
Yu Zheng issued a condemnation! Wang Xingyue's studio apologized


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Recently, Wang Xingyue's studio shared the video of "Xiao Yu's battle damage", which caused an uproar on the Internet, triggering a series of controversies and discussions.

Yu Zheng issued a condemnation! Wang Xingyue's studio apologized

Wang Xingyue's studio shared a video of "Xiao Yu's battle damage" that did not appear in the TV series "Ink Rain Clouds", which instantly ignited the enthusiasm of netizens, and everyone had a heated discussion on the ending of the show. Originally, the audience was always full of curiosity and anticipation for the ending of a work, and various speculations and imaginations continued to spread among the fan base. Just like the direction of the ending of "Game of Thrones" back then, it has always been a topic of debate among fans, and different points of view collided with fierce sparks. However, this time the situation is different, as this is not an official broadcast, but an unreleased clip shared by the studio.

Yu Zheng issued a condemnation! Wang Xingyue's studio apologized

Yu Zheng expressed strong dissatisfaction with this, and he harshly accused Wang Xingyue's studio of "daring to insult my art". As one of the main creators of the play, Yu Zheng has his own insistence and understanding of the work, and his anger also reflects the creator's cherishing of the integrity and artistry of the work. This reminds people of director Nolan's extreme pursuit of detail when shooting movies, even a trivial scene has to be repeatedly pondered and scrutinized in order to present the most perfect artistic effect.

Yu Zheng issued a condemnation! Wang Xingyue's studio apologized

Some netizens broke the news that Wang Xingyue's studio had private fans. This revelation undoubtedly added fuel to the fire and further escalated the incident. Yu Zheng even resolutely stated that he would fire all members of the studio. In the entertainment industry, the relationship between celebrity studios and fans has always been the focus of attention. Some celebrity studios are able to maintain good communication and interaction with fans, thus creating a positive atmosphere for the development of stars; But there are also some problems that arise from improper handling.

In the face of such a grim situation, Wang Xingyue's studio quickly issued an apology statement. They removed the content and severely criticized and dealt with the propagandists who were responsible for reviewing and publishing the material. To a certain extent, this timely response reflects the studio's awareness of mistakes and determination to correct them.

Yu Zheng issued a condemnation! Wang Xingyue's studio apologized

The controversy caused by this incident mainly focused on the discussion of the bottom line of artistic creation and professional ethics. Artistic creation is a field that requires careful care and adherence to principles. Just like a painter when creating a painting, every stroke and every color carries his thoughts and emotions, which cannot be tampered with or destroyed at will. Similarly, in film and television creation, every plot and every shot arrangement has the creator's intention and concept. The studio's private sharing of unpublished footage is undoubtedly a kind of interference and sabotage of this creative intention.

From the perspective of professional ethics, the studio, as the team behind the star, represents the image and reputation of the star in its every move. They should abide by industry norms and ethical principles, and handle matters related to their works in a professional and responsible manner. If you violate professional ethics for the sake of momentary popularity or other improper purposes, it will not only damage your reputation, but also have a negative impact on the star.

Yu Zheng issued a condemnation! Wang Xingyue's studio apologized

In this era of rapid information dissemination, similar events are likely to continue to emerge. But we should learn a lesson from it, and both creators and related staff should always keep in mind the bottom line of artistic creation and the importance of professional ethics. Only in this way can we bring more excellent works to the audience and promote the healthy development of the entire industry.

Let's think about this incident in depth, in fact, it is not only a small turmoil in the entertainment industry, but also reflects some common problems in the current society in the process of pursuing a balance between artistic and commercial interests.

Yu Zheng issued a condemnation! Wang Xingyue's studio apologized

In the entertainment industry, where the atmosphere of business is becoming more and more intense, in order to attract attention and increase the topic, some practitioners may adopt quick success. For example, some movies deliberately release some misleading trailers or clips during the promotion period to whet the audience's appetite, but when the audience walks into the movie theater, they find that the actual content is very different from the promotion, and they feel disappointed and angry. Although this kind of behavior may bring a certain amount of attention in the short term, in the long run, it damages the trust of the audience and is not conducive to the healthy development of the entire industry.

Returning to the incident in Wang Xingyue's studio, we should also see that on the road of artistic creation, every link needs to be rigorous and respectful. Just like a classic literary work, from the author's conception to the editor's proofreading, to the final publication and distribution, each step needs to follow certain norms and principles. If there is a deviation in a certain link, it may affect the overall quality and reputation of the work.

Yu Zheng issued a condemnation! Wang Xingyue's studio apologized

On the other hand, the incident is also a wake-up call for other artist studios. While pursuing traffic and exposure, we cannot ignore the awe and professional ethics of art. For example, in order to meet the needs of fans, some artist studios overexpose the private life of artists, causing artists to lose their due sense of mystery and personal space, which ultimately affects the image and career development of artists.

We should also think about how to establish a more standardized and effective industry supervision mechanism. When similar incidents occur, relying solely on the person's self-restraint and apology may not be enough. Relevant industry associations or management departments should play a greater role, formulate clear rules and standards, and deal with violations seriously, so as to maintain the order and reputation of the entire industry.

Yu Zheng issued a condemnation! Wang Xingyue's studio apologized

In short, although the incident in Wang Xingyue's studio seems to be just a small episode in the entertainment industry, the discussion on the bottom line of artistic creation and professional ethics triggered by it is of far-reaching significance. It is hoped that through this incident, more people can pay attention to these issues and work together to promote the development of the entertainment industry and even the whole society in a healthier, more positive and orderly direction. Let us look forward to seeing more truly quality, connotative and valuable works of art in the future, so that the light of art can illuminate our lives.

Yu Zheng issued a condemnation! Wang Xingyue's studio apologized

As viewers and fans, we should also maintain a rational and objective attitude. We can give support and encouragement to our favorite works and celebrities, but we must also respect the fruits of the creator's labor, and do not blindly follow the trend and do not spread unconfirmed news. Let's work together to create a positive, healthy and orderly entertainment environment, so that the flower of art will bloom more brilliantly and colorful in the sun.

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