
Kepler telescope discovered an alien megastructure? If it's true, then it's a big trouble

author:Brilliant Drops SvD


It has been 20 years since it was in space, and scientists on the International Space Station are studying and analyzing all the data to make more adequate preparations for the next space trip.

When scientists were studying the data, they suddenly discovered that there was a huge black object in the starlight next to Saturn.

But scientists have explained the phenomenon, saying that it is just a problem with the telescope.

Kepler telescope discovered an alien megastructure? If it's true, then it's a big trouble

But there is a group of people who don't think this explanation makes any sense, and that's why these people have been observing and investigating the surrounding stars, and in 2022, they discovered an incredible star.

The Kepler telescope was looking at a broken star when it discovered a massive structure that was missing the planet to which it corresponded.

Kepler telescope discovered an alien megastructure? If it's true, then it's a big trouble

What's going on here?

At the same time, scientists also got the data and analyzed the giant structure, but the conclusion was shocking, and the world was in a panic.

If this megastructure does exist, what will be the consequences for the planet?

Discovery of the Kepler telescope.

In 2018, when the Kepler telescope was observing a broken star, it unexpectedly discovered a giant structure that was about 3,000 light-years away from the broken star and had been going on for some time.

According to the data obtained by the Kepler telescope, a huge ring appeared around a broken star, which was the last structure that the star was fed and condensed into.

However, this caused panic in the whole society, and some people thought that it was because of a previous alien attack, so they began to observe the surrounding planet, which was also a wake-up call to society.

Kepler telescope discovered an alien megastructure? If it's true, then it's a big trouble

The core of the Kepler telescope is a telescope for detecting planets, and in the 16 years it has been in space, it has discovered many amazing stars, such as alien planets, meteor showers, etc.

In September 2018, the telescope went into a month-long hibernation due to insufficient battery reception, and it needed to be recharged if it wanted to work again.

Therefore, the task of scientists is to estimate the energy of sunlight received by the solar panels every day, and also to estimate the angle at which the solar panels rotate and the angle of space between the solar panels and the sun, so as to ensure that the Kepler telescope can continue to observe in the process of receiving sunlight energy.

Kepler telescope discovered an alien megastructure? If it's true, then it's a big trouble

On October 29, 2018, the Kepler telescope received energy from the sun and began to reset, while scientists kept adjusting the angle until the telescope was in the right position with the sun, and then woke it up.

The telescope worked for 8 years, until December 2020, when the position between the telescope and solar energy changed for some special reasons, so scientists began a major restoration of it.

At the heart of the Kepler telescope are its huge solar panels, which need to be flipped 60 degrees in the direction of the sun so that the equipment inside can be effectively protected.

When the solar panels rotate 60 degrees, scientists really discover how huge they are.

Kepler telescope discovered an alien megastructure? If it's true, then it's a big trouble

At the same time, it also has a small flaw, that is, it triggered a small engine failure, so scientists began to constantly adjust its angle, charge and time correction to let it slowly enter a stable state.

At the end of March 2021, the telescope began to continuously observe the surrounding stars, and on the 23rd of the following month, scientists found a dark shadow in the starlight next to Saturn, not because Saturn was in front of it, but because a star was destroyed and later repaired.

Giant structures studied by scientists.

The giant structure discovered by the Kepler telescope, the researchers conducted some research and analysis based on the data transmitted back by the telescope.

In mid-April 2019, the first study of the megastructure was sent to the Kepler telescope, and scientists found that the giant structure captured by the Kepler telescope had a connection to the collapse of the star Kluka 797.

Kepler telescope discovered an alien megastructure? If it's true, then it's a big trouble

And the huge ice ring discovered by the Kepler telescope is composed of planets inside, and there are two planets inside this broken star, and when they are swallowed by the star, the two planets carrying other forms of planets, meteors, meteorites and other objects are swallowed together, and finally converge to form a group.

After 241 years, it was forced to be swallowed up again, and finally the stars floated on the outer side of the disillusioned star, the surface of which was nearly 2,000 kilometers from the center of the planet that had fallen into the disillusioned star, and the huge debris went to the outer position, nearly 4,000 kilometers away, and finally formed a double ring between the debris.

Kepler telescope discovered an alien megastructure? If it's true, then it's a big trouble

And in the photos taken by the Kepler telescope, you can also see that the planet inside the broken star is also constantly producing debris and finally floating quietly in the surrounding space.

The researchers also found that the internal structure of this planet is ring-shaped, because it is very small, only about 3,000 kilometers in diameter, and because it was swallowed by the stars, it lost its center, and finally these debris were quietly deposited in it and converged.

But the scientists also found some problems, they found that the stars inside the structure seem to be chaotic and chaotic, but the structure shows a kind of regularity, which makes them think that there are other factors, so they simulated some experiments on the earth, and found that it is because these stars are constantly moving that this regularity is generated.

Kepler telescope discovered an alien megastructure? If it's true, then it's a big trouble

At the same time, the photos taken by the Kepler telescope also show that the structure is very beautifully shaped, as if it is a vast blooming petal, which has made scientists more interested in this structure.

The possible consequences of this megastructure.

According to the research and analysis of this giant structure by scientists, will it have a certain impact on the earth?

But scientists say that the stars inside this giant structure are small, about a kilometer in diameter, and 3,000 light-years away from Earth, and these fragments are only one centimeter in size after a certain velocity, plus the resistance of space.

Kepler telescope discovered an alien megastructure? If it's true, then it's a big trouble

So in the opinion of researchers, these debris is unlikely to have an impact on the earth, but there are also some researchers who believe that the events of the universe are unpredictable, and will these debris have enough speed for them to hit the earth?

At the same time, other cases cannot be ruled out, so it is not possible to draw a simple conclusion.

At the same time, there are some people who claim that the giant structure was made by aliens and that they may launch an attack on Earth, while others who believe that this is just nonsense.

Kepler telescope discovered an alien megastructure? If it's true, then it's a big trouble

But since the Kepler telescope discovered this giant structure in 2018 and studied and analyzed it, no new data has been transmitted back to Earth, so where is this giant structure now?

What impact does it have on the planet?

Until the end of November 2022, scientists got some data from the lunar lander launched by India and found that there was a planet on the moon, which was 10 kilometers away from the moon.

You must know that the environment on the moon is very harsh, and there is a planet that makes scientists very surprised, and after some investigation and research, it turned out that this planet is the giant structure discovered by the Kepler telescope.

Kepler telescope discovered an alien megastructure? If it's true, then it's a big trouble

Scientists simulated and analyzed the planet and found that the air on the planet is the same as that on Earth, so it can survive in this environment, but they also analyzed its consequences, but did not predict the results, so they studied the giant structure.

In fact, this giant structure is not just a planet. It is a star formed by the convergence of nearly 23,000 planets, and after analyzing it, they found that this star may have been formed by a 220 million kilogram broken star, but at the same time, some people have doubts about this structure, because in the 1900 century BC, giants became popular in the world, they have the weight of 23,000 giants, and gradually disappeared from the earth, but if you think about it, these giants will sink and float in the universe.


However, due to the limited scientific and technological conditions available, it is not possible to observe it, so scientists have not obtained some detailed data on this giant structure.

At the same time, the researchers also simulated some of the stars produced by this giant structure, and found that these stars underwent certain changes in June 2021, and their effects continued to spread over time.

Kepler telescope discovered an alien megastructure? If it's true, then it's a big trouble

If you want to conduct a more in-depth research and analysis of this giant structure, you need a rocket to go to explore, but at present, human exploration of space still has certain limitations, so it will take a long time to explore it, so this giant structure is now nothing to the earth, can you rest assured?

Nor did it have any concrete consequences.

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