
Don't pick up things on the side of the road, and run away when you see them

author:Enthusiastic little dance

Text: Enthusiastic little dance

Editor: Enthusiastic Xiao Wu


The ancients said: "Everything in the world has spirituality."

People's understanding of nature no longer stays in its superficial form, but penetrates deep into the heart of every living being, but when we pick up nature, we need to know how to protect it, we need to know how to respect it.

Don't pick up things on the side of the road, and run away when you see them

Nowadays, many people have an "antique plot", but some things can not be moved, next, Xiaobian will take stock of some things that can not be picked up on the side of the road, if you see it on the road, do not approach, let alone move. Run away when you see it!

One: Roadside keys

In many cases, we will pick up a key on the street, and the person who loses it will often put all their minds on how to find the lost key, but if one day, when you pick up a key on the street, don't pick it up casually, if you pick it up, not only can you not open the door you want to open,

Don't pick up things on the side of the road, and run away when you see them

It may also have some bad effects on your life, because the key you encounter is very likely to be discarded by someone with ulterior motives, so when you see a key, don't move it, you should call the police in time, and hand over the key to the police uncle, so that you may be able to help the person who lost the key.

Don't pick up things on the side of the road, and run away when you see them

Two: Wreaths on the side of the road

In our lives, many times, there will be some things happening around us, these things, maybe for others, do not have any meaning, but for ourselves, they have a special meaning, will bring some changes to our lives.

Don't pick up things on the side of the road, and run away when you see them

Or to add some color to our lives, and sometimes, when we face some sad things, we will choose to send a wreath to others to comfort each other and give each other some comfort.

However, if one day, when you see a wreath on the side of the road, don't take it casually, because this wreath is likely to be discarded, and there may be some bad things in it.

Don't pick up things on the side of the road, and run away when you see them

For example, if you take something poisonous, or something cursed, if you take it casually, it may cause dissatisfaction with the other party, and even bring some bad effects to your life, so when you see a wreath, don't move it, you should call the police in time and let the police uncle deal with it.

Three: paper money on the side of the road

Don't pick up things on the side of the road, and run away when you see them

In our traditional view, it is believed that after death, people will become ghosts, wandering in the sun, and these ghosts need to be sacrificed to them with some sacrifices, so that they can rest in peace.

Therefore, on some specific days, for example, Qingming Festival, Zhongyuan Festival, and even the first day of each month, on this day, there will be many people who will burn some paper money for their ancestors or other ghosts, so that they can rest in peace, and after that,

Don't pick up things on the side of the road, and run away when you see them

Many people will choose to throw away the remaining paper money on the side of the road, thinking that this can bring good luck to others, however, the consequences of doing so are very serious, because these paper money is likely to be used by people with ulterior motives, or even cause their dissatisfaction.

Don't pick up things on the side of the road, and run away when you see them

Therefore, if one day, when you pick up some paper money on the side of the road, don't take it casually, you should clean it up in time, or notify the people around you to deal with this matter.


In life, we need to know how to protect nature, we need to know how to respect all living beings, when we see something, not all things, can be picked up wantonly, some things, can not be moved,

Because of the turmoil, it may bring some bad effects to yourself, and even to others' lives, so I hope that everyone, through our sharing, can have some new understanding, can understand these things, and in the future, you can be more careful, protect yourself, and protect others.