
Prevention of Illegal Fundraising| Please keep the guide to preventing illegal fundraising!

author:Mall media

"Low threshold, zero risk, high interest, daily rebate"

Have you ever been tempted by so many temptations?

Ten million alarms!

These are all "blind methods" for illegal fundraising!

Today, I will take you to find out

What is illegal fundraising?

How to prevent illegal fundraising

Avoid falling into the trap of illegal fundraising?

Prevention of Illegal Fundraising| Please keep the guide to preventing illegal fundraising!


What is illegal fundraising?

According to the Regulations on the Prevention and Handling of Illegal Fundraising (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations"), illegal fundraising refers to the act of soliciting funds from unspecified targets by promising to repay principal and interest or giving other investment returns without the permission of the financial management department of the State Council in accordance with the law or in violation of national financial management regulations.


What are the basic characteristics of illegal fundraising?

Illegal fundraising must meet three elements at the same time: first, "without the permission of the financial management department of the State Council in accordance with the law or in violation of national financial management regulations", that is, illegality; the second is "promising to repay principal and interest or give other investment returns", that is, inducement; The third is to "absorb funds from unspecified objects", that is, sociality.

Prevention of Illegal Fundraising| Please keep the guide to preventing illegal fundraising!
Prevention of Illegal Fundraising| Please keep the guide to preventing illegal fundraising!

Illegal fundraising in the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the "Criminal Law") mainly involves the crime of illegally absorbing deposits from the public under Article 176 and the crime of fundraising fraud under Article 192.

Article 176 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China stipulates that anyone who illegally absorbs deposits from the public or absorbs deposits from the public in disguised form, thereby disrupting the financial order, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or short-term detention and/or a fine; where the amount is huge or there are other serious circumstances, a sentence of between 3 and 10 years imprisonment and a concurrent fine is to be given; where the amount is especially huge or there are other especially serious circumstances, a sentence of 10 or more years imprisonment and a concurrent fine is to be given.

Article 192 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China stipulates that whoever illegally raises funds by fraudulent means for the purpose of illegal possession, and the amount is relatively large, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years and shall also be fined; where the amount is huge or there are other serious circumstances, a sentence of 7 or more years imprisonment or indefinite imprisonment is to be given, and a concurrent fine or confiscation of property.

At the same time, Article 25 of the Regulations stipulates that the losses incurred by participating in illegal fundraising shall be borne by the fundraising participants.

Prevention of Illegal Fundraising| Please keep the guide to preventing illegal fundraising!
Prevention of Illegal Fundraising| Please keep the guide to preventing illegal fundraising!

Illegal fundraising activities involve a wide range of contents and manifest themselves in various forms, and the common forms are as follows:

1. Establish Internet enterprises, investment and investment consulting enterprises, various trading venues or platforms, professional farmer cooperatives, mutual fund organizations and other organizations to absorb funds;

2. Collecting funds in the name of issuing or transferring equity or creditor's rights, raising funds, selling insurance products, or engaging in various asset management, virtual currency, financial leasing business, etc.;

3. Absorb funds in the form of promised payment of monetary, equities, in-kind returns and other returns in the sale of goods, provision of services, investment projects, etc.;

4. Violating laws, administrative regulations, or relevant state provisions by publicly disseminating information on the absorption of funds through mass media, instant messaging tools, or other means;

5. Other suspected illegal fundraising.

Prevention of Illegal Fundraising| Please keep the guide to preventing illegal fundraising!
Prevention of Illegal Fundraising| Please keep the guide to preventing illegal fundraising!


Promise high returns

Criminals fabricate the myth of "pie in the sky" and "overnight rich", promising investors high returns. In order to deceive more people into participating in fundraising, illegal fundraisers often honor their promised principal and interest on time and in full at the initial stage of fundraising, and when the fundraising reaches a certain scale, they secretly transfer funds or abscond with the funds, causing the fundraising participants to suffer economic losses.


Make up fake projects

Most of the criminals have registered legitimate companies or enterprises, and under the guise of responding to national industrial policies and carrying out entrepreneurship and innovation, they fabricate all kinds of false projects, and some even organize free tours and inspections to deceive the public's trust.


Build momentum with false propaganda

Criminals often spend a lot of money on publicity, hiring celebrity endorsements, celebrity platforms, publishing advertisements in major radio and television, the Internet and other media, publishing exclusive interviews in famous newspapers and periodicals, hiring people to widely distribute leaflets, making social donations, etc., to create a false momentum.


Use family affection to deceive

In order to accomplish or increase their own achievements, some participants in illegal fund-raising sometimes adopt methods similar to pyramid schemes, and do not hesitate to take advantage of family ties and geographical ties to fabricate lies that they have obtained high returns, and to attract relatives, friends, classmates, or neighbors to join, so that the number of participants spreads rapidly and the scale of fund-raising continues to expand.

Prevention of Illegal Fundraising| Please keep the guide to preventing illegal fundraising!


How can we prevent illegal fundraising?

How about avoiding falling into the trap of illegal fundraising?

Prevention of Illegal Fundraising| Please keep the guide to preventing illegal fundraising!