
The Tianlong-3 rocket fell, and Tianbing Science and Technology reported: The rocket body disintegrated after falling, and there were no casualties

author:Half-point 不由人
{"info":{"title":{"content":"天龙三号火箭坠落,天兵科技通报:箭体跌落后解体,无人员伤亡","en":"The Tianlong-3 rocket fell, and Tianbing Science and Technology reported: The rocket body disintegrated after falling, and there were no casualties"},"description":{"content":"前言随着航天事业的不断发展,各国对于太空探索和利用的重视程度也在逐渐提升,而作为太空探索的重要工具之一,运载火箭的研发和...","en":"Foreword With the continuous development of the aerospace industry, countries have gradually paid more attention to space exploration and utilization."}},"items":[]}