
The Great Reversal! The deceased husband's 130,000 yuan deposit disappeared follow-up: The results of the investigation have been released, and netizens do not believe it

author:Simple stream f


In recent years, there have been frequent accidents in the bank, and this is not a Ms. Deng After her husband passed away, she went to the bank to check her husband's account, and was told by the bank staff that there was still a deposit of 133,900 yuan in the passbook. When he prepared the information requested by the bank to withdraw the money, he was told that the money had already been withdrawn and the passbook had been cancelled. This sudden situation could not help but cause Ms. Deng great confusion and doubts, and also aroused heated discussions and doubts among the public about the bank's management and services.

1. A deposit of 133,900 yuan was accidentally found in the passbook

Recently, a client named Ms. Tang was dealing with matters related to her husband's death when she accidentally found an old passbook. After inquiry, she was surprised to find that there was a deposit of 133,900 yuan on this passbook. This discovery surprised and delighted Ms. Tang.

Faced with this unexpected windfall, Ms. Tang immediately went to the relevant bank outlets to prepare for the relevant fund claim and formalities. Just as she came with joy and anticipation, the bank gave her an unbelievable reply.

The Great Reversal! The deceased husband's 130,000 yuan deposit disappeared follow-up: The results of the investigation have been released, and netizens do not believe it

2. The bank stated that the passbook had already been taken and cancelled

Ms. Deng, who originally thought that she could go through the relevant procedures smoothly, was told when she came to the bank that the money in the passbook she was carrying had already been withdrawn and that the passbook had been cancelled some time ago. In the face of this statement by the bank staff, Ms. Deng immediately said that she was not aware of the relevant situation, and also asked the bank to give a reasonable explanation and explanation.

The bank's response did not give Ms. Deng an exact explanation, they simply said that it might be a misunderstanding, and they would launch an investigation as soon as possible to give Ms. Deng a satisfactory answer. In the face of the bank's attitude, Ms. Deng also began to have doubts and doubts about the whole matter, and she believed that the bank's response did not solve her confusion and did not give her a reasonable explanation.

The Great Reversal! The deceased husband's 130,000 yuan deposit disappeared follow-up: The results of the investigation have been released, and netizens do not believe it

Third, the bank staff privately proposed to be private

Just when Ms. Deng was confused by the bank's response, she was suddenly contacted by someone claiming to be a bank employee, and his presence made the whole thing even more confusing. According to Ms. Deng, the person who claimed to be a bank staff member was named Wang Chao, and he approached Ms. Deng in private and offered to resolve the deposit dispute in a private way.

In the face of the dynasty's proposal, Ms. Deng immediately said that she did not know the relevant situation and did not know why the money in the passbook was withdrawn without notice. She was not willing to accept a private offer lightly, but hoped that the dispute could be resolved through a legal channel, that is, an internal investigation by the bank.

The Great Reversal! The deceased husband's 130,000 yuan deposit disappeared follow-up: The results of the investigation have been released, and netizens do not believe it

Fourth, find Ms. Deng late at night to negotiate

After Ms. Deng rejected the private offer, Wang Dynasty did not give up, but found Ms. Deng again in the middle of the night, hoping to have more in-depth negotiations with her. This unusual move also made Ms. Deng more suspicious and suspicious of the identity and intentions of the dynasty, and she began to wonder if the appearance of the dynasty was somehow related to the withdrawal of the money from the passbook.

In the face of Ms. Deng's questioning, Wang Dynasty simply said that it was a misunderstanding and hoped that it could be resolved in a private way, but this proposal was not recognized and accepted by Ms. Deng. On the contrary, she began to record and back up the whole incident and details, hoping to protect her legitimate rights and interests in this way, and let the truth of the matter surface more clearly.

The Great Reversal! The deceased husband's 130,000 yuan deposit disappeared follow-up: The results of the investigation have been released, and netizens do not believe it

5. The bank claimed that the passbook information was not updated in a timely manner

This matter has been dragged and dragged for a long time, and seeing the increasing pressure from public opinion, the bank also promised to give a satisfactory result.

Now that the follow-up has come, the bank has explained the result of this matter, the reason is that Ms. Deng's husband's account has a card and a passbook, because the card has been used, so the amount on the passbook has not changed, and the teller Wang Chao did not verify because of his unskilled business, and issued a certificate after looking at the money on the passbook.

Later, the information was synchronized, and naturally the money was gone, the so-called money disappeared at all, and all kinds of conjectures on the Internet did not exist.

The Great Reversal! The deceased husband's 130,000 yuan deposit disappeared follow-up: The results of the investigation have been released, and netizens do not believe it

If this is true, Ms. Deng may be responsible.

Wang Dynasty came to Ms. Deng just to settle the things he provoked, otherwise he would have caused such a big impact on the bank, and it is estimated that his job would not be guaranteed.

Ms. Deng's situation is more complicated, if she doesn't know the use of the money in the passbook, and the money is really secretly used up by her husband, then that's fine.

If she knew, and it happened that the teller of the bank had made a mistake, but she would have made all this wrong, and wanted the more than 130,000 yuan, then she might have broken the law.

The Great Reversal! The deceased husband's 130,000 yuan deposit disappeared follow-up: The results of the investigation have been released, and netizens do not believe it

6. The public is skeptical of the bank's response

In the face of the bank's explanation, the public still has doubts and doubts about it, and they believe that the bank has made certain mistakes and negligence in handling this matter, and has not given the customer a timely and reasonable explanation, which will lead to such disputes and misunderstandings.

They believe that such a move may damage the bank's image and the interests of customers, and they also hope that the bank can carry out a more in-depth and thorough investigation to find out the truth of the matter and give the public a satisfactory explanation.

Some netizens said that he himself is a bank clerk, such a statement is not credible, and he can synchronize the information when he inquires the balance, and it is impossible not to know the balance displayed in it.

Some netizens said that it would be clear at a glance to let the bank issue a statement, so that the natural rumors would be self-defeating.

However, the explanation given by the bank is that the teller did not brush it, but just glanced at it, but we can't help but ask, even the most basic operations can make mistakes, how can such a person get on the job.

In fact, this does have loopholes, according to our own experience in the bank, no matter what business you do, the teller must first swipe the card or passbook.

7. Banks should provide transparent and reliable information

This is not the first time that similar deposit disputes have arisen, and banks should also pay attention to dealing with such issues and give customers more transparent and reliable information to avoid arousing public skepticism and distrust.

The private behavior of bank staff may also damage the image of the bank, they should strengthen the professional ethics and norms training of employees, and should not easily put forward private suggestions, but should respect the choice of customers and give them more comprehensive and reasonable help.

8. Legal procedures and evidence should be fully respected

For similar disputes, the public should also remain rational and objective, and cannot easily believe the statements of one party, nor can they arbitrarily speculate and spread false information.

Legal procedures and evidence should be fully respected and based, and only on such a basis can disputes be resolved and unnecessary disputes and misunderstandings avoided.

9. Conclusion

At present, the bank's attitude on this matter is relatively resolute, and they said that they will carry out a thorough investigation and will also deal with the dispute according to the truth of the facts.

During this period, they also hope that the public and relevant parties can remain rational and objective, believe that the truth will come out, and also hope that everyone will not easily believe and spread false information, which will bring unnecessary trouble to the bank's investigation and handling work.

They will also carry out stricter supervision on the operation and information disclosure of employees to avoid similar incidents, and also protect the legitimate rights and interests of customers and the good image of the bank.