
"I can't bear it, I don't need to endure it anymore!" BYD couldn't bear it anymore and began to scold back!

author:Xiao Song Monk


Recently, a "war of words" in the automotive industry has quietly unfolded on the Internet, and major auto brands have joined it, making the originally calm market instantly lively. The cause of this "war of words" is a new car launch, and the protagonists behind it are several well-known car brands such as BYD, Great Wall Haval and SAIC Roewe. In this "war of words", brands not only mercilessly attacked their opponents, but also mocked them in various ways, so that the influence of the whole incident quickly spread. So, what exactly is this "war of words"? How do brands attack and fight back? Let's unveil this "war of words" and see what kind of story is hidden behind the whole incident.

"I can't bear it, I don't need to endure it anymore!" BYD couldn't bear it anymore and began to scold back!

First, the Great Wall Haval press conference slammed BYD

Recently, Great Wall Haval held a new car press conference, and at the press conference, Great Wall Haval executives slammed BYD when talking about the new car, calling it "no bottom line for volume prices, no conscience", and bluntly said that BYD's products have certain safety risks. Moreover, in order to better criticize BYD, Great Wall Haval also deliberately made a poster, "deformed" BYD's LOGO, and wrote "BYD, why are you here again", which can be said to be very direct and ruthless.

Some people feel that Great Wall Haval is very correct, because only in this way can consumers see the true face of BYD, and some people feel that Great Wall Haval is a bit excessive, after all, this is a new car launch conference, and other brands should not be taken seriously.

Second, SAIC Roewe joined the battle and ridiculed the price of a certain brand without a bottom line

And just after the Great Wall Haval violently attacked BYD, SAIC Roewe also joined this "war of words", and SAIC Roewe's attitude was tougher than that of Great Wall Haval, and directly posted a poster on the official Weibo, which wrote "There is no bottom line for the price of the volume, no conscience", and a line of words was deliberately written at the bottom of the poster "A certain brand is rolling again", although it was not named, but everyone knew that this was mocking BYD.

It can be said that SAIC Roewe no longer has any scruples about doing this, and it is also "humiliating" BYD in public, which will undoubtedly make BYD very embarrassed and angry, after all, no brand wants to be so "humiliated" in front of the public.

3. BYD fought back, claiming that he was a good student with excellent character and learning

In the face of the "humiliation" of Great Wall Haval and SAIC Roewe, BYD did not choose to remain silent, but counterattacked at the first time, and BYD's counterattack was very "level", directly calling himself a "three-good student" with excellent character and learning, with good technology, good products and good prices, and also deliberately announced a sales data ranking, so that everyone can see BYD's strength.

Through this sales data ranking, it can be seen that BYD has achieved very good results in many aspects, especially in battery technology and electric drive system, BYD has a number of independent research and development patents and technical achievements, while other friends are far behind, and there are even certain infringements.

It can be said that BYD does have a very big advantage in technology, and it has also achieved such results through its own efforts and strength, so it is fully qualified to call itself a "three-good student" with excellent character and learning.

Fourth, BYD's market value has grown rapidly, becoming one of the world's most valuable auto companies

In addition, BYD has also proved its strength through a series of data, for example, in terms of market value, BYD's market value has grown rapidly during this period of time, and has become one of the world's most valuable auto companies, while other friends are facing financial pressure and lack of performance growth.

It can be said that BYD has indeed achieved great success during this period of time, and other friends are also very envious and jealous, so they will choose to criticize BYD in various ways and want to "pour cold water".

Fifth, netizens are hotly discussing whether it is right or wrong for friends to attack BYD

In the face of such a "war of words", netizens are also hotly discussed, and everyone's views on the behavior of friends attacking BYD are also different, some people feel that friends are doing this is very excessive, obviously attacking BYD maliciously, and there is a certain "jealousy psychology", so they will choose this way to criticize BYD.

Some people feel that this is just normal market competition, and each brand has the right to express its own views and has the obligation to protect its own interests, so there should not be too much "moral kidnapping" for friends, after all, market competition should rely on strength to speak.

"I can't bear it, I don't need to endure it anymore!" BYD couldn't bear it anymore and began to scold back!

6. Healthy competition and jointly promote the development of the industry

It is undeniable that in the highly competitive market, there is indeed a certain "attack" and "counterattack" between various brands, but this does not mean that it is possible to gain market share by smearing competitors, because this practice will undoubtedly have a very negative impact on the entire industry, so that consumers have a negative perception of the entire industry.

No matter which brand, in the face of competition should maintain a humble heart, focus on improving their product quality and service level, because in the end can determine the brand status or the choice of consumers, only by meeting the needs of consumers, can we win the recognition and support of consumers.

For consumers, they should also have more rational conjectures when choosing products, and should not be confused by some "rhetoric", and should judge the quality of products through their own personal experience, so as to contribute to healthy market competition.

"I can't bear it, I don't need to endure it anymore!" BYD couldn't bear it anymore and began to scold back!


Through this "war of words", we can not only see the fierce competition between various brands, but also see that BYD has a very strong "confidence" and "confidence" in the face of malicious attacks, and chooses to use its own strength to fight back, which also sounded the alarm for other brands, letting them know that when competing, only through technological innovation and the improvement of financial strength can they truly gain the recognition and support of consumers, and can they be invincible in the market.

It is hoped that in the future market competition, all brands can follow the market rules and jointly promote the development of the entire industry, so that consumers can have more choices and enjoy better products and services.