
Why did Huang Zhenhua tell Zhuang Guodong the address of Fang Xiewen's hometown?

author:Yan'er's reading notes

When Rose was about to marry Fang Xiewen, in order to give him enough face and security, she went to Fang Xiewen's hometown. The night before she was about to register, she suddenly received a text message on her mobile phone with only four words on it: "Don't get married."

Zhuang Guodong, who disappeared for five years, got the bargaining chips he exchanged for leaving the rose, became the director of operations of the French head office, and obtained the right of permanent residence in France.

Why did Huang Zhenhua tell Zhuang Guodong the address of Fang Xiewen's hometown?

So, the memory of his five-year death suddenly awakened and came back to look for Rose. It's still the same cliché method he used to use before: stalking.

Reality blocked her on her way to work, and after being rejected, she waited for a day downstairs in her company;

He also asked for the address of Rose's marriage from Huang Zhenhua, and traveled thousands of kilometers from Shanghai to the Northeast to prevent Rose from getting married.

Why did Huang Zhenhua tell Zhuang Guodong the address of Fang Xiewen's hometown?

However, at this time, Rose had no idea of wanting to continue to entangle with him, so she took Fang Xiewen to meet Zhuang Guodong and told him that we were married.

This meeting, although it cut off Zhuang Guodong's non-divisive thoughts, also laid a big thunder for Fang Xiewen and Rose's life after marriage. Originally, Fang Xiewen had low self-esteem, in the past, he just felt that he was not worthy of roses, but now, seeing such a high-quality ex-boyfriend, there is an imaginary enemy with low self-esteem.

In Su Su's words, now, Fang Xiewen's inferiority complex has a specific point.

Why did Huang Zhenhua tell Zhuang Guodong the address of Fang Xiewen's hometown?

In fact, when I saw this paragraph, I couldn't understand one point: why did Huang Zhenhua tell Zhuang Guodong the address of Rose's marriage? The reason he gave Su Su was that he didn't expect Zhuang Guodong to really go! This explanation is too far-fetched! Moreover, he asked Su Su later, if the two of them really fight, who can win?

On the eve of his sister's wedding, he instigated his ex-boyfriend to stir up the situation, is this really what his brother did?

until he remembered that he accepted Bai Xiaohe's fishing invitation and hid from her that he had a girlfriend. Only then did I know that he and Zhuang Guodong were actually the same kind of people.

Why did Huang Zhenhua tell Zhuang Guodong the address of Fang Xiewen's hometown?

At the beginning of this drama, Huang Zhenhua was the only male protagonist in the play who did not have bad points. Good family, good work, good personality, no bad habits, is a standard model for affordable men.

Mom's colleague introduced him to Bai Xiaohe. He caught eye on each other and was bent on facilitating the relationship. Helplessly, Bai Xiaohe still had the shadow of her ex-boyfriend in her heart, and she politely rejected him.

In order not to be urged to marry by his parents, Bai Xiaohe begged him to act with him, and he also took the role seriously, and made various preparations to accompany Xiaohe's parents to travel.

Before going out, Bai Xiaohe said that the drama was withdrawn, and he would stop filming, so you will be the protagonist offline! He obediently went offline again. During that time, it made everyone feel distressed, and every article in the barrage was unfair for him.

Why did Huang Zhenhua tell Zhuang Guodong the address of Fang Xiewen's hometown?

But the more I got to the back, the more I felt that this big brother was a little confused, whether it was in his own feelings, or in the matter of Rose and Zhuang Guodong.

In order to stay in France and develop his career, Zhuang Guodong chose to give up his love with Rose, and the two officially broke up. The roses were slowly put down, and Huang Zhenhua couldn't put them down.

Taking the opportunity of going abroad for a meeting, he deliberately went to France to find Zhuang Guodong. said that Rose can't let go of him, the two of them are very suitable, you go back to China to develop! As a result, only one sentence was exchanged: Can roses come to France?

Why did Huang Zhenhua tell Zhuang Guodong the address of Fang Xiewen's hometown?

Rose later got together with Fang Xiewen, and he always looked down on Shang Xiewen. I think he came from a small place, he has no background, and he is not worthy of roses. No matter which time we meet, we always pick our noses and eyes. This is actually understandable, when he first met Zhuang Guodong, he also had this attitude, but Zhuang Guodong was used to mixing in Vanity Fair, and a few simple tricks made Huang Zhenhua smile, thinking that he was the best choice for Rose to marry.

But how could Fang Xiewen do this? A recent graduate of science and engineering who works with computers and numbers all day long. Therefore, he has never been able to reverse the image in Huang Zhenhua's heart.

On the eve of Rose's wedding, Zhuang Guodong returned to his hometown, and Huang Zhenhua hurriedly sent him the address of Fang Xiewen's hometown. When Su Gengsheng questioned him, he still quibbled: I didn't think about it so much!

Why did Huang Zhenhua tell Zhuang Guodong the address of Fang Xiewen's hometown?

That was the only time in the whole drama when I felt sorry for Fang Xiewen. It's really miserable to have such an uncle who eats inside and out of the stall.

It's the same with Bai Xiaohe. When he was having an affair with Bai Xiaohe, he happened to quarrel with Su Su!

To be honest, falling in love with a girl like Su Su is a bit troublesome. The family background is complicated, and he is very independent, so he chooses to carry everything by himself. Huang Zhenhua often has a deep sense of powerlessness.

In order to give himself enough security, Su Su bought a house without consulting Huang Zhenhua, and rejected his idea of repaying the loan together. No matter who looks at it, they all want to get rid of the relationship. So Huang Zhenhua is angry, and it's not incomprehensible.

Why did Huang Zhenhua tell Zhuang Guodong the address of Fang Xiewen's hometown?

After the two quarreled, Su Su happened to go home to deal with the mess at home and leave for a while. Huang Zhenhua went fishing to relieve his boredom and met Bai Xiaohe, whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

Bai Xiaohe's attitude has changed a lot from before, and he is much more enthusiastic. Not only did he take the initiative to go fishing, but he also made an appointment to eat fish and cook together at home. In fact, it is obvious that Bai Xiaohe has the intention of continuing the front edge, at least, he does not exclude associating with Huang Zhenhua.

Regarding Bai Xiaohe's enthusiasm, Huang Zhenhua accepted all the invitations, invited all the appointments, and also concealed that he had a girlfriend. If Su Su hadn't come back and came to Huang Zhenhua in time, it is estimated that he would have gone further and further on this road.

Why did Huang Zhenhua tell Zhuang Guodong the address of Fang Xiewen's hometown?

In fact, when it comes to emotional issues, the heroines in this drama have a particularly sober understanding: they can't rely on men completely. When Su Su was with Huang Zhenhua when she was just together, Huang Zhenhua was so good to her, and Su Su did not shift all the emotional balances to Huang Zhenhua.

Man, it's really unreliable at any point. Even if it's good for you, there may be times when you get off track. It is really more important than anything else to grasp the initiative that you should grasp.