
Emergency experts analyzed the Asian Youth Championships national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and died suddenly: 3 life-saving links were missed at the scene

{"info":{"title":{"content":"急诊专家分析亚青赛国羽小将张志杰倒地猝死:现场错过3个救命环节","en":"Emergency experts analyzed the Asian Youth Championships national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and died suddenly: 3 life-saving links were missed at the scene"},"description":{"content":"急诊专家分析亚青赛国羽小将张志杰倒地猝死:现场错过3个救命环节上游新闻2024-07-0112:59上游新闻官方账号6月...","en":"Emergency experts analyze the Asian Youth Championships national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and died suddenly: the scene missed 3 life-saving linksUpstream news2024-07-0112:59Upstream news official account June..."}},"items":[]}