
It's hard to settle! Zhang Ziyu missed the championship, and Australia taught the women's basketball team a lesson!

author:Persistent spring breeze h6
{"info":{"title":{"content":"意难平!张子宇与冠军失之交臂,澳大利亚狠狠地给女篮上了一课!","en":"It's hard to settle! Zhang Ziyu missed the championship, and Australia taught the women's basketball team a lesson!"},"description":{"content":"张子宇在U18女篮亚洲杯上的表现做到了无可挑剔,五场比赛下来场均砍下35分12.8篮板,投篮命中率74.1%,这大号的超...","en":"Zhang Ziyu's performance in the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup was impeccable, averaging 35 points and 12.8 rebounds per game in five games, and the shooting rate was 74.1%."}},"items":[]}