
Shame out! The Italian champion coach is a sinner, and he contradicts himself with people! The two great descendants are not angry

author:Xiyueguan Sports
Shame out! The Italian champion coach is a sinner, and he contradicts himself with people! The two great descendants are not angry

In the first round of the knockout round of this European Cup, the Italian national football team suffered a painful defeat and was eliminated by the Swiss team by two goals. It was not an upset defeat for the Italians, as they looked lackluster throughout the game and came close to suffering a bigger defeat.

The coach of the Italian team, Luciano Spalletti, succeeded Roberto Mancini as the coach of the Italian team after taking charge of Napoli, the last Serie A champions. However, his coaching style is full of contradictions, especially in the frequent changes in selection and tactics, which can be unpredictable. He has expressed a desire to abandon wingers such as Orsolini and Nionto in favor of Inter Milan players, trying to emulate Inter's back three tactics. However, in the actual game of the European Championship, his tactics wavered, sometimes using a back three and then a back four, making it difficult for the players to adapt and the overall performance was chaotic.

Spalletti opted for a 433 formation against Switzerland, but several key players from Inter Milan were dismal in the game. Bastoni and Darmian failed to perform at the level of the Serie A champions, and Barella was quickly substituted under the pressure of the opposition midfielder. Italy also looked lackluster in attack, with Chiesa, the focal point of the team's attack, alone and unable to bring hope to the team.

Shame out! The Italian champion coach is a sinner, and he contradicts himself with people! The two great descendants are not angry

In this high-profile European Cup knockout match, the Italian national football team suffered a strong suppression from Switzerland, and Spalletti's tactical choices and player performances became a hot topic among many netizens. A netizen "little football fan" wrote on social media: "Spalletti is too stubborn, obviously the Italian team performed well in the league, why is it so bad when it comes to the European Cup? ”

Another fan, the Football Observer, commented: "Inter Milan players do have quality, but they lack consistency at crucial moments, and Spalletti's tactical swing is confusing. These views reflect the controversial nature of Spalletti's tactical choices in the game, particularly the questioning of Inter Milan's ability to perform at the Euros.

Spalletti's reused right-back Di Lorenzo in the squad was particularly poor and became a major hole in the Italian defence. Switzerland's attack was launched from his side on several occasions and managed to score two goals. The midfielder's performance was also controversial, and despite a one-year ban for gambling issues, Spalletti took the risk of taking him to the European Championships, only to make frequent mistakes at crucial moments that led directly to the opponent's scoring.

Shame out! The Italian champion coach is a sinner, and he contradicts himself with people! The two great descendants are not angry

Although the overall strength of the Italian team cannot be compared to that of Switzerland, the bigger problem lies in Spalletti's failure to effectively exploit the potential of his players and his lack of adaptability to modern football tactics. With three midfielders from Bologna in Serie A, the Swiss team showed excellent teamwork and tactical execution, and fully suppressed the performance of the Italian team.

In this high-profile knockout match of the European Championship, the matchup between Italy and Switzerland took center stage. Italy have a number of quality players of their own, such as Chiesa and Olsolini, but they are not up for choice against Switzerland. Tennis fan Xiao Liu said after the match: "It's really distressing to see the Italian team perform like this, they obviously performed very well in the league, and when they arrived at the European Cup, it was like a different team." ”

During the game, Spalletti's tactical arrangement was widely questioned. He tried to deal with the Swiss attack with a varied formation, but was unable to control the game effectively. Fans were impressed, with the 'Football Critic' writing on social media: "Spalletti's tactics have changed so often that the players simply don't have time to adapt. ”

To add insult to injury, some of Italy's key players were dismal in the game. For example, Bastoni and Darmian, who are the core strength of Inter Milan, have failed to perform at the level they should have at the European Championships. This has raised questions among fans about the continued decline of the Italian team on the international stage, and the "football experts" discussed in the fan base: "Inter Milan's players have done well in the club, but when it comes to the national team, it is like a different person. ”

Shame out! The Italian champion coach is a sinner, and he contradicts himself with people! The two great descendants are not angry

Italian football has made remarkable achievements at the European Youth Championships in recent years, but it may be difficult to cope with the ever-changing tactical challenges of football if it continues to be led by a coach like Spalletti. The early exit of the European Championship is just the beginning, and the future direction of Italian football is worth pondering.

Baggio, the Italy of the Klinsmann era is gone. As soon as this sentence came out, it immediately sparked heated discussions among netizens. Some say that Baggio represents a glorious era, when the Italian team was a strong presence in both the World Cup and the European Championship. The current Italian team is indeed very different from the Klinsmann era, not as strong as before.

Some netizens agreed, believing that although the current Italian team is also very good, it is indeed a little overshadowed compared with the past. Someone said: "Baggio represents a legendary era where not only did they perform well on the pitch, but they also had a unique spirit that the current team is missing some of that feeling. ”

There are also those who hold a different view, believing that each era has its own characteristics and cannot be simply compared. Some netizens said: "Although the current Italian team is not as strong as in the Klinsmann era, they have their own style and characteristics, and they can win the game." ”

Shame out! The Italian champion coach is a sinner, and he contradicts himself with people! The two great descendants are not angry

There are also some humorous comments, and some netizens joked: "Baggio is right, the Italian team is indeed not as good as before, it would be great if there was the strength of the Klinsmann era, but it's a pity that time doesn't look back." ”

In this regard, many netizens are full of confidence in the current Italian team, and they believe that the current team will have a better performance in the future games and rebuild its glory. Someone said: "The current Italian team is not bad, although it is not as dazzling as Baggio then, but they have the strength and I believe they will rise again." ”

By comparing the wise use of Swiss coach Yakin and the vacillation of Spalletti, the shortcomings of the Italian team's internal management and coaching organization are further highlighted. If Italy wants to regain its glory on the international stage in the future, it will have to deeply reflect and adjust the selection and tactical strategy of the coaching staff.

Shame out! The Italian champion coach is a sinner, and he contradicts himself with people! The two great descendants are not angry

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