
Great benevolence and righteousness Liu Zongyuan

author:Lack of desire for good
Great benevolence and righteousness Liu Zongyuan

Liu Zongyuan

Liu Zongyuan was born in a famous family, and many of his ancestors were prime ministers and officials such as the Three Princes. Liu Zongyuan has also been smart and erudite since he was a child, and he succeeded in the Jinshi and Erudite Macro Vocabulary Subjects at one time. originally had a promising future, but because of his participation in Wang Shuwen's "Yongzhen Innovation" activities, he was framed and attacked by the eunuch group, and was demoted from the capital to a local post. He worked as a Sima in Yongzhou for ten years, and although he returned to the capital Chang'an, he was squeezed out by Wu Yuanheng and went to Liuzhou to serve as a assassin for four years, and finally died in Liuzhou at the age of 47.

Great benevolence and righteousness Liu Zongyuan

Scare the tiger

Great benevolence and righteousness Liu Zongyuan

The donkey of Qian

Everyone is familiar with Liu Zongyuan, and most of them may come from an idiom "Qian donkey skills are poor", this idiom comes from a fable "Qian Donkey" written by Liu Zongyuan. Maybe it's because of reading one of his biographies, "The Snake Catcher Says".

Great benevolence and righteousness Liu Zongyuan

Said the snake catcher

Or read one of his poems "Jiang Xue", "Thousands of mountains and birds fly away, and thousands of people disappear." Lonely boat, fishing alone in the cold river and snow. ”

Great benevolence and righteousness Liu Zongyuan

Jiang Xue

From these clips, everyone gets to know a talented, upright and ambitious Yanagi Zongyuan. And the image of a real Liu Zongyuan is much more vivid and complex.

He was a reformer and participated in the Yongzhen Reform.

He is a philosopher and thinker, and his "Tianwen" and "Feudalism" oppose Dong Zhongshu's so-called "divine right of the monarch", which has the spirit of materialism and has been highly praised by Chairman Mao.

He is an allegorical novelist, and his allegorical novels "The Donkey of Qian" and "The Rat of Yong's Family" are well-known.

He is a biographical novelist, and his "Snake Catcher Says" and so on, everyone knows about it.

He is also the originator of landscape travelogues, and his "Little Stone Pond" and "Stone Stream" are lyrical and very beautiful.

He is a great poet and lyricist, and he is known as the first person in the Tang Dynasty to write poetry and songs, and he is as famous as Tao Yuanming.

Great benevolence and righteousness Liu Zongyuan

Liu Yuxi

He stuck a knife in his friend's ribs and took care of his friend's heart. He and Yoo Woo-seok shared similar interests and were both involved in the political reform movement. At the same time, when he heard that Liu Yuxi was demoted to the worst and farthest place, because Liu Yuxi's family had an old mother, he took the initiative to apply for an exchange with Liu Yuxi, and he went to the worst place. Seeing the truth in adversity has touched countless people.

Together with Han Yu and others, he led the ancient literature movement and wrote a lot of books, both of which became famous figures in the "Eight Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties".

Unlike Han Yu, Liu Zongyuan is proficient in Buddhism, but he advocates the integration of Buddhism and Confucianism, and it is still necessary to learn to help the world.

Liu Zongyuan was particularly sympathetic to the suffering of ordinary people, and for 14 years as a magistrate, he was honest and diligent, cracked down on corrupt officials and corrupt officials, and did a lot of good things that the common people talked about. He has been a local official for 14 years, and his family has no money to spare, and his deathbed burial was only completed with the help of others.

Later generations had a very high evaluation of Liu Zongyuan, and the emperor of the Song Dynasty posthumously named him a marquis.

"Guwen Guan Zhi" includes more than 20 of his articles, everyone has time to read them, and understand Liu Zongyuan's thoughts of worrying about the country and the people, which is very inspired and educated.