
Is a manual transmission actually better and more practical than an automatic transmission? There are too many smart people in the comment area!

author:Xiaoyang loves to talk

Text: Xiaoyang loves to talk

Editor|Xiaoyang loves to talk

Is a manual transmission actually better and more practical than an automatic transmission? There are too many smart people in the comment area!

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There is such a hot topic: is a manual transmission actually better and more practical than an automatic transmission?

With the rapid development of technology, the automotive industry is constantly innovating. From the original manual transmission car to the modern automatic transmission car, every leap in technology has brought a new driving experience to the driver. However, in this era of increasing automation and intelligence, manual transmission cars still retain their unique charm and a loyal following.

There are too many smart people in the comment area!

Is a manual transmission actually better and more practical than an automatic transmission? There are too many smart people in the comment area!
Is a manual transmission actually better and more practical than an automatic transmission? There are too many smart people in the comment area!

I'm a newbie, I'm not familiar with it yet, and I'm always overtaken by the automatic transmission at the start of the manual transmission intersection [covering my face]

My automatic transmission was the first to rush out of every red light, and every time I wondered if I had run a red light and why the cars around me didn't move.

Is a manual transmission actually better and more practical than an automatic transmission? There are too many smart people in the comment area!

Friends are lagging behind, and the wagons are being replaced by automatic transmission trams. The express logistics food delivery trucks I see in the community now are all electric, electric vans, electric iveco. No matter how big the truck, it is estimated that it will take some time for the dump truck.

Is a manual transmission actually better and more practical than an automatic transmission? There are too many smart people in the comment area!

The conditioned reflex of the manual transmission is the clutch + brake.

Is a manual transmission actually better and more practical than an automatic transmission? There are too many smart people in the comment area!
Is a manual transmission actually better and more practical than an automatic transmission? There are too many smart people in the comment area!

If you open an automatic transmission, it is estimated that the cornering speed will not be very fast, so there is little point in downshifting.

Use the paddle shifters if you want.

Is a manual transmission actually better and more practical than an automatic transmission? There are too many smart people in the comment area!

Tired is the stop-and-go section, including the section with many traffic lights and unsmooth sections. Often in big cities, the fiery is not suitable for manual. The joy of manual work cannot be replaced by manual integration.

It doesn't matter, I prefer to drive, 11 hours of long-distance driving, driving alone, I really don't feel tired, if you want me to sit for 11 hours, then I will be more uncomfortable.

Is a manual transmission actually better and more practical than an automatic transmission? There are too many smart people in the comment area!

As a 10-year manual veteran, the only problem with manual is the ramp traffic jam (although the current Sutar also has ramp assistance). But the automatic transmission will not be bought, it is too boring to drive.

Is a manual transmission actually better and more practical than an automatic transmission? There are too many smart people in the comment area!
Is a manual transmission actually better and more practical than an automatic transmission? There are too many smart people in the comment area!
Is a manual transmission actually better and more practical than an automatic transmission? There are too many smart people in the comment area!

During my lunch break at noon today, I was lying in the car to charge my phone. I forgot to pull out the key when I left. As a result, there was no fire in the evening, and my uncle was next to him, who used to repair the car. Lighting in the car! I was pushing a cart with another guy. After pushing for dozens of meters, it started successfully after a few fires. I thought about cart lighter when I bought a car.

Is a manual transmission actually better and more practical than an automatic transmission? There are too many smart people in the comment area!

Driving on the road is for work and travel, not for the sake of driving, so if there is no automatic transmission and only manual transmission, it will only force the person who originally drove the automatic transmission to drive the manual transmission that is more difficult to use, and the probability of accidents will be greater.

Is a manual transmission actually better and more practical than an automatic transmission? There are too many smart people in the comment area!

There is no longer a manual transmission in production that is worth buying,

Manual transmissions do now have fewer options, and even fewer are configured with high points.

Is a manual transmission actually better and more practical than an automatic transmission? There are too many smart people in the comment area!
Is a manual transmission actually better and more practical than an automatic transmission? There are too many smart people in the comment area!

Don't fool people and first manual and then automatic, buying a car is as simple as buying vegetables, what's the fun of commuting to and from work, the simpler the better, it must be automatic, if there is a shuttle, automatic transmission is not needed, and you can sleep on the road.

Where is the automatic transmission so easy to break. There is no benefit to manual cars other than that they are cheap when you buy them, and you will know what to do when you sell them.

最后‬作者‬想说的是‬,选择手动挡还是自动挡,应根据个人的驾驶习惯、技术熟练度、经济实力以及对驾驶体验的追求来决定。 If you like the handling and fun of driving, you may be more inclined to opt for a manual transmission. And if you're more focused on the convenience and comfort of driving, an automatic transmission might be more suitable for you.

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