
Have you ever received a transfer from someone you don't know? Netizens hotly discussed and shared: It's already a huge amount of money, and everyone is scared stupid

author:Watermelon Sauce Long
Have you ever received a transfer from someone you don't know? Netizens hotly discussed and shared: It's already a huge amount of money, and everyone is scared stupid

Today's topic:

Have you ever received a transfer from someone you don't know? Netizens hotly discussed and shared: It's already a huge amount of money, and everyone is scared stupid

A few days ago, I suddenly had an extra amount of money in my bank card, from an unfamiliar Alipay account. I tried to find this account in Alipay, but it showed that "the account does not exist or the other party has set up privacy protection". It puzzled me, what the hell was going on with the money?

Just when I was puzzled, I received a strange phone call. A young voice on the other end of the phone told me that the money was transferred to me by mistake because he entered the last few digits of his Alipay account by mistake. Hearing this, my doubts eased a little, but I was still a little skeptical.

Have you ever received a transfer from someone you don't know? Netizens hotly discussed and shared: It's already a huge amount of money, and everyone is scared stupid
Have you ever received a transfer from someone you don't know? Netizens hotly discussed and shared: It's already a huge amount of money, and everyone is scared stupid

Screenshot of the whole process

Fortunately, you met me, and if someone else would have passed it on to you.

Have you ever received a transfer from someone you don't know? Netizens hotly discussed and shared: It's already a huge amount of money, and everyone is scared stupid
Have you ever received a transfer from someone you don't know? Netizens hotly discussed and shared: It's already a huge amount of money, and everyone is scared stupid

Let him pay a McDonald's! I cried urgently, and the child secretly ate a supper and didn't feel comfortable! Must be compensated.

Have you ever received a transfer from someone you don't know? Netizens hotly discussed and shared: It's already a huge amount of money, and everyone is scared stupid

I want to say that you are really very smart, and you have the right mentality, and you have done someone a favor, and I believe that you will be rewarded.

Have you ever received a transfer from someone you don't know? Netizens hotly discussed and shared: It's already a huge amount of money, and everyone is scared stupid

The handling was very correct, and in the end, the police station intervened, proving that the whole thing had happened.

Have you ever received a transfer from someone you don't know? Netizens hotly discussed and shared: It's already a huge amount of money, and everyone is scared stupid

In other words, this money could not be taken in the first place, and it is wise to get a good reputation if it is handled properly.

Have you ever received a transfer from someone you don't know? Netizens hotly discussed and shared: It's already a huge amount of money, and everyone is scared stupid

Luckily, I met you, and if I had met me now, I would probably have used it for him first


After this incident, I deeply realized the convenience and risk brought by online payment. While enjoying the convenience brought by technology, we cannot ignore the security risks. Only by heightening vigilance and strengthening precautions can we ensure the safety of our property. And the mysterious transfer was finally successfully resolved, and it turned out to be just a false alarm.

Thank you for your support and attention! See you in the comments section to discuss more interesting topics!