
Exposure! Shan Xiaolong: "I received the Tsinghua admission letter on the construction site", how is my life now!


Friends, have you ever imagined that a young man who had moved bricks on the construction site could become a Tsinghua scholar? It's like picking a maggot into the sun, and it can break out of its cocoon and become a butterfly and fly high! Let's walk into the world of Shan Xiaolong, a popular figure who once caused an uproar and is now entering a new stage of life.

Exposure! Shan Xiaolong: "I received the Tsinghua admission letter on the construction site", how is my life now!

Last Friday, when Shan Xiaolong walked out of the familiar row of white pole doors on Tsinghuayuan Street, his heart was mixed. As a graduating undergraduate student from Tsinghua University, his university life is no smoother than others. From the very beginning, he was labeled as "Tsinghua received an admission letter from Tsinghua University for moving bricks on the construction site" and "Tsinghua button mobile phone boy", and became a traffic star and suffered criticism.

Exposure! Shan Xiaolong: "I received the Tsinghua admission letter on the construction site", how is my life now!

Later, he enlisted in the army for two years, became a graduate student of Tsinghua University, and returned to the field of public opinion because "Shan Xiaolong, who received the admission letter from Tsinghua University at the construction site, graduated".

Exposure! Shan Xiaolong: "I received the Tsinghua admission letter on the construction site", how is my life now!

"Actually, I didn't expect it to attract so much attention at first." Shan Xiaolong said to me while sorting out his suitcase, "But since it is already well-known to everyone, I also hope that those labels can be forgotten by everyone, so that I can re-enter the sunshine and live an ordinary life." "

Exposure! Shan Xiaolong: "I received the Tsinghua admission letter on the construction site", how is my life now!

It is true that these labels have brought pain to Shan Xiaolong, but we can't give up eating because of choking. Now let's take a good look at what Shan Xiaolong has gone through, and why has he been labeled with these labels?

The first is "the construction site moved bricks and received the Tsinghua admission letter". Shan Xiaolong did not receive the admission notice directly at the construction site, but in his own village. At that time, he happened to be working part-time at a nearby construction site, so it was understood that he "received a notice at the construction site". Some people may think, what is this remarkable?

Exposure! Shan Xiaolong: "I received the Tsinghua admission letter on the construction site", how is my life now!

But have you ever thought about it, it is not easy to enter Tsinghua University with a high score of 676, especially for a rural boy, it is a scarce upward channel. We should applaud it, not degrade it.

Exposure! Shan Xiaolong: "I received the Tsinghua admission letter on the construction site", how is my life now!

The second is the "Tsinghua Button Mobile Phone Boy". Shan Xiaolong's family was poor in high school, and his father could only give him an old button mobile phone. Although we may think it is ordinary now, in the context of that era, a button mobile phone became a trendy toy in the eyes of classmates. This reflects people's material desires, and also highlights Shan Xiaolong's tenacious will to give up mobile entertainment for the sake of his studies.

Exposure! Shan Xiaolong: "I received the Tsinghua admission letter on the construction site", how is my life now!

But even with such achievements, Shan Xiaolong still has low self-esteem because of his poor family. He told me that being made public as a "poor student" at Tsinghua University had made him feel embarrassed. In order to prove himself and build self-confidence, he resolutely chose to join the army. In the difficult environment of the army, he finally found the strength to calm the inner wave.

Exposure! Shan Xiaolong: "I received the Tsinghua admission letter on the construction site", how is my life now!

From Shan Xiaolong's experience, it is not difficult for us to find that poverty is not terrible, but what is terrible is to feel inferior and stop moving forward because of poverty. Shan Xiaolong interprets this with his own actions, he relies on diligence and studious to change the family environment and realize his dream; He came out of the haze from the tempering of the army, rebuilt his self-confidence, and welcomed a new stage of life.

Exposure! Shan Xiaolong: "I received the Tsinghua admission letter on the construction site", how is my life now!

Today, this "construction site boy" who once made netizens rush to circulate has become a young scholar who is about to study for a master's degree at Tsinghua University. He gave up the idea of returning to his hometown to take the civil service exam, and was determined to develop in the field of artificial intelligence. Maybe one day, someone will be amazed by his achievements: tsk, the Shan Xiaolong who "received a notice from Tsinghua University for moving bricks at the construction site" is now a master of artificial intelligence!

Exposure! Shan Xiaolong: "I received the Tsinghua admission letter on the construction site", how is my life now!

Yes, the label may be forgotten, but Shan Xiaolong's experience of sweeping the floor and striving for self-improvement will be forever engraved in people's hearts. It witnesses that poverty does not stop a person from pursuing the pace of rise, that hard work and perseverance will eventually create a better future, and that an ordinary person grows and transforms in the ups and downs.

Exposure! Shan Xiaolong: "I received the Tsinghua admission letter on the construction site", how is my life now!

Let's applaud Shan Xiaolong's voyage! On the road of life, you will eventually encounter all kinds of labels and doubts, but as long as you insist that Qingshan does not relax, you will definitely be able to harvest your long-cherished career aspirations and show your style in a different world! I wish Shan Xiaolong success on his new journey, let go of the burden of his past identity, and show his own dazzling light!

(Disclaimer: The content of this article, videos, pictures, and articles are all from the Internet and are for reference only!) If there is any doubt about the incident, delete or change it immediately after contacting!! )