
Sophie Marceau and Monica Bellucci, who is the pinnacle of beauty?

author:Rural four-pot
Sophie Marceau and Monica Bellucci, who is the pinnacle of beauty?
Sophie Marceau and Monica Bellucci, who is the pinnacle of beauty?

There are so many beauties in the entertainment industry, but if you mention Sophie Marceau and Monica Bellucci, it is really tangled! Who of these two goddesses is more beautiful? Are you like me, muttering in your heart? Don't worry, let's talk slowly!

Sophie Marceau and Monica Bellucci, who is the pinnacle of beauty?

1. Sophie Marceau: Fresh and elegant French rose

Sophie Marceau, this big beauty from France, that is the peak of her debut! starred in "First Kiss" at the age of 14, and suddenly became the white moonlight in the hearts of countless people. Think about it, 14 years old, the face full of collagen, innocent eyes, like a flower that has just bloomed in spring, delicate and dripping. In "First Kiss", the little girl she played, who was ignorant of love, shy and expectant, had a little expression that was too real! At that time, Sophie Marceau had short fluffy hair, crooked eyes when she smiled, and she could melt people's hearts.

Sophie Marceau and Monica Bellucci, who is the pinnacle of beauty?

Later, she acted in "Fang Fang", which was called a smart and lively one. Wearing a beautiful dress, dancing in front of the camera, that posture, that temperament, like a fairy in the earth. Let me tell you, Sophie Marceau's beauty, that is a kind of elegance in the bones. When she is not smiling, she is cold and noble, so that people dare not approach easily; When I laughed, I looked like a girl next door, so kind. You say, can such Sophie Marceau not be liked?

Sophie Marceau and Monica Bellucci, who is the pinnacle of beauty?

2. Monica Bellucci: A sexy and charming Italian goddess

Monica Bellucci, the great Italian beauty, can attract everyone's attention as soon as she appears. Her figure was convex and backward, and her curves were as perfect as they were painted. In "The Beautiful Legend of Sicily", she walked on the street, that pace, that gesture, it was like a queen on patrol. Her eyes, sometimes charming, sometimes sad, make people can't help but want to protect her.

Sophie Marceau and Monica Bellucci, who is the pinnacle of beauty?

In the "Matrix" series, although there are not many scenes, every appearance can make people's jaws drop. That black leather coat, with her cold expression, is so cool! Monica Bellucci's beauty is the kind of beauty that makes people's hearts beat faster at a glance. She is like a burning flame, passionate and irresistible.

Sophie Marceau and Monica Bellucci, who is the pinnacle of beauty?

Third, the contest of beauty is difficult to distinguish between victory and defeat

You see, Sophie Marceau is fresh and elegant, Monica Bellucci is sexy and charming, how can this be compared? One is like a morning dewdrop, crystal clear; One is like a star at night, shining brightly. Some people say that they like Sophie Marceau's innocence and agility; Some people also say that they love Monica Bellucci's mature charm. This is like sweet zongzi and salty zongzi, each has its own good, and no one can convince anyone. If you had to choose, would you have a headache for a long time?

Sophie Marceau and Monica Bellucci, who is the pinnacle of beauty?

4. The definition of beauty varies from person to person

Actually, there is no standard answer to this thing. As the saying goes, "turnip greens, each has his own love". Some people like to be gentle and gentle, and some people like to be warm and hot.

Sophie Marceau and Monica Bellucci, they are just different manifestations of beauty. If you like to be quiet and gentle, Sophie Marceau might be your cup of tea; If you're looking for passion and glamour, Monica Bellucci has you covered.

So, let's not argue about who is more beautiful, just appreciate their respective beauty!

Sophie Marceau and Monica Bellucci, who is the pinnacle of beauty?

The editor has something to say

These two goddesses, Sophie Marceau and Monica Bellucci, are really charming in their own way. They conquered the audience with their unique charm, and also let us see the diversity of beauty. In fact, it is also the same in life, everyone has their own unique beauty, and we have to learn to appreciate and cherish it. Don't always stare at other people's shortcomings, look at others' shining points. Just like these two goddesses, whether they are fresh or sexy, they are the embodiment of beauty. We have to make our lives beautiful, don't we?