
Joyfully! The old lady fell and injured herself when she stole vegetables and escaped, and sued the owner of the vegetables for 80,000 yuan, and the court came out with the result!

author:Xiao Ni is on the way


Recently, a case of an old lady stealing vegetables and being discovered by the owner of the vegetables and falling and injuring herself while chasing has caused heated discussions. In this incident, the old lady was injured because of her illegal behavior, and then filed a lawsuit demanding that the owner of the dish pay a high amount of compensation. After the first instance and the final trial, the court finally made a judgment rejecting the old lady's claim, holding that the owner of the dish was not at fault and the reaction was reasonable. Such a verdict has also been unanimously recognized by the majority of netizens, and everyone has expressed their support, believing that the court's judgment is very reasonable and is also safeguarding social fairness and justice.

Joyfully! The old lady fell and injured herself when she stole vegetables and escaped, and sued the owner of the vegetables for 80,000 yuan, and the court came out with the result!

Event recap

Joyfully! The old lady fell and injured herself when she stole vegetables and escaped, and sued the owner of the vegetables for 80,000 yuan, and the court came out with the result!

Cause of the incident

The incident happened on the night of October 21, 2022, when Huang, the owner of the vegetable field at the time, found an old lady stealing vegetables in his vegetable field. Faced with such a situation, Huang immediately stepped forward to stop it, and wanted to leave the old lady behind and wait for the arrival of the police. However, the old lady did not accept this treatment, she refused to cooperate, and tried to escape. In order to stop the old lady from leaving, Huang stepped forward to catch up, hoping to stop the old lady.

Joyfully! The old lady fell and injured herself when she stole vegetables and escaped, and sued the owner of the vegetables for 80,000 yuan, and the court came out with the result!

The granny fell

In the process of chasing, the old lady suddenly fell to the ground, causing herself to be injured. After the incident, the old lady was rushed to the hospital for treatment, and the doctor's diagnosis showed that the old lady had multiple fractures on her body and needed surgery. In the follow-up appraisal, the old lady's injury was recognized as a grade 10 disability, which also had a great impact on the old lady's life.

Joyfully! The old lady fell and injured herself when she stole vegetables and escaped, and sued the owner of the vegetables for 80,000 yuan, and the court came out with the result!

The granny filed a lawsuit

Faced with the consequences of her illegal behavior, the old lady did not realize her mistake, but put all the responsibility on the owner of the vegetable field. She filed a lawsuit, demanding that Huang pay a high amount of compensation, totaling more than 80,000 yuan. In such a lawsuit, the old lady also received support from some people, who believed that Huang did not fulfill the necessary safety measures in the process of chasing, which led to the accidental injury of the old lady.

Joyfully! The old lady fell and injured herself when she stole vegetables and escaped, and sued the owner of the vegetables for 80,000 yuan, and the court came out with the result!

The result of the court's decision

The court heard the old lady's claim and finally made a judgment rejecting her claim. The court held that Huang's reaction after discovering that the old lady was stealing vegetables was completely reasonable, and he did not take drastic actions in the process of chasing, so he should not be responsible for the old lady's injuries. The court also pointed out that if the owner of the vegetable plot was required to pay a high amount of compensation in such an incident, it would encourage the thief and convey false values to others.

Netizens are hotly discussed

In response to such a verdict, it has also aroused heated discussions among the majority of netizens, and everyone has expressed their views and opinions. The vast majority of netizens expressed their support for the court's decision, believing that the court's decision was very reasonable and was also safeguarding social fairness and justice. They believe that no matter what the circumstances, the law should not give in to the lawless, let alone favor the parties because of their age or status, so that social stability and order can be truly maintained.

The behavior of the old lady filing a lawsuit has also caused some people to reflect, and they believe that in such an incident, the society should pay more attention to the living conditions of the elderly and give them more care and help. However, the elderly should not regard their illegal acts and injuries as a tool to claim benefits, and should more consciously abide by laws and regulations, and should not use their age as an excuse to carry out any illegal and criminal acts.

Joyfully! The old lady fell and injured herself when she stole vegetables and escaped, and sued the owner of the vegetables for 80,000 yuan, and the court came out with the result!

The law is fair and strict

Through such incidents, we can not only see the wrong understanding of the old lady, but also feel the fairness and strictness of the law more deeply. In any case, the law will not give in to the illegal acts of either party, nor will it favor the parties because of their status. Only under such a fair judiciary can we truly safeguard the fairness and justice of society and give everyone fair treatment.

The strictness of the law is also an important guarantee for maintaining social stability and order, and only under such a strict rule of law can we effectively deter all kinds of illegal and criminal acts, so that people dare to abide by the law, and can better abide by social norms and order. In our daily life, whether we are dealing with various disputes or facing various temptations and difficulties, we should more consciously abide by laws and regulations, look at problems rationally and objectively, and not break the law and commit crimes because of our own selfish interests, let alone regard the law as a bottom line that can be challenged at will.


Through such events, it has also given us a lot of inspiration and reflection. In our daily life, whether as an ordinary citizen or a legal worker, we should pay more attention to the education and study of the law, cultivate our own concept of the rule of law, understand and support the spiritual connotation of the law, and have the law in our hearts, so as to better safeguard our legitimate rights and interests and make positive contributions to social harmony and stability.

It is also hoped that the whole society can pay more attention to moral construction and education, cultivate the good moral character of citizens, and form a moral norm that the whole society abides by, so that under the protection of the law, we can achieve all-round human development and build a more harmonious and beautiful society.

Joyfully! The old lady fell and injured herself when she stole vegetables and escaped, and sued the owner of the vegetables for 80,000 yuan, and the court came out with the result!

Through such events, it has also given us a lot of inspiration and reflection. In our daily life, whether as an ordinary citizen or a legal worker, we should pay more attention to the education and study of the law, cultivate our own concept of the rule of law, understand and support the spiritual connotation of the law, and have the law in our hearts, so as to better safeguard our legitimate rights and interests and make positive contributions to social harmony and stability.

It is also hoped that the whole society can pay more attention to moral construction and education, cultivate the good moral character of citizens, and form a moral norm that the whole society abides by, so that under the protection of the law, we can achieve all-round human development and build a more harmonious and beautiful society.