
"Superstar" Wu Mochou: From 130 million endorsement fees to singing on the streets of the county, what has she experienced

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"Superstar" Wu Mochou: From 130 million endorsement fees to singing on the streets of the county, what has she experienced
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"Superstar" Wu Mochou: From 130 million endorsement fees to singing on the streets of the county, what has she experienced

Looking back, it felt as if just a few days ago, the colorful stage lights were still illuminating her figure, and the cheers of the audience seemed to still echo in her ears. But now? Today, in the vast small county town, on those lonely and deserted streets, she is the only one facing the wide sky and sporadic spectators. This person is Wu Mochou, who was once praised by everyone as "China's version of Lady Gaga".

"Superstar" Wu Mochou: From 130 million endorsement fees to singing on the streets of the county, what has she experienced

I remember that on the day of the winter solstice in 1992, Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province ushered in the birth of a new life, which was as full of vitality as the flowing water of the Songhua River, and she was a girl destined to have a deep relationship with music. Although the family conditions are not very good, her parents cherish every penny very much, and they tell her how to love life in this way, and cultivate her love and persistence for music since she was a child. It's a pity that God always likes to play tricks on talented people, and on the way to pursue her music dream, she suddenly suffered a major blow - before the college entrance examination, her father died tragically, which made her dream almost on the verge of collapse. However, the story of a legendary character never ends with setbacks.

"Superstar" Wu Mochou: From 130 million endorsement fees to singing on the streets of the county, what has she experienced

Fortunately, fate gave her a special stage - in 2012, "The Voice of China" was like a bright star, igniting her musical dreams. In this show, with her soulful and infectious singing voice and unique personal style, she quickly won the love of the judge Yu Chengqing, and finally in the first season of the competition, she successfully qualified as the runner-up, and one song can make the whole band show; Although she only won the second place, it was enough for her to establish her unique status and influence in the Chinese music scene.

"Superstar" Wu Mochou: From 130 million endorsement fees to singing on the streets of the county, what has she experienced

Well, you know what? When that game ended, Wu Mochou immediately became popular! A bunch of brands have extended an olive branch to her. It didn't take long for everyone to see her face and hear her voice on various occasions, and ah, she has also become the image spokesperson of international brands such as Pepsi and Samsung Electronics! It can be seen how great her business potential is! Behind all this, it is because she has the kind of influence and appeal that no one can compare with in the market.

"Superstar" Wu Mochou: From 130 million endorsement fees to singing on the streets of the county, what has she experienced

Now, Wu Mochou's personal brand is getting bigger and bigger, and it has become a hot topic of discussion in the media. Every time she appears, she always brings a strong visual impact, and those special clothes and shapes always make young people feel shocked. Of course, her unique performance style and advanced fashion concepts are not without gossip, but in everyone's praise and popularity, these have become her personal characteristics. Everyone called her "China's version of Lady Gaga", and she was really popular during that time, as if there was nothing she couldn't do, and there was no place she couldn't go.

"Superstar" Wu Mochou: From 130 million endorsement fees to singing on the streets of the county, what has she experienced

But, you know, there's always more attention and stricter evaluation behind success and accolades. Although Wu Mochou has gained a lot of fame and wealth, life in the spotlight has also made her feel stressed and vulnerable, and she has begun to face difficulties that she has never encountered before. The market's requirements for beauty have become higher, new talents are emerging in an endless stream, and at this time she is no longer the flattered star, but a warrior who wants to move forward bravely and forge ahead.

"Superstar" Wu Mochou: From 130 million endorsement fees to singing on the streets of the county, what has she experienced

No matter how brilliant the star road is, it is inevitable that there will be times when it is not liked by everyone. Wu Mochou, a singer's musical works, once emerged in the fierce market and led the fashion, but now in this rapidly changing era, her performance seems to have lost its former brilliance. The new songs she tried to put out did not receive an enthusiastic response from the market and listeners. Styles that were once seen as avant-garde seem to have been forgotten or no longer imitated over time.

"Superstar" Wu Mochou: From 130 million endorsement fees to singing on the streets of the county, what has she experienced

What's even more distressing is that for a while, the media was keen to hype her teacher-student relationship with Teacher Yu Chengqing, and there were even scandals. This unfounded hype has had a great negative impact on her image and reputation. Although both of them have come out to clarify several times, these voices seem so weak in the public discussion.

"Superstar" Wu Mochou: From 130 million endorsement fees to singing on the streets of the county, what has she experienced

In this way, after the most brilliant years of her career, Wu Mochou encountered a big bump in her career. This series of events has made her popularity much less than before, with a lot less commercial endorsements, fewer opportunities for public appearances, and a lot less attention to her works. In particular, she participated in the "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves" program, and then quit, which shows how difficult it is for her to return to the public eye.

"Superstar" Wu Mochou: From 130 million endorsement fees to singing on the streets of the county, what has she experienced

Moreover, you see that in the streets and alleys of small cities now, it is difficult to find the lively atmosphere that belongs to the center of the stage in the past. The humble stage was set up helplessly, and the surroundings were deserted, only her singing voice echoed; The occasional indifferent glances from the audience were in stark contrast to the previous warm applause. All this made Wu Mochou begin to reflect on whether his choice on the path of art was correct.

"Superstar" Wu Mochou: From 130 million endorsement fees to singing on the streets of the county, what has she experienced

At the edge of the stage, a new thing is quietly unfolding: look at that Wu Mochou, the big star in the past, is now mixed in the crowd of people in the small city who are like morning stars, singing and making a living in the streets and alleys. I want to be a stage superstar back then, but now I have to endure the cruelty of reality. But you know what? In fact, her heart is still a little fluctuating. In the stark contrast between the glory of the past and the challenges of the present, her mood fluctuated.

"Superstar" Wu Mochou: From 130 million endorsement fees to singing on the streets of the county, what has she experienced

Wu Mochou began to ponder in his heart how to go in his artistic life, and at the same time, he was also calculating how much his personal life was worth.

"Superstar" Wu Mochou: From 130 million endorsement fees to singing on the streets of the county, what has she experienced

As an artist, after so many years of acting career, she has become accustomed to being surrounded by flashing lights and attracted by the temptation of fame and fortune. But now, wrestling has become a frustration for her, and it is also the time when she realizes the true meaning of life. Fate has pushed this once big star back to the simplest and purest state of life, and it has also awakened the true musical dreams and desires in her heart.

"Superstar" Wu Mochou: From 130 million endorsement fees to singing on the streets of the county, what has she experienced

Although it is now at a low point in the industry, Wu Mochou has not given up his expectations and hopes for the future. Although there is no overwhelming media coverage and no dazzling lighting on the stage in the past, she still maintains her love for music and enthusiasm for performance; And in the process of constantly reflecting on herself, she found a way forward.

"Superstar" Wu Mochou: From 130 million endorsement fees to singing on the streets of the county, what has she experienced

Now Wu Mochou, standing on that humble open-air stage, singing desperately for those sparse audiences, her heart is full of fighting spirit and determination; The songs full of emotion, revealing helplessness and self-redemption - all this is the prelude to her fans looking forward to seeing her radiant appearance again.

"Superstar" Wu Mochou: From 130 million endorsement fees to singing on the streets of the county, what has she experienced

At this time, we began to find that the images of artists who seemed to be more tenacious and more calm and steady were gradually showing us that they were those who could carry all the joys, sorrows, and sorrows, and bravely took on the responsibility to move forward; They also understand that variety shows, no matter what, are actually just part of the publicity strategy, and real artistic talent cannot be replaced in this way.

"Superstar" Wu Mochou: From 130 million endorsement fees to singing on the streets of the county, what has she experienced

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