
The weather is about to change, but be warned...

author:Kelsey Emotional
The weather is about to change, but be warned...
The weather is about to change, but be warned...
The weather is about to change, but be warned...
The weather is about to change, but be warned...
The weather is about to change, but be warned...

It's about to heat up

From the weekend, the temperature rises significantly

- Hangzhou Weather -

The weather is about to change, but be warned...

Continuous rainy weather

It has made many people's emotions "moldy".

The good news is

Persistent regional heavy rain will end tomorrow

After that, it will turn into scattered thundershowers

The sun is about to show its face

With the return of sunlight, though

Temperatures are set to skyrocket

The expected maximum temperature on July 3 is 37°C

Everyone should be mentally prepared

Hangzhou Weather Hangzhou weather qtzyzh

28 (Friday): Cloudy with showers or thunderstorms, 22~28°C, south wind 3~4;

29 (Saturday): Cloudy to overcast with occasional showers or thunderstorms, 24~34°C, southwest wind 4~5;

30th (Sunday): Cloudy to overcast, partly showers or thunderstorms, 27~32°C, southwest wind level 3;

1 (Monday): Cloudy to overcast, partly showers or thunderstorms, 26~34°C, southwest wind 3~4;

2 (Tuesday): Cloudy to overcast, partly showers or thunderstorms, 26~34°C, southeast wind 3~4;

3rd (Wednesday): Cloudy, locally showers or thunderstorms, 27~37°C, southwest wind 3~4.

Rainy days seem to give us life

Covered with a thin layer of gray

However, don't let the weather affect our mood

Because today is a joyous Friday

In order to make everyone's mood brighter

We have prepared some live streaming benefits

Let's enjoy this wonderful moment together~

The weather is about to change, but be warned...
The weather is about to change, but be warned...

Watch the live broadcast and enjoy the gifts

The weather is about to change, but be warned...
The weather is about to change, but be warned...

Have a drink on Friday

The weather is about to change, but be warned...
The weather is about to change, but be warned...

Interactive and courteous

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Before five o'clock in ✨ the afternoon

The editor randomly selects the users who answer correctly

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Look at the picture to guess the idiom

The weather is about to change, but be warned...

Welfare gas stations

The weather is about to change, but be warned...

*Some of the above information sources [Hangzhou Weather] and the Internet, we do not provide any express or implied guarantee for the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the content of the article, the copyright belongs to the original author, if you have any questions, please contact us.

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