
"Naked" is very proud, and dedicating oneself to "playing hooligan" in the name of art is an artistic innovation? Still is?

author:💦 Shen Yuyue 🤙
{"info":{"title":{"content":"“一丝不挂”挺自豪,打着艺术献身“耍流氓”是艺术创新?还是?","en":"\"Naked\" is very proud, and dedicating oneself to \"playing hooligan\" in the name of art is an artistic innovation? Still is?"},"description":{"content":"艺术的选择科技与艺术的结合正在改变我们的生活方式和审美标准,艺术创作和传播也随之发生了革命性的变化。舞蹈艺术在传统与创新...","en":"The combination of art selection, technology and art is changing our lifestyle and aesthetic standards, and the creation and dissemination of art have also undergone revolutionary changes. The art of dance in tradition and innovation..."}},"items":[]}