
The Chinese U18 women's basketball team lost to Australia last night, and the biggest "sinner" was the No. 8!


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On July 31, a high-profile China-Australia U18 women's basketball friendly match came to an end, but the result was a big surprise. China's U18 women's basketball team was defeated by Australia's U18 women's basketball team with a score of 58-72, and this painful defeat was like a mirror, clearly reflecting the significant gap between the Chinese women's basketball team and the strong teams in terms of quality and tactics.

In this game, Zhang Ziyu and Wang Jiaxin became the focus of attention. Zhang Ziyu alone almost accounted for more than half of the team's scores, showing a strong individual scoring ability. However, Wang Jiaxin's performance was a big disappointment, and her performances in the game seemed to deprive the Chinese team of the possibility of winning.

The Chinese U18 women's basketball team lost to Australia last night, and the biggest "sinner" was the No. 8!

The Wang Jiaxin, who was wearing the No. 8 jersey, her behavior on the court was really incomprehensible. She doesn't seem to be here with the intention of winning, but more like self-expression and increasing her exposure. She is extremely self-conscious on the court, and it seems that she only has the basket in her eyes, does not pass the ball, and blindly shoots blindly. She also turned a deaf ear to the coach's tactical command and went her own way. Surprisingly, in the face of her performance, the coach did not replace her. At that time, there were "people who understand" in the barrage who ridiculed that she was Wang Zhizhi's daughter, but after careful observation, I felt that this was not the case.

After the game, coach Wang Guizhi explained in an interview why Zhang Ziyu, who had performed well, had been sitting on the bench in the last four minutes. She said: "One is to protect her who is troubled by fouls, and the other is to take the initiative to change, and want to impact the opponent through the five-small lineup." ”

The Chinese U18 women's basketball team lost to Australia last night, and the biggest "sinner" was the No. 8!

However, then again, we really can't just blame these girls for this regrettable loss. After all, a friendly match like this is like a "chicken rib" for us, let's eat it, it doesn't feel good; It's a pity to abandon it. And, most of today's athletes are pragmatic and they have to be thoughtful.

If you are injured during the competition, and then affect your participation in the National Games, it will really outweigh the losses. Therefore, everyone generally feels that "it's almost there", and there is really no need to go all out and work hard in such a competition.

The Chinese U18 women's basketball team lost to Australia last night, and the biggest "sinner" was the No. 8!

Let's take a look at the performance of the Australian team, and the gap is clearly highlighted. They showed a high level of tactical literacy and excellent teamwork in the game. Every offensive and defensive step has a clear rule to follow, and the whole process is orderly. The players seem to have a heart-to-heart relationship with each other, and the cooperation between them is simply seamless, reaching an amazing level of tacit understanding.

Moreover, they have handled the impact of a range of issues, such as private sponsorship and tuition fees, in a very good way. Undisturbed and swayed by these external factors, he focused on the game itself without distractions and single-mindedly. Their attitude towards the game is really admirable from the bottom of my heart.

The Chinese U18 women's basketball team lost to Australia last night, and the biggest "sinner" was the No. 8!

The loss of this game made us soberly aware of the problems faced by the Chinese U18 women's basketball team. The lack of individual skills of the players and the lack of effective cooperation between the teams are the key points that need to be solved urgently. At the same time, how to better implement the coach's tactical intentions in the game, and how to improve the players' game attitude and team awareness are also aspects that need to be seriously considered and improved.

We must not lose faith in the Chinese U18 women's basketball team by falling into despair just because of a loss in one game. At the same time, however, we must not turn a blind eye to the problems that were exposed in the game.

The Chinese U18 women's basketball team lost to Australia last night, and the biggest "sinner" was the No. 8!

I sincerely hope that the Chinese U18 women's basketball team can muster up the courage and unswervingly learn those precious lessons from this extremely painful and regrettable setback. In the following days, we will pay more hard work and unremitting efforts in the long training process in the future, and strengthen our comprehensive ability and professional and technical level in a more targeted and targeted manner.

Continuously improve the overall strength level, so that you become stronger and better. We look forward to their new spirit and excellent competitive state in one game after another in the future, and play more exciting, more outstanding, satisfying and amazing results, so as to contribute to the long-term development of the Chinese women's basketball team.

The Chinese U18 women's basketball team lost to Australia last night, and the biggest "sinner" was the No. 8!

On this road of competitive sports, which is full of countless endless challenges and unpredictable uncertainties, there has never been a winner who can always be invincible, can always win, and always maintain the top form. In the same way, there is no such thing as an unbreakable chasm that can never be crossed, that is always insurmountable, and that cannot be conquered.

As long as we can always face up to the current problems with honesty, sincerity and courage and fearlessness, and persevere and unswervingly make hard efforts, persevere and never slack off, constantly improve our own shortcomings, and continue to improve our own ability and quality. Then, we have enough and convincing reasons to believe that the Chinese women's basketball team will be able to usher in a glorious moment that is truly their own in the not-too-distant future.

The Chinese U18 women's basketball team lost to Australia last night, and the biggest "sinner" was the No. 8!

Let every one of us care about and love the Chinese women's basketball team give them more understanding, support and encouragement. Let us look forward to them with full expectations that they will be able to shine more brightly and brightly in the future arena. With their fighting spirit and outstanding performance, they will add more glory and glory to China's sports industry, and let the world see the tenacity and strength of the Chinese women's basketball team.

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