
Chen Li: Singing the song "Dream of Red Mansions" became popular, and after her husband died, she remarried and her first love was bitter

author:Behind-the-scenes anecdotes from film and television

Chen Li: The Dream of the Red Mansion, a legendary female voice

In the galaxy of the entertainment industry, some names are like meteors, bright but short-lived; And some names, like stars, have been shining in people's memories for a long time. Chen Li, the name, for many Dream of Red Mansions fans and music lovers, is the immortal star.

1. A gorgeous turn from the ordinary to the extraordinary

Before becoming a singer, Chen Li was an ordinary laboratory technician in Jilin. Wearing a white lab coat every day, I work with a variety of reagents in the laboratory. But her heart has always burned with a love for music. This kind of love is like a fire, ready to erupt at any time.

In his spare time, Chen Li will participate in the activities of the art troupe in the factory and express his inner emotions with singing. Her voice is pure and infectious, as if there is a kind of magic that can penetrate people's hearts. It is this dedication and talent for music that makes her stand out in Jilin TV's "Daily Song".

When Wang Liping heard Chen Li's singing, he was deeply moved. The famous composer decided to let Chen Li perform the song he wrote for Dream of the Red Chamber. This decision not only transformed Chen Li from an ordinary worker to a well-known singer, but also made her an indelible legend in the music history of Dream of Red Mansions.

Chen Li: Singing the song "Dream of Red Mansions" became popular, and after her husband died, she remarried and her first love was bitter

2. The musical soul in "Dream of Red Mansions".

Entering the crew of "Dream of Red Mansions", Chen Li ushered in a turning point in her life. Not only does she have to sing songs for this classic, but she also has to play a role in the play. This is not only a new challenge for her, but also a rare opportunity.

Under the careful guidance of Wang Liping, Chen Li's musical talent has been fully explored and displayed. She sang many classic songs for "Dream of Red Mansions", such as "Vain Eyebrows" and "Funeral Flower Yin", which are still loved and sung by the majority of Dream of Red Mansions fans.

It is worth mentioning that in the process of recording the song, Chen Li encountered a huge life change. However, she was not defeated, but turned this grief into emotion in her singing, which made her singing even more moving. Her singing voice seems to be a clear spring flowing from the depths of her heart, washing the souls of the listeners.

3. Brave choices at the peak

With the popularity of "Dream of Red Mansions", Chen Li's name and singing voice spread all over the streets and alleys. She became one of the hottest singers of her time, with various invitations to performances and commercial events one after another. However, at the peak of her career, she made an unexpected decision - to quit the music scene.

Chen Li: Singing the song "Dream of Red Mansions" became popular, and after her husband died, she remarried and her first love was bitter

This decision has undoubtedly shocked and deplored many people. But Chen Li firmly embarked on her own path, she chose to go to the sea to do business, and started a new journey. Her choice not only reflects her unique understanding and pursuit of life, but also demonstrates her spirit of not being satisfied with the status quo and having the courage to challenge herself.

Fourth, the heroines in the business world

After retiring from the music industry, Chen Li started a company with a friend and began her business career. However, the business sea is not as calm and smooth as imagined. Soon, she was confronted with a sudden lawsuit that put her in a difficult situation.

But Chen Li was not crushed by this lawsuit, she firmly believed in her innocence and justice. Eventually, with the support of the law, she managed to get out of the predicament and prove her innocence. Although this lawsuit brought her a lot of blows and troubles, it also made her more determined in her beliefs and pursuits.

After a turmoil, Chen Li's first love reappeared in her life. The two regained their old love, and in order to stay away from the hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry and pursue a calmer life, Chen Li took his daughter to Canada. In a foreign country, she began a new chapter in her life.

Chen Li: Singing the song "Dream of Red Mansions" became popular, and after her husband died, she remarried and her first love was bitter

5. The tenacity and optimism of the anti-cancer warriors

However, fate doesn't always seem so merciful. Not long after living peacefully in Canada, Chen Li was diagnosed with an adrenal tumor. In the face of this sudden bad news, she was not defeated, but chose to face it strongly.

She didn't want her family to worry about her, so she hid her illness and only her husband knew her secret. With her husband's company and support, she has undergone multiple surgeries and rehabilitation. This experience of fighting cancer has made her cherish life and her family and friends around her more, and it has also made her stronger and more optimistic to face various challenges in life.

6. The true meaning of happiness behind a low-key life

Today, Chen Li has entered her old age, but she still maintains a low-key and simple lifestyle. In Canada, she lives a simple and happy life with her family. She has taken a very light look at the past glory and achievements, and cherishes the happy life now.

She once said, "I don't need the audience to remember me as a person, as long as people remember my voice." This sentence reveals her deep understanding of the true meaning of life. For her, happiness is not about pursuing fame and status, but about enjoying the warm time with family and friends, and cherishing every moment in life.

Chen Li: Singing the song "Dream of Red Mansions" became popular, and after her husband died, she remarried and her first love was bitter

7. The eternal echo of the legendary female voice

Although Chen Li has stayed away from the hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry, her singing voice still echoes in people's ears. Her musical works have not only become classics in the hearts of Dream of Red Mansions fans, but also influenced generations of music lovers.

Chen Li's singing has a unique charm that can cross the boundaries of time and space and touch people's deep emotions. Her songs are not only a perfect interpretation of the classic literary work Dream of Red Mansions, but also a profound understanding and sincere expression of life.

8. The Dream of the Red Chamber and the Legend of Music

Looking back on Chen Li's life journey, we can't help but be impressed by her tenacity, optimism and talent. From an ordinary worker to a well-known singer to a strong woman in the business world, she has written one legendary story after another with her efforts and talents.

And her singing has become an indispensable part of the music history of Dream of Red Mansions. Whenever classic songs such as "Vain Eyebrows" and "Funeral Flower Yin" sound, we seem to have returned to the time spent with Bao Dai in the dream of the Red Mansion. Chen Li's singing is like a bridge, connecting our love for the Dream of Red Mansions and our perception of life.

Chen Li: Singing the song "Dream of Red Mansions" became popular, and after her husband died, she remarried and her first love was bitter


Chen Li's life journey is full of twists and turns and legends. She has transformed from an ordinary worker to a well-known singer and then to a strong woman in the business world, showing incomparable tenacity and optimism on the road to fighting cancer. Now he lives a low-key and happy life in a foreign country, and still maintains his love for life and his persistent pursuit of music. Her story not only inspires us to pursue our dreams and hold on to our beliefs, but also makes us deeply understand the true meaning of life - cherish the moment and enjoy the happy time! And her singing will always reverberate in our hearts and become an eternal classic!

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