
Core faucet

author:Isis emotion

+ Truth is like poetry, and the vast majority of people hate poetry.

Hello everyone, I'm your friend, Brother Bang!

Sincerity is the most important, and Brother Bang is also a public account in the market that analyzes the market more carefully, After following me: copying the bottom and escaping from the top are commonplace!

Get rid of the fate of leeks, Brother Bang is with you!

The article needs to be read continuously, otherwise you will inevitably miss a lot of operation rhythm and operation strategy logic sharing


Key Word of the Day:

Reminder: Now the official account push is disrupting the timeline, if it is not set as a star, you can't see the article I wrote for the first time.

Without timeliness, the article loses its meaning. If you are optimistic about me, I suggest you (set the star) to set the steps, see the picture below. I really don't understand, Baidu: the star setting of the official account

In the morning, the trading volume of the two cities exploded to 600 billion, the market exceeded 3,220 points, and individual stocks rose. If you continue to increase the volume in the afternoon, it is likely to break one trillion today, and then the disk will be completely activated.

Of course, because the good came too suddenly, many funds are not psychologically prepared, and there will be a shock back to break through the gap, so don't rush to chase the rise.

In the morning, it was mainly securities, banks, real estate, and other weights to pull the index, and the small and medium-sized stocks did not rise much, and even nearly 1,000 stocks fell.

So, let the bullets fly for a while, and when the weights are tired, the tuyere will switch to the direction of the theme and rise, don't worry.

The average stock price index has not fallen further since June 11, but the market volume has not been further released, and today it is more than 730 billion, less than 800 billion of the amount of energy, or rotation.

Core faucet

Recently, the rotation of the market is mainly the rotation of technology stocks, AI computing power, semiconductors, consumer electronics, vehicle-road-cloud collaboration, etc., and it is more inclined to the core leading stocks of technology.

Of the more than 5,100 stocks traded in the two cities, 8 percent rose. Excluding the newly listed new stocks, there are more than 60 with a limit and an increase of more than 10%; Including stocks and new stocks that rose by more than 10%, there were 232 companies that rose by more than 5%, all of which increased significantly from the previous trading day. 2 companies fell by more than 10% or fell to the limit; There are 21 companies that fell by more than 5%, all of which are significantly lower than the previous trading day, and the number is very small.

The biggest highlights of today's market are: 1. The market rose slightly, and the transaction was sluggish; 2. Small and micro cap stocks led the gains; 3. Automobiles and auto parts perform well.

hot dot comb reason

Here I will mention one more thing, everyone must remember, do not speculate on stocks, the country is only responsible for letting everyone live and work in peace and contentment, a well-off life, this is already the best way to do, the village did not let everyone to speculate in stocks, if you enter the stock market, you must be willing to gamble and lose. Family members also hope that everyone will make money by speculating in stocks, and no relatives and friends do not want to be good, so here is an emphasis on a sentence, if the stock market loses money, do not have national hatred and family grudges.

In addition, remember that you need to use spare money to trade stocks, and you must have your own skills and trading patterns. Finally, and most importantly, remember not to be greedy. If you do these three things, you can basically make money.

In the direction of the more dazzling car road cloud, the semiconductor divergence has brought incremental funds, completing the redemption of yesterday's high and low walking.

In fact, it is a very classic short-term buying point. The only word board in the morning Soling shares is in this direction, after the opening of the Yangtze River Communications changed hands to promote, Huaming Intelligent weak to strong promotion, reverse push Genvict Technology to change hands on the board, and finally push back Gao Xinxing and Wanji Technology - a very standardized short-term play.

If the current rise is a person with a keen sense of smell, you can consider participating, but the sustainability will not be too good, most of it has little to do with performance, it is all due to some rumors caused by expected changes, and the actual performance improvement is not visible at present. If this data continues, I tend to think that the market will continue to fall below 3000, and if it really falls enough, there will be some better opportunities.

Historical Operation Review Record......

No. 1 medium and long-term: Guangzhou Development, with a clearance profit of 7.5% and a position of 55 trading days

No. 2 medium and long-term: Guangdong Hongtu, with a clearance profit of 14.96% and a position for 25 trading days

No. 3 medium and long-term: Dongfang Electric Heating opened a position of 16/6, cleared 28/7, and made a profit of 1.15%

No. 4 medium and long-term: xxxx 7.28 officially opened a position, the cost is 18

Trading is only a moment of pleasure, a moment of pain, and the rest is a boring wait.

Happy investing to all!


It is not recommended for anyone to copy the operation. All articles are my review logs, and all views in this article only represent personal positions and are for reference only, and it is not recommended for anyone to copy them.

Core faucet

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Core faucet

Recently, the rotation of the market is mainly the rotation of technology stocks, AI computing power, semiconductors, consumer electronics, vehicle-road-cloud collaboration, etc., and it is more inclined to the core leading stocks of technology.

Of the more than 5,100 stocks traded in the two cities, 8 percent rose. Excluding the newly listed new stocks, there are more than 60 with a limit and an increase of more than 10%; Including stocks and new stocks that rose by more than 10%, there were 232 companies that rose by more than 5%, all of which increased significantly from the previous trading day. 2 companies fell by more than 10% or fell to the limit; There are 21 companies that fell by more than 5%, all of which are significantly lower than the previous trading day, and the number is very small.

The biggest highlights of today's market are: 1. The market rose slightly, and the transaction was sluggish; 2. Small and micro cap stocks led the gains; 3. Automobiles and auto parts perform well.