
China's U18 women's basketball team lost to Australia 79-96! missed the Asian Cup championship, and the player's performance commented

author:Nickname chasing movement
{"info":{"title":{"content":"中国U18女篮79-96不敌澳大利亚队!无缘亚洲杯冠军,球员表现点评","en":"China's U18 women's basketball team lost to Australia 79-96! missed the Asian Cup championship, and the player's performance commented"},"description":{"content":"中国U18女篮在本届亚洲杯的关键战役中遭遇了强大的澳大利亚队,最终以79比96惜败,无缘亚洲杯冠军。比赛中,球员们展现出...","en":"The Chinese U18 women's basketball team encountered a strong Australian team in the key battle of this Asian Cup, and finally lost 79-96 and missed the Asian Cup championship. During the game, the players showed..."}},"items":[]}