
Zhong Nanshan faltered to attend the graduation ceremony, and he has been on the front line of the War of Resistance all his life, and has dedicated himself to the country for 64 years

author:An old six

On the morning of June 28, Guangzhou Medical University held the 2024 graduation ceremony and degree conferment ceremony.

Academician Zhong Nanshan, who is 88 years old this year, is still on the front line of his life, and his faltering steps have always tugged at the hearts of the students and netizens present, and he only hopes that time can be slowed down and slower, so that Zhong Nanshan's pain can be alleviated.

Zhong Nanshan faltered to attend the graduation ceremony, and he has been on the front line of the War of Resistance all his life, and has dedicated himself to the country for 64 years

Although Academician Zhong Nanshan soothed the hearts of the public and responded, "I am currently suffering from gout, and my heart, liver, brain, lungs, and kidneys are still normal, and there is nothing serious." ”

It seems that his wish is very simple, but it is so great that people admire, he has always been concerned about the motherland, and he is eager to make some contributions to the country.

He once said lightly: "There used to be a slogan for the health of the motherland for 50 years, and I have served the health of the motherland for 64 years, which is exceeded, and if I can, I hope to provide a minimum of 70 years of health service." ”

Zhong Nanshan faltered to attend the graduation ceremony, and he has been on the front line of the War of Resistance all his life, and has dedicated himself to the country for 64 years

Looking back at the 64 years that Zhong Lao has passed, perhaps without his help to turn the tide and save lives, perhaps the mortality figures are even more shocking.

In 2002, the first SARS outbreak in Guangdong Province - SARS - quickly spread to the world, and it was not until mid-2003 that the epidemic was gradually eliminated.

In the face of the sudden SARS epidemic, many medical staff did not dare to have contact with patients, and under this circumstance, Zhong Nanshan did not hesitate to transfer all seriously ill patients to his hospital.

Zhong Nanshan faltered to attend the graduation ceremony, and he has been on the front line of the War of Resistance all his life, and has dedicated himself to the country for 64 years

Even in the face of the SARS epidemic, he did not know the source of it, let alone investigate, but Zhong Lao still stood up and tried his best to treat all SARS patients.

After working for 38 hours in a row, he was tired and collapsed on the front line of life, and had symptoms such as high fever and cough. But he never complained.

In this war of resistance, it is precisely because of Zhong Lao, a doctor on the front line of life, that the mortality rate in Guangdong Province is as low as 3.8%, while the global mortality rate is 11%, which shows that Zhong Lao's contribution is indispensable.

In 2020, the outbreak of the new crown epidemic overwhelmed everyone for a while, and at this moment, Zhong Lao stepped forward again, and hurriedly bought a seatless ticket to Wuhan during the Spring Festival, just to rush to the scene as soon as possible to understand the local situation.

Zhong Nanshan faltered to attend the graduation ceremony, and he has been on the front line of the War of Resistance all his life, and has dedicated himself to the country for 64 years

Zhong Lao, who came to Wuhan, has been fighting on the front line of the new crown epidemic, just to fight for his life with the epidemic and to treat more patients.

During this period, Zhong Lao went to the Huanan Seafood Market many times to make field trips, not only to the local CDC to learn about the real-time situation, but even to the State Council in Beijing to report the situation, and the on-site connection "News 1+1" to reassure the hearts of people all over the world and introduce the epidemic situation to people all over the world.

In just a few days, Zhong Lao never stopped running, and when he opened his eyes, he saw the real-time situation of the new crown epidemic, and when he closed his eyes, his mind was still the anti-epidemic method of the new crown.

In the face of the epidemic, foreign countries have adopted the attitude of "boiling frogs in warm water" and "fending for themselves", but Zhong Lao, as a member of the front line of the new crown epidemic war, dares to do and dare to speak, and is one of the models of all doctors, giving people all over the world a sense of security.

He has selflessly contributed to the country's medical treatment all his life, struggled on the front line of the War of Resistance against Life without complaint, and strived to become a role model for medical students all his life.