
Rank 3 2024173 recommends focusing on numbers with values between 10-20

author:Tenacious larks

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Rank 3 2024173 recommends focusing on numbers with values between 10-20

Rank 3 Issue 2024172

Draw result: 4 0 0

Rank 3 2024173 recommends focusing on numbers with values between 10-20

Analysis of lottery results

Span: Span: Span: refers to the difference between the largest and lowest numbers in the drawn numbers. The draw number for this draw is 400, the maximum number is 4, and the minimum number is 0, so the span is 4

Rank 3 2024173 recommends focusing on numbers with values between 10-20

Sum Value: Sum value refers to the sum of all numbers in the drawn number. The sum value of this period is 4+0+0=4

Rank 3 2024173 recommends focusing on numbers with values between 10-20

Odd-even ratio: The odd-even ratio refers to the ratio of the odd number to the even number in the drawn numbers. The numbers drawn in this draw are all even numbers (4, 0, 0), so the odd-even ratio is 0:3

Rank 3 2024173 recommends focusing on numbers with values between 10-20

Size trend: In Rank 3, 0-4 is usually defined as small and 5-9 as large. The numbers drawn in this draw are all trumpets (4, 0, 0), so the size ratio is 0:3

Rank 3 2024173 recommends focusing on numbers with values between 10-20

Qualitative trend: A prime number is a number with only two factors, 1 and itself, while a composite number is a number that has other factors besides 1 and itself. 1 is neither prime nor composite. In permutation 3, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 are usually defined as prime numbers, and 0, 4, 6, 8, 9 are defined as composite numbers. There are no prime numbers (only 0 and 4) in the drawn numbers of this draw, so the prime ratio is 0:3

Rank 3 2024173 recommends focusing on numbers with values between 10-20

Rank 3: Analysis and prediction of the 2024173 period

Span analysis: The recent span trend may show some volatility. Considering that the span of the previous draw was 4 (the drawn number was 400), the span of the next draw may change. It is advisable to pay attention to numbers that span between 3-6

Rank 3 2024173 recommends focusing on numbers with values between 10-20

Sum value analysis: The sum value of the previous period is 4, which is relatively low. Based on historical data, it is possible that the sum value will revert to a more average level in the following periods. It is advisable to pay attention to numbers with values between 10-20.

Rank 3 2024173 recommends focusing on numbers with values between 10-20

Odd-even ratio analysis: The odd-even ratio in the previous period was 0:3, and all of them were even numbers. Historically, the distribution of odd-even ratios tends to be somewhat balanced. Therefore, the next draw can consider choosing a combination of numbers that contains an odd number, such as an odd-even ratio of 1:2 or 2:1

Rank 3 2024173 recommends focusing on numbers with values between 10-20

Size trend analysis: The size ratio of the previous period is 0:3, and all of them are small. Similar to the odd-even ratio, the distribution of the size ratio tends to show a certain balance. The next draw can focus on number combinations with a size ratio of 1:2 or 2:1

Rank 3 2024173 recommends focusing on numbers with values between 10-20

Quality-fit trend analysis: the quality-ratio of the previous period is 0:3, and all of them are composite numbers (including 0 for non-quality and non-combination). The next draw can focus on number combinations that contain prime numbers, such as a prime ratio of 1:2 or 2:1

Rank 3 2024173 recommends focusing on numbers with values between 10-20

Number referral

Group 1: 1 4 6 (span 5, sum value 11, odd-even ratio 1:2, size ratio 1:2, quality ratio 1:2)

Group 2: 3 5 7 (span 4, sum value 15, odd-even ratio 3:0, size ratio 2:1, quality ratio 2:1)

Group 3: 2 6 8 (span 6, sum value 16, odd-even ratio 0:3, size ratio 2:1, quality ratio 0:3)

Rank 3 2024173 recommends focusing on numbers with values between 10-20

These characteristics may reflect a certain distribution trend or pattern of the lottery numbers in this period, but it is important to note that the lottery results are random, and these analyses are for reference only and cannot be used as a basis for predicting future lottery results.