
My sister questioned Indonesia's treatment, Guoyu's 17-year-old star passed away, and he was just admitted to the university and gave the prize money to his family

author:Freedom of choice

In the bright starry sky of badminton, a new star fell unexpectedly, and Zhang Zhijie, a 17-year-old national badminton player, suddenly fainted at the Asian Youth Championships and finally passed away due to ineffective rescue. The news shocked the sports world and made countless fans feel sorry and sad. Zhang's death not only left behind his short but wonderful life story, but also sparked extensive discussions about Indonesia's ability to treat and the safety of the event.

My sister questioned Indonesia's treatment, Guoyu's 17-year-old star passed away, and he was just admitted to the university and gave the prize money to his family

In the third men's singles match, Zhang Zhijie and Japan's Kawano Shoujin had a fierce duel. At the critical moment of the game, Zhang Zhijie suddenly fainted on the court, and his body convulsed. This scene stunned the audience and the referee, and the ambulance personnel quickly entered the stadium for treatment. However, according to the audience at the scene, the ambulance personnel did not immediately carry out effective treatment measures after arriving at the scene, but let Zhang Zhijie lie on the ground for a while before sending him to the hospital. This behavior has sparked widespread doubts and criticism from the outside world.

Zhang Zhijie's sister was devastated when she learned of her brother's death, and she could not accept the sudden death of her brother, let alone the inadequate treatment of the Indonesian organizers and local medical conditions. She said: "Are our children handed over to you to play in a place where the rescue is not timely and the level of medical care is not up to par? Her questioning voice has attracted widespread attention and support from the society.

My sister questioned Indonesia's treatment, Guoyu's 17-year-old star passed away, and he was just admitted to the university and gave the prize money to his family

Although Zhang Zhijie is young, his badminton talent and fighting spirit are impressive. He won the men's singles title at the Dutch International and is known as the future star of the national feathers. However, the accident put an abrupt end to his future path. It is understood that after receiving the university admission letter, Zhang Zhijie also plans to reunite with his sister for a few days to celebrate this happy event. However, all this has become an impossible dream.

My sister questioned Indonesia's treatment, Guoyu's 17-year-old star passed away, and he was just admitted to the university and gave the prize money to his family

Zhang Zhijie's death has aroused widespread attention and heated discussions among netizens. Many netizens expressed their regret and grief over Zhang Zhijie's death, and also expressed anger and dissatisfaction with the Indonesian organizers and the inadequate treatment of local medical conditions. They believe that the organizers should take more responsibility to strengthen the safety and medical treatment capacity of the event to ensure the health and life safety of athletes.

My sister questioned Indonesia's treatment, Guoyu's 17-year-old star passed away, and he was just admitted to the university and gave the prize money to his family

We deeply regret the passing of Zhang Zhijie, and his short but wonderful life story will forever be etched in our hearts. At the same time, this incident also reminds us that sports events are not only a competition of competition, but also a guarantee of the health and life safety of athletes. We should call on the organizers and relevant departments to strengthen the safety and medical treatment capacity of the event, and ensure that every athlete can participate in the competition in a safe and healthy environment. Only in this way can we work together to create a better and safer world of sports.

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