
7 celebrities with cleanliness habits, some take a bath 3 times a day, and some are allergic to kissing, all of them are weird?

author:People who have a splendid life say entertainment

Behind the bright stars, many stars have an unknown side. Among them, the seemingly ordinary habit of cleanliness has taken an extreme form in some celebrities, and even affected their daily life and career development.

Let's first take a look at the story of veteran singer Fei Xiang. The 62-year-old mixed-race singer has conquered countless fans with her charming eyes and charismatic smile. However, what few people know is that behind Fei Xiang's enviable "big white teeth" is his almost paranoid brushing habits.

Fei Xiang always felt that his mouth was "not clean", and this feeling drove him to brush his teeth up to 7-8 times a day. Imagine that when we are still proud to be able to brush our teeth once a day, morning and evening, Fei Xiang may have completed his fourth or fifth round of "dental maintenance".

This habit of paying close attention to oral hygiene, while maintaining perfect teeth for him, makes one wonder: is this beyond the scope of normal cleanliness? Different from Fei Xiang's daily habits, actor He Hongshan's cleanliness has directly affected her career development.

7 celebrities with cleanliness habits, some take a bath 3 times a day, and some are allergic to kissing, all of them are weird?

, an actor who rose to prominence in "The Year in a Hurry", should have had a broader acting path. However, she was unable to film the kiss scene for an incredible reason – she claimed to suffer from "saliva allergies".

In the entertainment industry, the kiss scene is often regarded as a key scene to show the sublimation of the character's feelings. He Hongshan's special "allergy" symptoms directly caused her to be unable to complete many important scenes.

She once tried to create the illusion of "kissing" through misplaced shooting, but this technique was eventually recognized by the audience. As a result, this actor, who was supposed to shine, could only retreat to the ranks of supporting roles because he was unable to shoot the kiss scene.

He Hongshan's experience makes us wonder how a seemingly small habit or symptom can have such a profound impact on a person's career trajectory. This also reminds us that in the special industry of the entertainment industry, sometimes overcoming one's own obstacles may be more important than improving one's acting skills.

7 celebrities with cleanliness habits, some take a bath 3 times a day, and some are allergic to kissing, all of them are weird?

The story of Fei Xiang and He Hongshan vividly shows the different manifestations of cleanliness in different people. Some people maintain a perfect image because of this, and some people limit their development because of it.

This tells us that the same trait can lead to very different results in different situations. In celebrity families, cleanliness sometimes presents an interesting intergenerational phenomenon, and Tian Liang's family is a vivid example.

Tian Liang, who once dominated the swimming world, has now transformed into a "male god father" in front of the screen. However, what is surprising is that this athlete who once jumped into the pool shared by everyone without hesitation is an out-and-out "clean man" in private.

According to his old teammates, Tian Liang had already shown a strong tendency to cleanliness when he was an athlete. After training every day, he had to take a shower three times, as if to wipe every trace of the pool water off his body.

7 celebrities with cleanliness habits, some take a bath 3 times a day, and some are allergic to kissing, all of them are weird?

What's even more interesting is that Tian Liang's son Xiao Liangzai seems to have perfectly inherited this trait from his father, and even surpassed it. In a show, when Tian Liang reached out and wanted to touch his son's face affectionately, he was avoided by Xiao Liangzai in disgust.

This scene is both comical and warm, as if it were a mime staged between father and son. Xiao Liangzai's cleanliness performance is even more jaw-dropping. Once, he accidentally fell in the field, and as a result, he washed from dawn until dark, persistently washing his soiled clothes.

Even when it was time to go to bed, he insisted on washing his shoes. What's even more exaggerated is that Xiao Liangzai even locked himself in a disinfection cabinet! This scene made Tian Liang laugh, and couldn't help but share this moment on social media, calling his son "Hou Lang", with both helplessness and a hint of pride in his tone.

However, in this "clean family", Tian Liang's daughter Sendie has become an interesting "outlier". Unlike his father and younger brother's extreme cleanliness, Sendie is a typical "mud child".

7 celebrities with cleanliness habits, some take a bath 3 times a day, and some are allergic to kissing, all of them are weird?

In the show, she always played with mud and didn't care about whether her clothes were clean or not. This stark contrast adds a bit of harmonious interest to this family. Faced with the "two-sidedness" of this cleanliness habit at home, Tian Liang's wife Ye Yiqian seems to have become a "blender" in this family.

She showed great tolerance and understanding for her husband and son's cleanliness, as well as her daughter's "dirty". In a family activity, when the family's car was "defiled" by birds, Ye Yiqian captured the warm picture of the father and son going out to wash the car together and recorded it.

The story of Tian Liang's family vividly shows how cleanliness is passed down in the family and how it coexists harmoniously with personality differences. It teaches us that even seemingly extreme habits can find balance in the family with understanding and tolerance.

This loving family interprets the true meaning of "harmonious coexistence with different personalities" in their way. In the entertainment industry, the cleanliness behavior of some celebrities has broken through the imagination of ordinary people and reached a jaw-dropping level.

7 celebrities with cleanliness habits, some take a bath 3 times a day, and some are allergic to kissing, all of them are weird?

The cases of Yang Zishan and Carina Lau vividly illustrate this point. Yang Zishan, a powerful actor who won 3 Best Actress awards for the role of "Zheng Wei" in the movie "To Youth", has a staggering cleanliness in private.

Her home is more of a strict "hospital" than a welcoming home. All the furniture was tightly covered with a white cloth and was spotlessly clean. Even more surprising is the fact that anyone who wants to enter her home must first be sterilized, put on shoe covers and a "sterile gown".

This kind of behavior bordering on paranoia makes one wonder: Is this really a home, or is it an intensive care unit? However, Yang Zishan's behavior seems to be less extreme in front of the "old drama bone" Carina Lau.

Carina Lau has almost strict requirements for the cleanliness of the bathroom. Once when she went out to shoot, she actually replaced the entire bathroom in the hotel! This behavior is not only shocking, but also makes one wonder how she managed to convince the hotel management to agree to such an unusual request.

7 celebrities with cleanliness habits, some take a bath 3 times a day, and some are allergic to kissing, all of them are weird?

What's even more laughable is that even Carina Lau's friend Shu Qi couldn't escape her cleanliness "clutches" when she visited. Once, Shu Qi had to use Carina Lau's bathroom because she drank too much tea and couldn't hold it back.

As a result, Carina Lau found out, and her face immediately turned from sunny to cloudy. After Shu Qi left, the "innocent" toilet and sink were "executed" and completely replaced. Although these behaviors seem absurd, there may be hidden deep anxiety and uneasiness in the hearts of celebrities.

Living in the spotlight and being scrutiny by the public at all times may make them subconsciously seek an extreme sense of control. With strict control over the environment, they seem to be building a safe haven.

However, this extreme cleanliness habit also brings a series of problems. Not only can it affect the daily lives of celebrities, but it can also cause challenges in their relationships.

7 celebrities with cleanliness habits, some take a bath 3 times a day, and some are allergic to kissing, all of them are weird?

Imagine if you had to prepare for every visit from a friend as if you were in the operating room, or if you were worried that going to the bathroom would cause the host to be displeased, how long would that friendship last? These cases make us wonder: while the pursuit of cleanliness is important, is it necessary to go so extreme? Does this extreme pursuit of cleanliness really bring peace of mind? Or is it itself an outward manifestation of inner restlessness? In any case, the behavior of these celebrities shows us another side of cleanliness: when it goes beyond the boundaries of reasonableness, it can bring unexpected troubles to life.

In the entertainment industry, cleanliness not only affects the private lives of celebrities, but sometimes directly interferes with their work. The experiences of Li Bingbing and Cai Xukun are typical examples of how cleanliness can profoundly affect a person's daily life and career development.

Li Bingbing, a powerful actor who has a place in international blockbusters such as "Resident Evil", her cleanliness is mainly reflected in the extreme harshness of food cleaning.

In her opinion, the standard of ordinary people's washing vegetables is simply unsightly. Li Bingbing has an almost paranoid request for washing vegetables, so much so that in just three years, more than 20 nannies have been replaced! Imagine that these nannies may be seasoned professionals, but they have failed in the "washing of vegetables".

7 celebrities with cleanliness habits, some take a bath 3 times a day, and some are allergic to kissing, all of them are weird?

Even in variety shows, Li Bingbing insisted on washing the vegetables himself. Her washing process is "Michelin-like": she wears gloves, soaks the vegetables in salted water, and washes them carefully.

If one time isn't enough, do it again. This extreme attention to detail, while ensuring the cleanliness of the ingredients, undoubtedly adds a lot of pressure to daily life.

Li Bingbing's case shows us that sometimes, the pursuit of perfection can lead to unexpected problems. Another celebrity who suffers from cleanliness is Cai Xukun. This idol, who debuted as a "trainee", is actually a "dust allergy" patient.

This allergy makes it necessary for him to always be vigilant about the cleanliness of his surroundings. Cai Xukun often carries wet wipes with him so that he can wipe the dust on his body at any time. However, even with such care, he often had allergic reactions.

7 celebrities with cleanliness habits, some take a bath 3 times a day, and some are allergic to kissing, all of them are weird?

Once, just because his roommate had sat in his bed, he developed allergy symptoms when he sat on it again. This situation not only affected Cai Xukun's daily life, but also brought challenges to his work.

Imagine performing on a dusty stage and interacting in a crowded fan meeting, these seemingly ordinary work contents are all "wars" with allergies for Cai Xukun.

Despite these difficulties, Cai Xukun still insisted on his career, and this professionalism is admirable. His experience also shows us that sometimes, the so-called "cleanliness" can stem from a real health problem, not just a state of mind.

The story of Li Bingbing and Cai Xukun reminds us that while cleanliness may be inconvenient in some ways, with proper management and regulation, it is still possible to successfully navigate one's career while maintaining one's personal identity.

7 celebrities with cleanliness habits, some take a bath 3 times a day, and some are allergic to kissing, all of them are weird?

When discussing celebrities' cleanliness habits, we can't ignore an important factor: some cleanliness habits may stem from real health problems. The cases of Cai Xukun and He Hongshan illustrate this point well.

Cai Xukun, the idol who debuted as a "trainee", his "cleanliness habit" is actually caused by dust allergies. This allergic reaction forced him to be vigilant at all times, cleaning his body and his surroundings at all times.

In the program "Idol Trainee", Cai Xukun's trait is already known. As a "dust allergy" patient, Cai Xukun's daily life is full of challenges.

He often carries wet wipes with him so that he can wipe off any dust that may be contaminated on his body at any time. However, even with such care, he would often have allergic reactions. Once, just because his roommate had sat in his bed, he developed allergies when he sat on it again.

7 celebrities with cleanliness habits, some take a bath 3 times a day, and some are allergic to kissing, all of them are weird?

In this case, it seems that we should not simply classify it as a "cleanliness fetish", but rather as a necessary health protection measure. Similarly, He Hongshan's claim of "saliva allergy" is also worth pondering.

The actor, who rose to prominence in "The Year in a Hurry", was unable to shoot the kiss scene because of this particular "allergy" symptom. Although the symptom of "saliva allergy" may sound a little incredible, we can't completely deny the possibility.

After all, there are still many unsolved mysteries in the medical world. He Hongshan's case may be a rare allergic reaction, or it may be a physical symptom caused by psychological factors. In any case, it did have a substantial impact on her acting career.

She once tried to create the illusion of "kissing" through misplaced shooting, but this technique was eventually recognized by the audience. As a result, this actor, who was supposed to shine, could only retreat to the ranks of supporting roles because he was unable to shoot the kiss scene.

7 celebrities with cleanliness habits, some take a bath 3 times a day, and some are allergic to kissing, all of them are weird?

These cases remind us that we should try to understand the possible reasons behind the "quirks" of others before judging them. Sometimes, what appears to be a "cleanliness" behavior can actually be a self-protection measure that has to be taken.

At the same time, it has sparked a broader discussion: Do celebrities have enough space to take care of their physical and mental health in their pursuit of career success? In a high-pressure work environment, how do they balance professional demands with personal needs? These issues are not only about individual celebrities, but also reflect the ecology of the entire entertainment industry.

Perhaps, we need to build a more inclusive and understanding work environment where everyone can take care of their physical and mental needs while pursuing their careers.

Take Fei Xiang as an example, the 62-year-old veteran singer is famous for his "big white teeth". His frequent brushing habits, while seemingly excessive, did maintain a healthy mouth of teeth for him.

7 celebrities with cleanliness habits, some take a bath 3 times a day, and some are allergic to kissing, all of them are weird?

Fei Xiang may brush his teeth 7-8 times a day, a habit that is beyond the scope of ordinary people, but it undoubtedly plays a positive role in his oral hygiene. Similarly, Li Bingbing's strict requirements for food cleaning, although somewhat extreme, also ensure the hygiene and safety of food.

Her almost "Michelin-level" washing process is time-consuming and labor-intensive, but it does ensure the cleanliness of the ingredients to the greatest extent. However, when cleanliness begins to seriously affect daily life and work, it is necessary to be vigilant.

Yang Zishan's act of turning her home into a "hospital" ensures the cleanliness of the environment, but it may also bring unnecessary pressure and inconvenience to life. Requiring all visitors to wear "sterile gowns" to enter the home will undoubtedly interfere with normal social activities.

Carina Lau's behavior of replacing the entire toilet bowl because of a friend's use of the bathroom may have a serious impact on interpersonal relationships. Think about it, if every time a friend visits, he is worried that he will violate the host's taboo of cleanliness, how long can such a friendship last? What's more serious is that like He Hongshan, his career development is affected by "cleanliness".

7 celebrities with cleanliness habits, some take a bath 3 times a day, and some are allergic to kissing, all of them are weird?

She refused to shoot a kiss scene because she claimed to be "saliva allergic", which directly affected her prospects in the entertainment industry. In such cases, it is especially important to seek professional psychological counseling.

A professional psychologist can help analyze the reasons behind the hygienic behavior and provide appropriate treatment options.

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