
It is really not as difficult as parents think to make children grow taller!

author:Pediatric chief Gao Wang Yajun

In the outpatient clinic, I often hear parents complain: why can children eat and drink, nutrition is not less, and money is not spent, but the height is not long?

Why do you work hard to give the best to the child every day, pick the ingredients, check the ingredients, carefully match, and do your best, but the child is still not very tall, and sometimes he is often sick.

It is really not as difficult as parents think to make children grow taller!

Is it really that hard to make a child grow taller?

In the view of traditional Chinese medicine, the main bones of the kidney, the main tendons of the liver, the main muscles and limbs of the spleen, and the growth of a child is closely related to the three organs of the liver, spleen and kidney. It's not a problem for these three to grow up and grow meat.

First of all, the kidney is the main bone, and the kidney must be nourished when it grows taller

According to traditional Chinese medicine, "the kidney is the foundation of innate nature", "the main bone of the kidney", and the growth, development and repair of bones depend on the nourishment and promotion of kidney essence. If the kidney qi is deficient, the child will have skeletal dysplasia, stunted growth, weak bones, and be shorter than children of the same age.

Moreover, the kidneys are also the main intellectual, nourishing the bone marrow, and ultimately nourishing the brain marrow, which also determines the child's brain power. Therefore, if you want to grow taller and make your child smart, you need to nourish your kidneys first.

Secondly, the liver is the main tendon and strengthens the muscles and bones

"The liver is the main tendon", when the muscles and bones are strong, the person will grow taller. If the muscles are not strong, the bones will naturally be unstable. The characteristic of the liver is to rise upward, so that the joints of the whole body can be stretched out, and the exercise ability will be stronger, so as to maintain normal growth and development.

Finally, the spleen is the main muscle of the limbs

The spleen and stomach are the foundation of the day after tomorrow. The spleen and stomach are the digestive and absorption system, if the spleen and stomach function is not good, the food eaten cannot be digested and absorbed, and it will naturally not be able to provide a steady stream of nutrients for the child's growth.

Case sharing

Like a child I saw before, 6 years old, 4 years tall and only 110 cm, the parents said that the seats are always in the first row, and the queue is always the first. Basically, it's the shortest in the class,

The parent was aggrieved and said: "Director Guo, it's not that we don't give him food, it's that he doesn't like to eat!" Don't eat vegetables, don't eat meat, don't eat rice, don't eat shrimp, don't eat fish, don't eat eggs, don't drink milk!

Eat less and eat slowly, you have to feed everything you eat, and this small body is still fed spoonful by spoonful.

It is really not as difficult as parents think to make children grow taller!

Parents talked, and the more they talked, the more angry they became: even if you are short and procrastinate in eating, your grades will not work, you will have to pick and touch here and there when you write a homework, and you have to beat him for several days.

When parents say,

I tell parents that the causes of children's short stature are typical: a strict family atmosphere leads to poor mood, which in turn affects digestion and absorption, and then the spleen and kidneys are also yang deficiency.

First, the child's bad mood will affect the liver, the height is upward, the characteristics of the liver in traditional Chinese medicine are also upward, such as anger, anxiety and other negative emotions, the most likely to make people liver depression, and finally the liver qi is not smooth, the child will be affected when he grows.

Second, liver depression will affect digestion and absorption, and the liver and spleen are mutually restrictive. The liver belongs to wood, the spleen and stomach belong to the soil, and the five elements of the wood will be the soil. The liver is emotion, and the spleen and stomach are digestion and absorption, so liver prosperity will affect digestion and absorption.

To put it bluntly: the mood is not good, → Muwang/liver depression → gram spleen soil→ spleen and stomach are poor, → digestion and absorption are not good, → is naturally short, interlocking.

Thirdly, the spleen and kidney yang deficiency constitution will also affect the growth, as far as the physique is concerned, in the concept of traditional Chinese medicine, the normal development of a child's bones depends most on the filling of kidney essence and kidney qi. Children with kidney essence and kidney qi deficiency are inherently more difficult to grow in height than others.

The child's situation has been, so the prescription is: Codonopsis, Astragalus, Poria Cocos, Atractylodes, Yam, Schisandra, Wujiapi, Turtle Plate, Polygonatum Essence, Huai Hyssop, Oysters, Shengdi, and Yizhiren.

It is really not as difficult as parents think to make children grow taller!

(1) Regulate the liver and kidneys - oysters, schisandra, five-plus skin, turtle plate, yellow essence, hyssop, raw land;

(2) Regulating the spleen - Poria cocos, Atractylodes, Yam, Yizhiren;

(3) Nourishing Qi and replenishing the middle - Astragalus, Codonopsis.

In the end, after more than 3 months of conditioning, the child grew 2cm tall and weighed 0.4kg.

Therefore, parents, if you want your child to grow up, don't focus on nutritional supplements, what children lack now is not nutrition, but the liver, spleen, and kidneys that are beneficial to children's growth, which are very important for children to grow taller, and must be paid attention to.

I am Wang Yajun of the pediatric growth and development clinic, focusing on children's growth and development and spleen and stomach conditioning for more than 10 years.