
When the elderly in the family pass away, it is best for these four types of people not to attend the funeral, and the experience is not superstitious

author:Strive for ABC

When an elderly person in the family dies, it is best not to attend the funeral for these four types of people: experience is not superstition

"Life and death are fateful, wealth is in the sky." This is a profound insight of the ancients into life and death. When we face the death of an elderly person in the family, the funeral is an important ritual, both as a respect for the deceased and as a comfort to the living. However, it may not be appropriate for some people to attend funerals, not because of superstition, but because of experience and common sense. So, what are the four categories of people who are better off not attending a funeral?

When the elderly in the family pass away, it is best for these four types of people not to attend the funeral, and the experience is not superstitious

1. Those who are extremely weak

"If the body is weak, the essence is insufficient", people who are extremely weak often have low energy and low immunity. The sad, oppressive atmosphere of attending a funeral can have a huge impact on their physical and mental health. Moreover, the funeral site is complicated and the air quality may be poor, which is undoubtedly a challenge for people who are physically weak. Therefore, it is better for people who are extremely weak to refrain from attending the funeral so as not to make matters worse.

When the elderly in the family pass away, it is best for these four types of people not to attend the funeral, and the experience is not superstitious

2. People with high mood swings and emotional instability

"Emotional instability is the trigger for all diseases." When a person has high mood swings and emotional instability, their psychological capacity is often weaker. On a sad occasion such as a funeral, they may be subjected to strong emotional stimuli, triggering unwanted mood swings and possibly even mental illness. Therefore, to ensure their physical and mental health, it is best to avoid having them attend funerals.

When the elderly in the family pass away, it is best for these four types of people not to attend the funeral, and the experience is not superstitious

3. Pregnant women and infants

"Mother and son are filial, heaven and earth are natural." Pregnant women and babies are valuable assets in the family, and their health needs to be taken care of. There are often many uncertainties at the funeral site, such as the quality of the air and crowding, which can adversely affect the fetus and baby. Therefore, for the sake of their health and safety, it is best not to allow them to attend the funeral.

When the elderly in the family pass away, it is best for these four types of people not to attend the funeral, and the experience is not superstitious

4. People who have no deep relationship with the deceased

While attending a funeral is a way to express condolences and respect, attending a funeral can make you feel uncomfortable or irrelevant if you don't have a deep relationship with the deceased. In this case, in order to respect the wishes of the deceased and the family, as well as to avoid causing unnecessary distress and discomfort to yourself, it is better not to attend the funeral.

When the elderly in the family pass away, it is best for these four types of people not to attend the funeral, and the experience is not superstitious

Of course, everyone's situation is unique. In some special circumstances, even a person who falls into one of the four categories above may be required to attend a funeral. In the face of such a situation, we should weigh and judge according to the actual situation. At the same time, we also respect everyone's choices and decisions.

When the elderly in the family pass away, it is best for these four types of people not to attend the funeral, and the experience is not superstitious

In short, "people are sophisticated, and each has its own suitability". We should be rational in dealing with the death and funeral of the elderly in the family, respecting the wishes of the deceased and their families, and considering the physical and mental health of the people attending the funeral.

When the elderly in the family pass away, it is best for these four types of people not to attend the funeral, and the experience is not superstitious

The advice that these four groups of people are better off attending a funeral is not superstitious, but based on experience and common sense. Let us deal with related issues more rationally and maturely in the face of life and death. Such experiences deserve to be understood and disseminated by each and every one of us.

When the elderly in the family pass away, it is best for these four types of people not to attend the funeral, and the experience is not superstitious