
served Ren Xianqi's wife, wore high-heeled shoes and stockings, and his red hair was more rebellious than his 17-year-old daughter

author:Ink marks


Fashion is a diverse field, and everyone has their own unique aesthetic and style of dressing. In the current age of social media, celebrities and celebrities have become the focus of public attention on their outfits and looks, and their every move may spark heated discussions and discussions among the public. Recently, Ren Xianqi's wife and daughter have become a hot topic of public opinion because of their outfits and styling, and their outfits have been criticized as rustic and cheap, and they have even been ridiculed by netizens as "the queen of stealing the show". In the face of such a wide range of negative evaluations, Ren Xianqi's wife and daughter are also under pressure, and many people have begun to question their aesthetics and fashion taste. So, what is the reason for their outfit and styling problems? How can you make outfits and looks that match your temperament and style? This article will start with this incident and discuss the fashion philosophy behind the outfit and styling.

served Ren Xianqi's wife, wore high-heeled shoes and stockings, and his red hair was more rebellious than his 17-year-old daughter

First, the outfit and styling were questioned, and aesthetic issues became the focus

served Ren Xianqi's wife, wore high-heeled shoes and stockings, and his red hair was more rebellious than his 17-year-old daughter

Recently, photos of Ren Xianqi's wife and daughter's frequent appearances have gone viral on the Internet, but they are not known to everyone because of their work and achievements, but because of their outfits and styling problems. In the photo, Ren Xianqi's wife and daughter appeared in red mother-daughter clothes, but they were complained by netizens because of their outfits and makeup problems, some netizens said that their outfits and styles were simply "bold", and some people joked: "Is this to become the queen of stealing the show?" It can be said that he has suffered a sharp "verbal criticism".

served Ren Xianqi's wife, wore high-heeled shoes and stockings, and his red hair was more rebellious than his 17-year-old daughter

In response to this matter, many netizens also expressed their opinions, believing that Ren Xianqi's wife and daughter have certain problems in dressing and styling, especially their overly bright red mother-daughter clothes, which not only look very "eye-catching", but also make people have a "cheap" visual effect, and its casual collocation and too heavy makeup also make the overall look "rustic", without the slightest sense of celebrity temperament.

The reason why Ren Xianqi's wife and daughter will suffer from netizens' "verbal criticism" is mainly because there is a certain "generation gap" between their outfits and shapes and the public's aesthetics, and their outfits are too bright and public, not only did not play the role of "beautifying" and "modifying", but made the overall shape "eye-catching" and "cheap", which is also contrary to the design concept of fashion trends.

Second, the skin color determines the outfit, and it is more important to choose the color that suits you

In the current fashion circle, everyone's skin color has different attributes and characteristics, and the choice of skin color has a crucial impact on the overall outfit and shape, and there are certain differences in the color suitable for different skin tones.

For example, women with yellow and black skin need to pay special attention to the color selection of their outfits, too bright and highly saturated colors are not suitable for them, not only will make the skin tone appear more "yellow", but also make the overall temperament become "cheap", yellow and black skin women should try to avoid these colors when dressing, but choose some simple and clean basic colors, such as black, white, gray, etc., so as to play a role in "brightening" and "modifying", showing the best appearance effect.

Not only that, the style and collocation of the outfit also need to pay special attention, casual collocation can easily make the overall shape appear "sloppy" and "ill-fitting", yellow and black-skinned women should choose some basic colors and simple styles when dressing, so as to be able to show their "intellectual beauty" and make others shine.

In addition, the choice of hairstyle also has a crucial impact on the overall appearance and temperament, many women in the pursuit of fashion in the process of choosing some "rare color" hair color, such as purple, blue, etc., feel that this can be "different", but do not realize that these hair colors are not suitable for everyone, improper choice can easily make the overall temperament "cheap" and "weird", when choosing a hairstyle, we must consider carefully to avoid blindly following the trend.

served Ren Xianqi's wife, wore high-heeled shoes and stockings, and his red hair was more rebellious than his 17-year-old daughter

3. Fashion should be in line with personal temperament and style

In the face of today's complicated fashion trends, many people will be "swayed" by it, and feel that only by following the trend can they have a sense of fashion, but fashion and aesthetics are very subjective, and everyone's views on dressing and styling will be different.

Fashion is not blindly pursuing the trend or other people's standards, but should be based on their own temperament and style to make choices, clothing and styling should be able to "show" their own, not "cover" their own, only in this way can they show the most real beauty, but also be able to stand out in the many fashion "army".

When making the choice of outfit and style, we can refer to the trend of some fashion bloggers, but we must make adjustments according to our actual situation, for example, we can choose bloggers with similar skin tones to "learn", so that we can better understand the colors and styles that suit us, and make outfits and shapes that meet our temperament.

In addition, age and identity are also important factors affecting the choice of outfits and styling, different age groups and identity positioning need to have different "dressing language", for example, young girls can choose some "sweet style" outfits, showing their "vitality and youth", while mature women can choose some "intellectual style" outfits, highlighting their "mature charm", only in this way can they be "just right".

served Ren Xianqi's wife, wore high-heeled shoes and stockings, and his red hair was more rebellious than his 17-year-old daughter

Fourth, inner cultivation is the real "fashion"

When it comes to dressing and styling, many people will associate it with "fashion", and feel that only by making "different" outfits and styling can they have a sense of fashion, but dressing and styling are only part of the outside, and inner cultivation and temperament are the "key" that can really enhance personal charm.

No matter what kind of outfit and style, as long as the heart is full of confidence and kindness, it will definitely be able to exude a "charming" light, and such an "aura" is the most "fashionable" and the most attractive.

In the process of pursuing fashion, we must know how to "cultivate both inside and outside", not only pay attention to the external dressing and styling, but also pay attention to the "promotion" of internal cultivation, read more, guess more, and hone our "EQ" and "IQ", so as to become a "fashionista" who "cultivates both inside and outside" and leaves a deep impression.

served Ren Xianqi's wife, wore high-heeled shoes and stockings, and his red hair was more rebellious than his 17-year-old daughter


Fashion is a diversified field, everyone can become a "fashionista", as long as they have their own unique aesthetics and dressing style, and the reason why Ren Xianqi's wife and daughter will suffer from "verbal criticism" is also because there is a certain "generation gap" between their dressing and styling and the public's aesthetics, and their outfits are not without "beauty", but they need to make certain adjustments.

When making the choice of outfit and styling, we must know how to "choose", and have our own "opinions", fashion is not blindly pursuing the trend, but to conform to their own temperament and style, only in this way can we show the most real beauty, but also to become the "focus" of the "fashion circle".

Dressing and styling are only part of the outside, what can really impress people is the inner cultivation and temperament, which is the real "fashion".

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