
Knowing the rules of wearing jade is the real jade raiser. Don't wear it if you don't understand

author:Strive for ABC

Understand jade and wear jade, inherit the thousand-year-old culture - don't wear it if you don't know it

The ancients said: "If jade is not cut, it cannot be a weapon." "Jade is not only a gemstone, but also a carrier and symbol of Chinese culture. Since ancient times, wearing jade has been a way for people to express their identity, taste, and beliefs. However, Dai Yu is not a casual move, and there are many rules and exquisiteness hidden behind it. If you really know the rules of wearing jade, you are the "jade nurturing people". Next, let's explore the mystery of jade and talk about how to wear jade correctly.

Knowing the rules of wearing jade is the real jade raiser. Don't wear it if you don't understand

1. The benefits and misunderstandings of Dai Yu

As we all know, wearing jade can support people. Jade contains a variety of trace elements required by the human body, and long-term wear is helpful for health. However, some people blindly pursue jade without understanding the rules of wearing, which leads to counterproductiveness. Therefore, we must first understand Dai Yu's misunderstandings:

Knowing the rules of wearing jade is the real jade raiser. Don't wear it if you don't understand

1. Blindly chasing high-priced jade: Jade is expensive, but that doesn't mean the higher the price, the better. When choosing jade, focus on quality rather than price.

2. Feel free to wear: Pay attention to the rules when wearing jade, different styles and materials of jade have different meanings and exquisiteness, and cannot be worn at will.

Knowing the rules of wearing jade is the real jade raiser. Don't wear it if you don't understand

Second, Dai Yu's rules and exquisiteness

1. Choose the right jade: To wear jade, you should choose the right jade according to your zodiac, numerology, gender, etc. For example, the jade peace buckle means peace and auspiciousness, and is suitable for both men and women.

2. Pay attention to the quality of jade: When buying jade, you should pay attention to the quality and choose jade with delicate texture, natural color and clear texture.

Knowing the rules of wearing jade is the real jade raiser. Don't wear it if you don't understand

3. Pay attention to the way of wearing: When wearing jade, pay attention to the matching with other jewelry to avoid colliding with each other. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the cleaning and maintenance of jade, and wash it regularly to maintain its luster.

3. Quotations from the scriptures

The ancients had deep emotions and unique insights into jade. As the ancients said: "Jade is the beauty of stone, sweet and non-toxic." "This is the high praise for jade. At the same time, many ancient books have about the wearing of jade and rules, such as the "Compendium of Materia Medica" recorded that jade has the effect of removing heat in the stomach and moistening the heart and lungs. These classical theories provide Dai Yu with a strong theoretical basis.

Knowing the rules of wearing jade is the real jade raiser. Don't wear it if you don't understand

4. How to wear jade correctly

1. Know your needs: Before wearing jade, understand your needs and choose the right jade style and material for you.

2. Pay attention to quality and authenticity: When buying jade, pay attention to quality and learn to distinguish between authenticity and fakeness. The authenticity of jade can be judged by observing aspects such as color, texture, and weight.

Knowing the rules of wearing jade is the real jade raiser. Don't wear it if you don't understand

3. Wear the rules: When wearing jade, pay attention to the rules. If you avoid wearing it during strenuous exercise, it will prevent collision damage; Pay attention to cleaning and maintenance to maintain the luster of jade.

Fifth, the true meaning of jade raising people

"Jade nourishing people" does not only mean that wearing jade can bring physical health, but also the cultural connotation and spiritual sustenance carried by jade. Wearing jade is the inheritance of cultural traditions, and it is people's yearning and pursuit of a better life. Therefore, only by understanding the rules of wearing jade can we truly appreciate the deep meaning of "jade raising people".

Knowing the rules of wearing jade is the real jade raiser. Don't wear it if you don't understand

VI. Conclusion

In short, wearing jade is a cultural tradition and an attitude to life. We must understand the rules of wearing jade, choose the jade that suits us, pay attention to the quality and authenticity, and abide by the rules of wearing, so as to truly appreciate the deep meaning of "jade raising people". Let us inherit the thousand-year-old jade culture and make jade a beautiful scenery in our lives.

Knowing the rules of wearing jade is the real jade raiser. Don't wear it if you don't understand