
I implore the Chinese team to withdraw! The streets of Paris are "full of and urine", and this is still the Olympics?

author:Lively noodles aDrY4jX

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Edit: Lively noodles aDrY4jX

In the romantic capital of Paris, the city is facing an unprecedented public health test as the Summer Olympics draw closer.

What should be a festive mood in the streets has unexpectedly become a source of anger for citizens – the state of affairs on the streets of Paris is worrying, and citizens are blaming the preparations for the Olympics for failing to adequately respond to the influx of global attention.

I implore the Chinese team to withdraw! The streets of Paris are "full of and urine", and this is still the Olympics?

Less than 60 days before the start of the Games, public sanitation in Paris still looms like a dark cloud over the historic city.

The phenomenon of open defecation has been repeatedly banned, which not only destroys the cleanliness of the city, but also challenges the bottom line of civilization.

Pests such as flies, cockroaches, and bed bugs run rampant in some neighborhoods, and subway stations are even more disastrous, with garbage piling up, making it a striking scar on urban sanitation.

I implore the Chinese team to withdraw! The streets of Paris are "full of and urine", and this is still the Olympics?

These scenes contrast sharply with the image of Paris as the world's center of fashion and culture, and also cast a shadow over the upcoming sporting event.

Tracing the historical roots of the public health problem in France, we have to mention the era of Louis XIV, the "Sun King".

It is said that the monarch bathed only once during his long 64-year reign, a habit that somehow influenced the concept of hygiene in society at the time.

I implore the Chinese team to withdraw! The streets of Paris are "full of and urine", and this is still the Olympics?

Although the veracity of this statement is questionable, it undoubtedly reflects the lack of attention paid to personal hygiene in French history.

To this day, the effects of this history still seem to be looming in some ways, as is the sanitary chaos of modern Parisian society.

Walking into Paris, you will find that even in the bustling city center, simple open-air toilets lack basic privacy protections and are exposed to the public, which is not only a neglect of personal privacy, but also a reflection of the lack of consideration for basic dignity in urban planning.

I implore the Chinese team to withdraw! The streets of Paris are "full of and urine", and this is still the Olympics?

The metro system in Paris, the beating blood of the city, is hot, humid and lacks air-conditioning, making it a place of sweat and garbage, making it miserable for passengers who travel every day.

Even the Palace of Versailles, a symbol of France's glorious past, is hard to escape the pressure of tourists, and the problem of open defecation due to the limited number of toilets fills the air with the smell of disharmony in the air of this royal garden.

For the upcoming Olympic Games, the health problems faced by Paris are not only embarrassing, but also a direct threat to the health and safety of athletes.

I implore the Chinese team to withdraw! The streets of Paris are "full of and urine", and this is still the Olympics?

The random discarding of garbage, sewage, and even feces on the streets has greatly reduced the image of the city and discouraged many tourists.

The Seine, the river that flows in the heart of Paris, has been postponed due to floating garbage and substandard water quality, forcing the scheduled rehearsal for the opening ceremony to be postponed.

The high bacterial levels shown in the water quality test report not only worried the public, but also cast a shadow on the health and safety of the contestants.

Faced with such a situation, Paris needs not only a large-scale clean-up operation, but also a deep-rooted change in social consciousness.

I implore the Chinese team to withdraw! The streets of Paris are "full of and urine", and this is still the Olympics?

As one Parisian citizen put it: "We must first clean our 'rooms' before we can welcome friends from all over the world with dignity and confidence."

"While it is true that the superficial problems may not be the whole picture of Paris, they are the most visible warning lights that the city has taken action to fundamentally improve and enhance the public health environment.

In the midst of the public health crisis in the run-up to the Paris Olympics, the city is quietly giving birth to a green revolution.

I implore the Chinese team to withdraw! The streets of Paris are "full of and urine", and this is still the Olympics?

In the face of external criticism and internal awakening, the City of Paris has joined hands with its citizens to turn challenges into new impetus for the sustainable development of the city, striving to present a new Paris on the world stage.

Communities and NGOs in Paris have taken the lead in launching a series of campaigns aimed at raising public awareness of environmental protection.

"Green Sunday" has become the norm, and residents have spontaneously organized to clean up streets and rivers, and participate in the beauty of the city with practical actions.

I implore the Chinese team to withdraw! The streets of Paris are "full of and urine", and this is still the Olympics?

Schools have also joined in to educate children to develop the habit of garbage sorting from an early age and cultivate future environmental protection guards.

These bottom-up efforts, like a spark, gradually illuminate every corner of Paris.

The city of Paris uses high-tech means to equip the city with intelligent brains for urban health management.

The smart trash can automatically compresses the garbage through induction technology to reduce the spread of odors, and at the same time monitors the amount of garbage and notifies the removal in time, effectively improving the cleaning efficiency.

I implore the Chinese team to withdraw! The streets of Paris are "full of and urine", and this is still the Olympics?

In addition, Paris has introduced the "Smart Public Toilets" project, which are not only more reasonably distributed and easy to find, but also adopt ecological recycling technology, which greatly reduces the burden on the environment.

The application of technology has made hygiene management in Paris more efficient and environmentally friendly.

The Seine, the mother river of Paris, was once distressed by pollution.

Today, it is a symbol of the city's green transformation.

I implore the Chinese team to withdraw! The streets of Paris are "full of and urine", and this is still the Olympics?

The government, in collaboration with environmental groups, has implemented strict river protection policies, strengthened sewage treatment, reduced industrial emissions, and promoted coastal greening and the planting of aquatic plants to purify water quality.

On the banks of the Seine, what was once a floating garbage area has been transformed into an ecological park, a place for citizens to relax, and an important window into the natural beauty of Paris during the Olympic Games.

The Paris Olympics put forward the slogan of "Green Olympics" and is committed to creating a low-carbon and environmentally friendly sports event.

I implore the Chinese team to withdraw! The streets of Paris are "full of and urine", and this is still the Olympics?

Venues are heavily powered by renewable energy sources, such as solar panels and wind power, to reduce their carbon footprint.

The food supply in the Olympic Village prioritizes local, organic products and reduces the environmental impact of transportation.

For athletes and spectators, the use of public transport, bike-sharing and electric vehicles is encouraged to reduce congestion and pollution.

In the process of environmental transformation, Paris has not forgotten its own cultural heritage.

I implore the Chinese team to withdraw! The streets of Paris are "full of and urine", and this is still the Olympics?

Many art installations and public spaces are designed with environmental protection in mind, such as sculptures and decorations made from recycled materials, which not only beautify the city, but also convey environmental messages.

During the Olympic Games, a series of exhibitions and forums on the theme of environmental protection will also be held, so that people from all over the world can enjoy the sports feast while deeply feeling the active exploration of Paris on the green road.

The Paris Olympics are not so much a contest of sports as a stage for the city to show the world its determination to make a green transition.

I implore the Chinese team to withdraw! The streets of Paris are "full of and urine", and this is still the Olympics?

Through this opportunity, Paris has not only solved the immediate health problem in the short term, but also planted the seeds of sustainable development in the long term.

When the glory of history is intertwined with the modern concept of green, Paris is writing a new chapter of its own, proving to the world that it can turn gracefully and shine brighter even in the face of challenges.

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