
Germany, France and Spain sent troops to the Asia-Pacific region, dozens of warplanes flew around China, and the US media: preparing for a conflict with China



According to the U.S. theater website, the air forces of Germany, France and Spain are conducting an unprecedented exercise, sending multiple types of warplanes to the Asia-Pacific region for a tour, during which they will also conduct exercises with the air forces of other countries. According to the US media, although the Russian-Ukrainian war has attracted great attention from Western countries, China's "increasingly tough military stance" has also attracted these NATO allies from Europe. On June 27, the fighters participating in the 24th Pacific Space Air Exercise will begin to leave Europe, first crossing the Pacific Ocean to the United States to participate in the "Arctic Defender" military exercise in Alaska.

Germany, France and Spain sent troops to the Asia-Pacific region, dozens of warplanes flew around China, and the US media: preparing for a conflict with China

(The picture shows the participating fighters)

According to reports, eight German Typhoon fighters and four Spanish Typhoon fighters participated in the exercise. 4 French Rafale fighters, 12 German Tornado attack aircraft, 9 A400M transport aircraft, and so on. The fleet will be supported by about 1,800 military personnel from the three countries. In-flight refueling support was provided by A330 refueling transport aircraft of the Multinational Force in Cologne, as well as three A330 refueling transport aircraft from France. For the Luftwaffe, this may be the last time the Tornado fighter will participate in international military exercises, due to the imminent retirement of the Tornado. In the future, this fighter will be gradually replaced by the F-35.

Germany, France and Spain sent troops to the Asia-Pacific region, dozens of warplanes flew around China, and the US media: preparing for a conflict with China

(The picture shows the lineup of participating fighters)

During the Arctic Guardian exercise in early July, the fighters of the three countries will conduct joint exercises with the United States' fifth-generation fighter jets. Fighters from the three countries will then fly west across the Pacific Ocean to Japan to participate in the "Japan Sky Exercise", which is also the first time that German Typhoon fighters have trained in Japanese airspace. Next, the German fighter jets will be divided into several parts, one of which will go to Hawaii to participate in the Rim of the Pacific military exercise. The rest of the German fighters will go to Australia to participate in the "Black Asphalt" exercise with the Franco-Spanish fighters. Finally, the fighters of the three countries will participate in the Indian version of the "Red Flag" military exercise, and the Spanish fighters will have the opportunity to conduct confrontation training with the Su-30 fighters developed by Russia for the first time. It is expected that the warplanes of the three countries will fly about 36,000 miles and return to Europe in mid-August.

Germany, France and Spain sent troops to the Asia-Pacific region, dozens of warplanes flew around China, and the US media: preparing for a conflict with China

(The picture shows a German Tornado)

Through this "unprecedented military exercise", it can be seen that in addition to the United States, some European countries are also concerned about the strategic pattern of the Asia-Pacific region. At present, the United States is stepping up its military deployment in the region to strengthen its military encirclement of China. It can be seen that the targets of France, Germany, and Spain's joint military exercises are almost all countries involved in the U.S. Indo-Pacific strategy. Needless to say, the United States is the main manipulator of the Indo-Pacific strategy, trying to use regional countries to confront China and maintain its hegemony. It even constantly provokes contradictions, wanting to use a conflict to deplete China's strength in order to win the great power competition.

Germany, France and Spain sent troops to the Asia-Pacific region, dozens of warplanes flew around China, and the US media: preparing for a conflict with China

(The picture shows the main routes and destinations of the fighters of the three countries)

Japan is the most important ally of the United States in the Asia-Pacific region, and from a geographical point of view, Japan plus the Ryukyu Islands radiate almost the entire eastern coast of the mainland. In addition, Japan is the main station of the United States in the Asia-Pacific region, and in addition, Japan's own strength is not weak, which poses a considerable threat to China. Australia, on the other hand, is a loyal follower of the United States, following the United States in many conflicts, and also intends to follow the United States in confronting China in the Asia-Pacific region. India is the target of the United States' active wooing in recent years, and India not only has considerable control over the Indian Ocean, but also has important sea routes. There is also a border issue with China, and the United States is hoping to use India to contain China.

Germany, France and Spain sent troops to the Asia-Pacific region, dozens of warplanes flew around China, and the US media: preparing for a conflict with China

(Pictured are the flags of China and the European Union)

However, there are no geopolitical contradictions between China and European countries, and even the two sides have close economic and trade exchanges, and a conflict is not beneficial to both sides. However, the degree of Europe's strategic autonomy is questionable, and NATO, which has European countries as its main member members militarily, has continuously unleashed hostility toward China in recent years. In terms of economy and trade, due to the influence of the United States, the European Union is currently also imposing tariffs on Chinese trams. In contrast, with the exception of the economic and trade spheres, China's influence in Europe is far less than that of the United States. Therefore, even if there are no geopolitical contradictions with European countries, China should be wary of unfriendly actions made by some European countries against China under the influence of the United States. For example, interference in the South China Sea, or the Taiwan Strait issue.

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