
Wang Jin, the first forbidden army leader to appear in the Water Margin, is there really a person in history?

author:Rookie youth

Wang Jin described in "Water Margin" is a native of Tokyo (now Kaifeng, Henan), the head of the 800,000 forbidden army in Tokyo during the Northern Song Dynasty, inherited the family skills of his father Wang Sheng, and is a strong martial artist.

Wang Jin, the first forbidden army leader to appear in the Water Margin, is there really a person in history?

When Gao Yu was not making a career, he once learned to make a stick, but was injured by Wang Jin's father, and since then he has made a feud. Later, Gao Yu became a high-ranking official of the Taiwei, and he wanted to put the king to death for some reason. So Wang Jin fled Tokyo with his mother, and when he passed by Shijiazhuang, he taught Shi Jin martial arts, and then went to the old breed of Yan'an Mansion of the Western Army to settle down.

So is there really a Wang Jinqi person in history, and is there a gap between it and the description in the novel?

Historical prototype: There is indeed Wang Jin in history, also known as "Wang Qing", and it is recorded in the documents of the Northern Song Dynasty that Wang Jin, the general of the forbidden army of the Northern Song Dynasty (not said to be the head of the sect in the literature), offended a high-ranking official in the capital (it is not specified in the literature that it is Gao Yu), and first fled to the old man of Yan'an Xiaozhong Jingluo Mansion to guard the border pass. In the northwest, Wang Jin led his troops and fought with a small force of Western Xia, and both were victorious. Later, Wang Jin took refuge in Hebei's generals and served as the vanguard of the division and the division of the division, and in the later Taiyuan Campaign, he died in the battle with the same division.

Wang Jin, the first forbidden army leader to appear in the Water Margin, is there really a person in history?

This historical prototype can be seen in documents such as the Southern Song Dynasty historian Xu Mengxin's "Three Dynasties and Northern Alliances" and Li Xinchuan's "Records of the Years Since the Establishment of Yan".

It can be seen from the comparison that the Water Margin is based on a certain real history, and the corresponding artistic processing is carried out, not all fiction, which is estimated to be one of the reasons why the Water Margin can become one of the four masterpieces.

So, there is a question, in ancient times when the whole world was not the king's land, why did Wang Jin, who offended high-ranking officials, choose to defect to Yan'an Mansion? Can you avoid crime in Yan'an Mansion? This has to mention the breeder army that Wang Jin defected to.

Wang Jin, the first forbidden army leader to appear in the Water Margin, is there really a person in history?

The Family Army was a famous military force led by Chong Shiheng and his descendants during the Northern Song Dynasty, named after its family name "Species", which is correctly pronounced "Chóng Family Army". Chong Shiheng was the founder of this family army, and he was active on the front lines of the Northern Song Dynasty and Western Xia, and was known for his outstanding military skills and military management strategies. Known for its strong combat effectiveness and effective defense against Western Xia, the Seed Army played a vital role in maintaining the security of the northwestern frontier of the Northern Song Dynasty.

Chong Shiheng's son Chong Ge, grandson Chong Shidao and others inherited and carried forward the military tradition of the Chongjia army, so that several generations of the Chongjia left a deep imprint in the history of the Northern Song Dynasty. They won many victories in the wars with the Western Xia, effectively stabilizing the border situation, so the Chongjia army had a very high reputation at the time, and its influence even surpassed that of the famous Yang generals to a certain extent.

Wang Jin, the first forbidden army leader to appear in the Water Margin, is there really a person in history?

"Water Margin" also mentions the family army, especially the "old seed Jing slightly Xianggong" and "small seed Jing slightly Xianggong", they are respectively the seed master and brother (historical materials have different interpretations of this, some believe that "old species" is the honorific title of the seed master, and "small species" refers to the seed master or the seed). In the novel, Lu Zhishen was the magistrate under the command of the old Breed Classic, which shows the status and influence of the Seed Army in folk literature.

With the role and influence of the family army, Wang Jin defected to the border to defend the country, and it may be the best choice for the court's civil servants and external generals to turn a blind eye.

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