she also owed huge gambling debts.

I couldn't believe that my daughter, who had been carefully raised, could become like this. I think of Lily's well-behaved and sensible way she was when she was a child, and now I look at it like two people.

Just as I was in pain, I suddenly heard a commotion outside. When I looked up, I saw that Lily had been escorted in by the police. When she saw me, she had a look of panic and shame on her face.

I stood up trembling and walked up to her, "Lily, you... How did you end up like this? "

My adopted daughter finished college and refused to support me, so I sent her in with my own hands

Lily lowered her head, tears kept falling: "Mom... I'm sorry... I... I didn't mean to......"

Looking at her crying, I had mixed feelings. I was distressed and angry, and I didn't know what to say.

At this moment, a policeman came over and said: "Zhou Lili, you are suspected of fraud, and you are now arrested in accordance with the law." "

Lily suddenly hugged my leg and cried, "Mom, help me!" I don't want to go to jail! "

I looked at her pitiful appearance and felt a pang in my heart. I know she made a mistake, but after all, I raised my daughter.

I gritted my teeth and said to the policeman, "Comrade policeman, can you let me talk to her alone?" "

My adopted daughter finished college and refused to support me, so I sent her in with my own hands


The police agreed to my request and let me and Lily talk alone in a small room.

I looked at the tearful girl in front of me, and my heart was mixed. I asked softly, "Lily, why are you doing this?" "

Lily sobbed and said, "Mom, I... I just want to make a good living. I see others wearing famous brands and living in luxury houses, and I am very envious. I felt like I would never be able to live that life with my normal job, so I ......"

I sighed, "Silly boy, how could you have such thoughts?" Didn't your mother teach you to be honest? "

Lily looked down, "I know it's wrong, Mom." I shouldn't be vain, and I shouldn't deceive people in that way. I'm sorry for you, I'm sorry for all the people I've hurt......"

Looking at her remorseful look, my heart softened. I took her hand and said, "Lily, it's not too late to know what happened. Mom will always support you, but you have to take responsibility for your mistakes. "

My adopted daughter finished college and refused to support me, so I sent her in with my own hands

Lily nodded, "I see, Mom." I'm going to mend my ways. "

I encouraged her, saying, "This is my good daughter." When you come out, we'll start over together. "

In this way, Lily took the initiative to confess her crime to the police and expressed her willingness to return all the stolen money.

Considering her good attitude of remorse, the court finally sentenced her to five years in prison.

During Lily's time in prison, I visited her often. I saw her studying hard in prison and trying to reform herself.

She also took the initiative to share her experience with other inmates and persuade them not to repeat the mistakes of the past.

Five years passed quickly. When Lily regained her freedom, I went to pick her up with my wife and Xiaoqiang.

My adopted daughter finished college and refused to support me, so I sent her in with my own hands

Seeing us, Lily threw herself into my arms with tears streaming down her face: "Mom, I'm sorry to disappoint you......"

I gently patted her on the back: "Silly child, you can change your ways, Mom is proud of you." "

After returning home, Lily offered to volunteer at a nursing home to make up for her past mistakes with her actions. We were all very supportive of her decision.

Slowly, Lily regained everyone's trust and respect. Not only did she do a great job in the nursing home, but she also started to study psychological counseling, hoping to help more people in need.

One day, Lily took my hand and said, "Mom, thank you for not giving up on me." Without your love and support, I may never have woken up. "

I smiled and said, "Silly boy, you are my daughter, how could I give up on you?" "

It was a great relief to see Lily find her way back in life. I know that our family is finally reunited. Although there have been ups and downs, I believe that the future will get better and better.

My adopted daughter finished college and refused to support me, so I sent her in with my own hands

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The story is fictional, please read it rationally.