
No matter how short of women a man is, he can't touch these kinds of women

author:Good upwards
No matter how short of women a man is, he can't touch these kinds of women
No matter how short of women a man is, he can't touch these kinds of women
No matter how short of women a man is, he can't touch these kinds of women
No matter how short of women a man is, he can't touch these kinds of women
No matter how short of women a man is, he can't touch these kinds of women
No matter how short of women a man is, he can't touch these kinds of women
No matter how short of women a man is, he can't touch these kinds of women
No matter how short of women a man is, he can't touch these kinds of women
No matter how short of women a man is, he can't touch these kinds of women
No matter how short of women a man is, he can't touch these kinds of women
No matter how short of women a man is, he can't touch these kinds of women
No matter how short of women a man is, he can't touch these kinds of women
No matter how short of women a man is, he can't touch these kinds of women

Li Yuesheng's emotional choice

In Shanghai during the Republic of China, prosperity and chaos coexisted, and behind the life of drunken fans, there were countless people's joys and sorrows. Li Yuesheng, a young talent from a scholarly background, encountered the biggest emotional challenge of his life in this city.

Yuesheng is gentle and talented, has read poetry and books since childhood, and is deeply influenced by traditional morality. After graduating, he worked in a bank, and with his diligence and intelligence, he quickly rose to prominence in the workplace. However, as his career progressed, his personal life became rather uneventful. There is no shortage of women with all kinds of graceful postures around, but Yuesheng always can't find the object he likes.

Until one day, he met Red Rose, a beautiful and charming woman. The red roses danced in the ballroom like a blooming flower, attracting the attention of countless people. Yuesheng was also attracted by her beauty, and began to frequent the dance hall, meeting and intersecting with Red Rose. Red Rose has a lively personality and is sociable and always brings endless joy to Yuesheng. However, as time passed, Yuesheng gradually discovered that Red Rose was not as simple as he imagined.

Red Rose was born poor and had to wander around Fengyue in order to make a living. Although she is beautiful on the surface, she is full of emptiness and loneliness inside. She longs to find a man she can rely on, but is unwilling to give up her lifestyle. She is often entangled with various men, which makes Yuesheng feel very painful.

By chance, Yuesheng met a gentle and kind woman - Qingya. Qingya is a secondary school teacher with an elegant temperament and good manners. She and Yuesheng have common hobbies and interests, and the two have a good conversation. Qingya's appearance made Yuesheng see another possibility of life, and he began to waver in the red rose.

However, at this moment, Red Rose suddenly confessed to Yuesheng. She told Yuesheng that she had always loved him deeply and was willing to give up everything for him. Yuesheng was moved by the affection of the red rose, and his heart fell into a tangle. He didn't want to live up to the sincerity of the red rose, but he didn't want to give up the beauty of elegance.

In the midst of his inner struggle, Yuesheng begins to reflect on his emotional choices. He realized that although Red Rose was beautiful, her lifestyle and values were far from his own. If you are with her, you will have to face endless troubles and pain. Qingya is different, she is gentle, kind, knowledgeable, and has the same pursuit of life as herself. If you are with her, you will be able to live a happy and peaceful life.

After some deliberation, Yuesheng finally made a decision. He finds Red Rose and candidly tells her about his choice. Although Red Rose was heartbroken, she also respected Yuesheng's decision. She tells Yuesheng that she will leave Shanghai to find a new direction in life, and wishes him to find true happiness.

After saying goodbye to Red Rose, Yuesheng finds Qingya and confesses his heart to her. Qingya was moved by Yuesheng's sincerity, and the two soon fell in love. They strolled along the Huangpu River together to enjoy the night view, ate snacks in the park together, and discussed poetry and songs together...... Their lives are full of sweetness and happiness.

However, the good times did not last long, and Yuesheng's decision did not receive the understanding and support of the people around him. His family and friends thought it was an unwise choice for him to give up a beautiful and attractive woman in favor of an ordinary female teacher. They persuaded Yuesheng to turn back and reconsider their emotional choices.

In the face of pressure and doubts from the people around her, Yuesheng felt very painful and helpless. He knew that his relationship with Qingya was sincere and deep, but the prejudice and misunderstanding of the outside world made him feel unable to breathe. However, at this moment, Qingya stood up, and she proved with her actions that the love between the two is indestructible.

Qingya found Yuesheng's family and friends, patiently explained the relationship between herself and Yuesheng, and told them that she was willing to pay anything for this love. Her words touched Tsukisheng's family and friends, who began to re-examine their own views on the relationship and gradually accepted their relationship.

With the support of Qingya, Yuesheng gradually got out of the pressure and doubts of the outside world and began to enjoy his own happy life. They have spent many wonderful times together and have walked through the ups and downs of life hand in hand. In the end, they became an enviable loving couple, leaving a good story in Shanghai during the Republic of China.