
CCTV's hit "Executive Judge" was asked to stop broadcasting and take it off the shelves! The theory of bad reviews from the audience is hotly discussed!

author:Book from the sky

Recently, CCTV's hit TV series "Executive Judge" has aroused strong dissatisfaction and bad reviews from the audience, and many viewers have demanded that the show be immediately stopped and taken off the shelves. This unexpected phenomenon has attracted widespread attention, and many people have been shocked.

CCTV's hit "Executive Judge" was asked to stop broadcasting and take it off the shelves! The theory of bad reviews from the audience is hotly discussed!

Previously, "Executive Judge" was loved by the audience for its excellent production team, superb cast and tight story, and became a high-profile hit drama. Recently, however, there has been a strong protest from the audience, which makes people have to express surprise at the reason for the bad review.

Many viewers took to social media to accuse the show of exaggerating and untrue images of the executive judges' profession. They think that the image of the executive judge in the play is too heroic, acting coldly and impersonally, which is far from the image of the executive judge in reality. This has also become a common opinion among the audience.

CCTV's hit "Executive Judge" was asked to stop broadcasting and take it off the shelves! The theory of bad reviews from the audience is hotly discussed!

Some viewers said that the plot setting and story rhythm in "Executive Judge" are too exaggerated and lack a sense of reality. They think that the development of the plot is unreasonable, the logic is poor, and people can't resonate. Some viewers even joked: "Looking at this plot, I wonder if I have fallen into a drama full of fantasy." ”

In addition, the audience also generally believes that the acting skills of the actors of "The Executive Judge" are unsatisfactory, the performances are too blunt, and there is no expression of emotion at all. They criticized: "The actors' performances are simply reading scripts, and there is no emotion to speak of." This has also become a big reason for the audience's anger.

CCTV's hit "Executive Judge" was asked to stop broadcasting and take it off the shelves! The theory of bad reviews from the audience is hotly discussed!

In response to the audience's questions and criticisms, the producer has not yet responded, but netizens speculated that the production team may have pursued commercial interests and ignored the audience's expectations and true feelings. They said that this pursuit of high ratings and web clicks in the series is tantamount to disrespect to the audience.

Although "Executive Judge" has caused huge controversy in a short period of time, it also reflects the audience's increasing demand for the quality and authenticity of the series. The audience expects the producers to respond to their calls and pay more attention to the authenticity of the plot and the performance level of the actors.