
She is the cleanest actress, married to her little husband for 15 years without scandals, and treats her mother-in-law as her own mother

{"info":{"title":{"content":"她是最干净的女演员,与小丈夫结婚15年零绯闻,把婆婆当亲妈对待","en":"She is the cleanest actress, married to her little husband for 15 years without scandals, and treats her mother-in-law as her own mother"},"description":{"content":"文丨振编辑丨振前言:在娱乐圈中,有很多漂亮的女明星,她们不仅有着出众的颜值,还有着非常的演技,可以说是非常的全面,而在这...","en":"Text丨Zhen Editor丨Zhen Preface: In the entertainment industry, there are many beautiful female stars, they not only have outstanding appearance, but also have very acting skills, which can be said to be very comprehensive, and in this..."}},"items":[]}