
Bye! NBA! This is a big killer! Outright dismissal

author:Junli said sports

The NBA, the world's top basketball league, has always been regarded as the pinnacle of players. However, for some stars, the doors of the NBA are not always open. Once there is a dip in form, the team is likely to make a ruthless decision to expel the player and kick him out of the league. Fournier is the latest victim. The 32-year-old star, who once shined on the FIBA stage, was unceremoniously rejected by the Pistons to renew his contract and had to look for a home again. The story undoubtedly raises questions about the end of professional sports careers – how do top stars face this irreversible fate as the sun sets heading down?

Bye! NBA! This is a big killer! Outright dismissal

For most professional basketball players, the NBA is undoubtedly their most coveted stage. Being able to play in the world's top league is undoubtedly the ultimate goal of every basketball dreamer. However, the NBA is not an eternal paradise, especially for some stars who are gradually entering the twilight of their careers, and the league doors can close in front of them at any time. Fournier's case is a vivid example of this.

The 32-year-old is undoubtedly at the end of his career. Looking back at his career, Fournier was once a great player. From 2016 to 2020, he was at his peak, averaging 19.7 points per game. In the 2020-21 season, when he played for the Celtics, he also averaged 15.4 points, 3.6 rebounds, 1.4 assists and 1.2 steals per game in the playoffs. Such statistics are enough to prove that Fournier was once an international basketball superstar with extraordinary strength.

Bye! NBA! This is a big killer! Outright dismissal

However, time flies, and the years are merciless. As he grew older, Fournier's form gradually declined. After joining the New York Knicks, his role began to decrease, and his statistics also showed a downward trend. Until he was traded to the Pistons this season, Fournier played just 18.7 minutes and averaged just 7.2 points per game. Such a statistical performance can no longer support him to continue to receive a high salary of about $20 million.

Faced with a significant decline in the player's form, the Pistons made a decisive decision - choosing to reject Fournier's contract extension. In this regard, some fans said that they understand the team's considerations very well, after all, the NBA team is also a commercial organization whose primary goal is to pursue record and profit, and it is impossible to blindly maintain those players who are obviously declining in form. As one commentator put it, "This is the harsh reality of professional sports, when a player reaches the twilight of his career, even if he has been brilliant in the past, he will inevitably be abandoned by the team." "

Bye! NBA! This is a big killer! Outright dismissal

For Fournier, losing favor with an NBA team is undoubtedly a heavy blow. However, he did not choose to retire just yet, but immediately received an invitation from European giants Olympiacos to offer a lucrative contract of 8.4 million euros for three years. This undoubtedly provided a new outlet for Fournier to continue to display his talents on the professional basketball court.

But in the process, Fournier also faced many challenges. The first is to readjust to the rhythm and intensity of competition in the European Basketball League, which is clearly different from the habits he has developed in the NBA in the past. Another question is whether if he can no longer win the favor of NBA teams in the future, it means that he will say goodbye to the world's top basketball arena forever and will have to spend the brutal twilight of his career in the European league.

For many players, the NBA is undoubtedly the pinnacle of their careers. Being able to display their strengths on this stage and get a huge salary is undoubtedly their dream goal. But the reality is often cruel, when a player enters the twilight of his career, even if he was once brilliant, he cannot escape the fate of being abandoned by the team. What happened to Fournier is undoubtedly a vivid illustration of this, and it makes us wonder how the top stars who are gradually entering the sunset should face this irreversible fate.

Bye! NBA! This is a big killer! Outright dismissal

Some experts pointed out that for these stars, the most important thing is to have long-term planning and psychological preparation. They should understand that no matter how brilliant they are in the NBA, they will not escape the fate of their careers in the end. Therefore, they need to plan well in advance to be fully prepared and foreshadowed for their future life. For example, you can consider working as a coach, commentator or manager after your career is over, and use your years of experience to serve the team and fans. Or invest in some industries to make financial savings for life after retirement.

Bye! NBA! This is a big killer! Outright dismissal

Of course, for those who truly love basketball, even if they can't be at the top of the NBA again, they don't have to give up on their careers. Just like Fournier, choosing to join Europe's top leagues and regain his glory days in FIBA is also a good choice. As long as you still maintain your love for basketball, even if you can't make it on the NBA world stage, you can still make your mark on other courts.

In the end, we have to sigh that for those former top stars, the end of their careers is undoubtedly a difficult choice. However, as long as they can maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, learn to accept reality, and make careful plans for their future, I believe that even in the sunset of their careers, they will be able to find their own new way out and create brilliance.

Bye! NBA! This is a big killer! Outright dismissal